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Offline Weisshaupt

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Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« on: September 08, 2014, 09:14:01 AM »
So Michelle decided the light box was going to play a new "reality" show called Utopia last night. Being very tired from fence building, I didn't fight it.
Maybe I should have.

Its exactly what one would expect. They found the 15 most selfish, immature, conflicting narcissistic personalities with poor communication skills they could  and then put then in a 5 acre lot together.  Every one of these people has some ideal utopia in their minds that they are all to eager to impose on other people. The Five acre lot has cameras everywhere, Truman Show Style, and you ( yes YOU!)  the lucky audience member can even log into the internet to watch the feeds from various cameras 24/7.

So first off everyone brings a their own load of stuff, and they are (arbitrarily) told they have to divvy up a much smaller crate and decide which of the groups possessions will be included ( as a wonderful contrived way to get conflict right off the bat) .  Michelle asked "if this is Utopia, and there are no rules but what they make, why don't they just decide that they won't do it and will keep all of the stuff they brought?"  They don't and of course set to squabbling and having tantrums just as the producers hoped.   It never occurs to them to just assign 1/15th of the crate to each person and then use it as currency.

"Who wants this bow, adjustable to any size and pull, to be available"  and see how many people are willing to give up some of their personal space in that crate for that item.  Not every one has to agree ( Liberals always want to reach a 100% agreement for any given decision - which means no decisions are made)  and no one who doesn't want to part with space for that object has to. Oh sorry, property rights  would be civilized and offensive..

The compound has running water, a hole in the ground ( that presumably runs to a septic), electricity at the front gate, a basic little house, barn etc.  They have $5000 in a safe-- which presumably every member has access to (so what is the point in having a safe?) which can be used to purchase things from the "outside world".  They have two cows, a flock of chickens, some flour, some jugs of wine and so forth. Probably enough food to last the month ( the end of which will apparently see the replacement of a cast member.. whats a reality show without the ability to vote people "off the island")

So they have to turn this bare bones, under capitalized ( but beautifully landscaped)  facility into a sustainable farm in about a month. I couldn't

So what is the first thing they do?

Right. Surrounded by cameras, live fed on the internet and then edited for network broadcast,  the young women of the group decide to go skinny dipping.  Then out comes  the 180 proof alcohol. One guy then process to get so drunk he is on the verge of sexually assaulting the women, and gets into an altercation with one of the young women who is shortly thereafter removed from the compound for de-hydration , constant vomiting and the other fun symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

Then the sun comes up.  Day two.  Time to get to work right?  No. Now its time to have a kangaroo court to decide if our drunken and offensive male gets voted off the island that day. 

Is it all scripted? Its possible.  Are there Moles inciting the stupid behavior? Probably.  However, real or scripted,  Michelle and I were struck about how the women in this group were the lynch pin - if the women don't uphold the typical social conventions, the whole framework of behavior beings to fall apart.  Eve tasted of the Apple, offered it to Adam and he took it.  If the women misbehave, the men are sure to follow. Which of course is the whole point of feminism.  The women chosen for the show ( which include of course the polyamorous)  are of the feminist ilk.  They want to prance around naked and then blame the men if they look.  Which led Michelle and I to our second revelation : Politically Correct Feminism is the American female dominated form of Sharia Law.

Sharia is basically a set of rules based on the premise that women are evil and must be controlled, so that men don't have to be responsible for their own actions.  Feminist "political correctness" ( as found on most college campuses these days)  is basically a set of rules that assumes men are evil and must be controlled, so that women don't have to be responsible for their own actions.  Because a woman should be able to parade here naked body around town and expect that men will leave her alone and not notice.  And if they do notice, the men should be fitted with blinders and restraints they prevent them from looking below a woman's eyes.

