Author Topic: President Nobel Peace Prize increases troops in Iraq  (Read 642 times)

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President Nobel Peace Prize increases troops in Iraq
« on: November 07, 2014, 02:33:36 PM »

Another for the "See what demons do, not what they say Dept"...what they say isn't worth sh*t!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: President Nobel Peace Prize increases troops in Iraq
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2014, 02:30:04 AM »
Yeah, that Nobel committee has got to be getting a kick out their boy wonder by now.

What we are seeing, of course, is that lib-named phenomenon, "mission creep." And it would be funny in the extreme if it weren't for the fact that President DumbAss is going to get a whole lot of our soldiers killed due to his epic incompetence. So it's not at all funny.

History will judge him harshly. I can say that with quite a bit of confidence now. I couldn't before this week. Here's why:

Most of the history writings will be by leftists. One of the more prominent history writing left wing propagandists who comes to mind right off the bat is Doris Kearns Goodwin, a certified certifiable loony over-the-top Kennedy worshiper. She and others like her will now be forced to throw BO under history's big bus because he violated the one rule that may never be violated: He tarnished the Democrat brand.

And did he ever...

He went into office with an overwhelming majority in both houses of Congress and in six years he has almost completely flipped it.

He vowed to get us out of wars and instead he has gotten us into new ones.

He has fractured the Democrat coalitions, turned one special interest group against the other.

Like Carter, he alienated himself from congressional Democrats instead of leading them or at least even cooperating/coordinating with them.

He is already being referred to as "worse than Carter" by non-partisans.

I could go on and on and you could too. The point is that he has worse than tarnished the Democrat brand, he has virtually crapped on it. The Democrats will be a generation digging out from this debacle. The only thing that they can hope for in the near term is super incredible Republican incompetence. That's something that they might get because the Republicans are stupid but they can't count on it. They must lift themselves out of the swamp they are in. But in order to do that they must first extricate themselves from the three tar babies that are stuck to them: Reid, Pelosi and Obola. They can (if they have the guts) fire Reid and Pelosi but for the next two years they are not getting rid of President DumbAss. Which means that he has lots and lots of opportunities to further poop all over the Democrat brand. Heck, his signature achievement, DumbAssCare, may not even survive his presidency if it gets whacked during the second round of SCOTUS decisions regarding the legality of non-state subsidies.

No, the leftist historians will not be kind to BO. They are going to call his two terms a failed presidency, a big fat squandered opportunity. He could have done great things, they will say. Worse, they may even do an autopsy on his education know, the stuff that the MFM was supposed to do before he was voted on in 2008. The historians may decide that the best way to paint him is as a big fraud, that we were all fooled into buying into his BS. They might even say that HRC was the real deal all along and that we were cheated out of a truly great admin from Cankles McPantsuit. Who knows how they will spin it? But I do believe that the long knives will be out for King Putt pretty soon. The lefties are pretty pissed off and they are beginning to come together on who is to blame. Give it some time. It will happen.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2014, 02:34:35 AM by trapeze »
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline Libertas

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Re: President Nobel Peace Prize increases troops in Iraq
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2014, 12:19:15 PM »
You are probably correct, the libiots had two choices - go all-in on Obamian progressive democrat agenda or throw him under the bus in favor of traditional progressive democrat SOP's of the past of which, ironically, I think the Clinton's are not seen as the standard bearers.  They have an interesting battle in their ranks brewing - the old guard liberals, the women, the Latino's, the CBC, ... all the petty self-promoting groups that seek to divide and conquer and which a leader cannot hold together without making promises to everyone.  Should be quite a show.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.