Anyway, after the "trial" in which he was put on probation, there was a half heart attempt at doing "work" - which was largely each person doing what htey felt they wanted to do. For the group of "liberated women" that meant more skinny dipping, and lazing on the grass while discussing their mensies. (I sh*t you not)  and if they would be open to sleeping with each other.. And then Bambi comes hopping across - and the woman who is supposedly good with a Bow and styles herself as a Katness , jumps up , and amazingly takes the creature down with a single quick shot.  .  No, just kidding. She says "aw" with the other women.  Because, its not like they need food.. Meanwhile a number of the men, some of whom appear to be chosen for their hot headed-ness and inability to control their tempers, get in a fight over if they will cook and eat a chicken found dead in a coup that morning. ( no one seems to inspect the body or make any real attempt to determine why it died.. one just smells it and says "its still good!" - and it might be - if it was pecked to death by the other chickens.  But what if it died of some disease?)

Also There is a fundamentalist pastor (I got heathens a plenty right here)  who had refused to go near the lake for 3 days because of these women and their behavior. . and on the third day one of these women notices it and arranges with the other women that maybe there could be "an hour"  where the women would vacate and  pastor could  bathe and cool off...

Perhaps the shows editors are just cutting any serious discussions of what to do because they are boring, and all they want to show are fights and nude bodies.

 But no one seems to be taking anything seriously. They know they can walk out the door and get food, so no one is seriously trying to make this place sustainable -- and given what they have to work with, I doubt they CAN make is sustainable - which of course is by design and will introduce even more drama as 15 douche-bags compete to make themselves look the biggest fool on the show. There were short periods where the one "prepper" woman ( single mother idiot liberal who was also skinny dipping)   was suggesting a chicken tractor etc, but it was to individuals not to the group.. so a group effort is probably not going to happen.  I am sure as the season progress someone "steals" money from the cache to go buy groceries ( Booze) , and  few people get some food production going and then refuse to share because the others sat in the lake drinking..

Of course, Michelle was interested because she was hoping  that there might actually be interesting discussions about what to do, how to do it, and what a "Utopian" society would look like..  and it may be a fun exercise for us here..  So what would you do and say to these morons?  If you didn't have morons to deal with, how would you attempt to govern this little farm (assuming it IS possible to make it sustainable with available resources.. say $150,000, and not $5000)  and what rules, rituals, processes and methods would you think might be efficacious?)
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 09:25:17 AM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Libertas

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2014, 11:30:31 AM »
I figured it would stink on ice and thus avoided it...

Seemed another reality show fustercluck is just what the brain-dead populace that comprises the majority of America today was clamoring for...

And if you cannot truly have self-government on something of a Mayflower Compact style and the means to enforce undesireable behavior (I would argue up to and including death!, well, liability-wise that would never happen but any capital offense could have an execution in effigy whereby the guilty are kicked out) otherwise such crap is doomed to failure, which I guess is the point...

And then the libiots producing this sh*t can point to the white folk and men folk and blame the usual dreck of racism, sexism, capitalism, religion etc as being an impediment to utopia...

They all can KMA and drop dead!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2014, 12:34:04 PM »

And then the libiots producing this sh*t can point to the white folk and men folk and blame the usual dreck of racism, sexism, capitalism, religion etc as being an impediment to utopia...

They all can KMA and drop dead!

Not sure its liberals producing it.  It seems like they picked predominantly liberals to be in  the show.. who say utopia needs to be based on "peace" or "love" or "respect" etc, without any firm grasp or plan of how peace, love or respect  are to be used to create this magic change in human nature.  There is one "gun nut" libertarian  (who is fine with drinking someone else's water..)  and the pastor as basically the only two right leaning individuals in the compound.. and they are abstaining from the lunacy for the most part. 

 The show, if anything , is going to highlight human nature and show how f'd up the liberal view point is and how at odds with reality the whole Leftist commune crap is.   I suspect the  producers have no agenda besides making money, and that is done on a reality show by creating drama-- and the lefties in the compound are delivering - either because that is their nature, or the whole thing is scripted top to bottom. (and by Script I mean  they are all actors - hired to play extremist douches- so they all ad lib the part assigned..)

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2014, 12:42:44 PM »
We tuned in right at the beginning, just in time to catch a piece of the "introduction" to the show and switched channels.  Time wasted:  twenty seconds.

I don't know everything about human nature -- and I recently got another lesson delivered good and hard -- but what I do know is to expect the worst and to appreciate when better manifests itself.

I don't have time for such crap, but thanks for doing the dirty work, W.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2014, 12:55:16 PM »

I don't have time for such crap, but thanks for doing the dirty work, W.

Oh heck,  I am NOT suggesting anyone watch it.  I would like to hear what people would do in that situation or how they would organize a society to mitigate the effects of human nature.

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2014, 01:13:59 PM »

I don't have time for such crap, but thanks for doing the dirty work, W.

Oh heck,  I am NOT suggesting anyone watch it.

Yes, I know that.

I would like to hear what people would do in that situation or how they would organize a society to mitigate the effects of human nature.

I'd walk away.

Our Constitution attempted to do the societal organizational work for that purpose and it worked until yaddayaddayadda.

Back to square one.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2014, 02:52:40 PM »

I'd walk away.

Our Constitution attempted to do the societal organizational work for that purpose and it worked until yaddayaddayadda.

Back to square one.

With any luck someday we will be back at square one. The leftists have all died of starvation, wars and incompetence.  Just wondering what folks would suggest at that point. Something like a strengthened  constitution sure - but the Constitution failed because the moral fabric of the country decayed. What is needed culturally in the ways of rules, rituals  and morals that might prevent or resist the rot?

Michelle thinks this group on TV is doomed because it doesn't have a matriarch - without a woman set a base-line Behavior  for the other women, the rules get broken, apples are eaten, and men just follow.  I am not sure it has to be a matriarch, but I think most of us here can agree that women are the civilizing force in nearly any culture - civilization is largely about the protection of women and children - and such protection forces men into roles of responsibility and courage instead of letting them remain mama's boys forever, and so forth.. We need to add something culturally that prevents and makes impossible adult adolescents.  A ritual forcing each and every child to slaughter and kill and animal I think is a start.  "See that? That is where your Meat  comes from..."  We need something rite of passage that forces the child to confront and face the harsh realities of life and of human nature.  We need some way of resisting the rebel culture and ensuring where such cultures exist they are pointed away from the foundations of the culture.

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2014, 03:29:14 PM »
A ritual forcing each and every child to slaughter and kill and animal I think is a start.  "See that? That is where your Meat  comes from..."  We need something rite of passage that forces the child to confront and face the harsh realities of life and of human nature.

I think we're gonna get that as a matter of course if things go down they way we're expecting.  Everybody is going to have learn to get busy living the way our ancestors used to do, or get busy dying.  And I think the younger kids, twelve and under, are going to adapt the fastest and the best.

We need some way of resisting the rebel culture and ensuring where such cultures exist they are pointed away from the foundations of the culture.

Christianity used to do that and so did the nuclear family before the media was corrupted and the government took over edumacating the skulls full of mush.

I don't think there's one solution for all time/s because Evil stalks the world always (yes, I do believe that); it's going to require constant and persistent effort, something the West has been made to forget.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline AlanS

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2014, 06:02:11 PM »
Sounds like any other reality show. Crappy.

If they're not industrious, I can't see how it can turn into any kind of "Utopia". Unless you count sucking off of the producer's money as your kind of thing.

After reading your description and thinking about it more, just what do the producers expect? Do they have tools, equipment, etc to begin gardening? Or do I have the wrong mindset entirely?
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2014, 08:43:30 PM »
Sounds like any other reality show. Crappy.

If they're not industrious, I can't see how it can turn into any kind of "Utopia". Unless you count sucking off of the producer's money as your kind of thing.

After reading your description and thinking about it more, just what do the producers expect? Do they have tools, equipment, etc to begin gardening? Or do I have the wrong mindset entirely?

Yes, its another crappy reality show.  But I think it hold the promise of sweet liberal tears being fed to unicorns, so there is that.  They have hand tools.  I saw a clip where they are pushing an old tractor (50's vintage)  but its unclear to me if that is there already or if they buy it with the $5000....

Offline trapeze

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2014, 11:24:51 PM »
I wish that I could be in charge of it. Oh, the fun I would have. I can imagine allowing several of the utopians to find a taser. Imagine the possibilities. Or feeding some of them on the sly while allowing others to go hungry. Or providing some with intel on others such as allowing them to hear what is being said in private.

The thing is...if you are going to put on a "Big Brother" style of reality show where you are essentially dealing with narcissistic egomaniacs then you might as well have some fun with them. One reality show that did this (at least to a certain degree) was the British show, "Space Cadets." In that show the producers purposefully picked the biggest pack of idiots possible and proceeded to ridicule them without mercy and without their knowledge.

I would use this as my inspiration if I was producing a reality show:

Ghostbusters (1/8) Movie CLIP - Venkman's ESP Test (1984) HD
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2014, 10:15:54 PM »
I watch, so you don't have to....

So the laugh riot tonight was when some of the  women decided it was a nudist colony and clothing was optional -- and one of the men approached them and told them that they were making some of the men in the compound uncomfortable.  And then the woman who was nearly sexually assaulted by a drunk the first night,  then complains and says he is making her feel like a slut - and ashamed ( how dare he do that!)


Then she asks how the human form became sinful. And then she  blames "organized religion"


Yeah that is right.  Religion is why exposed cleavage makes men's eyes drift down while they are talking to a woman and then get a blank stare like they are no longer listening to what the woman is saying. No that wouldn't be distraction while you are actually trying to get work done.  Seriously how can any woman possibly reach the age of 20 without realizing her naked boobs have some sort of effect on the men around her?  (See South Park: Bebe's Boobs destroy Society)

Meanwhile two guys (the ex con and the redneck who I suspect to be the producer's mole..) have split off and have established the "utopian state of Freedom" - which I suppose is meant to be the "individualist" camp - though they are of course two idiots.

They  have claimed their share of the cash ( which they wanted to spend on cheap food - rice, beans and top ramen..  )- while everyone else wants to spend the community cash on a water filter for fluoride, or preservative free this and organic that ( its day 5 and there is no garden even planted yet. )  And of course out come the snide comments about how they aren't part of the "community" anymore - as if "not belonging" would be the worst punishment imaginable.   Why they don't do something rational - like take 30%  of the community cash and give it to each member to get those things that matter most to them, while retaining 70% for the community capital I don't get..  But then the whole thing is under-capitalized. They have fish in the pond, deer walking around on the lot and they start talking about killing a cow, and worrying about the chickens not producing eggs for a day or two  because they will be "stressed out" in the chicken tractor. 

Seriously. You can eat fish a long time. That with chicken eggs, wild greens and some fruit and you won't starve. Especially if you kill a deer. But these people can't go without their regular food.

As crappy as this show is.. it is giving me some insight into how the sheeple are going to respond to a real crash and hardship situation - and they will respond poorly I think.

Offline trapeze

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2014, 11:43:59 PM »
As crappy as this show is.. it is giving me some insight into how the sheeple are going to respond to a real crash and hardship situation - and they will respond poorly I think.

Been pretty busy with business lately but I spent three hours in the prep storage room tonight, organizing, cleaning, updating shopping list...I put my faith in God for protection but God also gave me a brain to use and it's telling me to be ready for perhaps the inevitable.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2014, 06:48:14 AM »
It sounds like it would be more entertaining (at least to me) if they were allowed to experience the full untampered effects of failure...
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline AlanS

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Re: Utopia: Pretty much what one would expect
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2014, 08:33:31 AM »
It sounds like it would be more entertaining (at least to me) if they were allowed to experience the full untampered effects of failure...

Now THAT would be a reality show worth watching.
"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem."

Thomas Jefferson