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The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« on: April 29, 2011, 11:46:25 AM »
Newly released documents from Barack Obama Sr.'s immigration file,  obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, justify "birther" doubts about the nativity story on which Barack Obama based his presidential campaign.

The documents were posted Thursday in an article by Heather Smathers on the Arizona Independent web site.  When I checked with Brian Wedemeyer, the Independent's managing editor, he confirmed, "They are legitimate documents."

A memo dated Aug. 31, 1961, from William Wood of the Immigration and Naturalization Services, does verify that Barack Obama, Sr. fathered a son, Barack Obama II, who was born in Honolulu on Aug, 4, 1961.  For the record, most birthers of my acquaintance believe that Obama was born in the United States.  That is not their issue.

Wood adds, however, that the child is "living with mother (she lives with her parents & subject resides at 1482 Alencastre St.)."  He adds that Obama's citizen spouse plans "to go to Washington State University next semester."

This document thoroughly undermines the Obama nativity story, a story that has been told almost as often as Jesus's but with nowhere near the accuracy.  Obama led with it in his 2004 convention speech and repeated it in the first sentence of his 2008 speech.

Friendly biographer David Remnick describes this story as Obama's "signature appeal: the use of the details of his own life as a reflection of a kind of multicultural ideal," and he underscores its essential role in Obama's ascendancy.

As Obama told the story in 2004, his father had grown up in Kenya "herding goats."  His mother he traced to Kansas, as he always did.  "My parents shared not only an improbable love," Obama continued, "they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation."

Obama refined his story for a critical speech in Selma, Alabama in March 2007, a speech that would define his presidential campaign.

"Something happened back here in Selma, Alabama," said Obama.  This something "sent a shout across the ocean," which inspired the Barack Sr., still "herding goats" back in Kenya, to "set his sights a little higher."

This same something also "worried folks in the White House" to the point that the "the Kennedy's decided we're going to do an air lift."

Something about Selma apparently inspired Obama to manufacture facts more flagrantly than usual.  Obama Sr. grew up speaking English and attending Christian schools.  He was working as a clerk in Nairobi, not a goatherd, when he came to Hawaii in 1959.  He came not on any formal airlift but as an independent student.  The Republican Eisenhower, not the Democrat Kennedy, was the president when he came to the United States.

Although born in Kansas, Stanley Ann Dunham (Ann), Obama's mother, was not exactly Dorothy.  She spent her formative years in the Seattle area where she earned the nickname "Anarchist Annie" under the tutelage of her hipster teachers.  Selma had nothing to do with Obama's birth in any case.  He was conceived four years before anyone outside of Alabama ever heard of the town.

The problems, of course, go deeper. According to divorce papers filed in 1964, Barack Sr. and Ann Dunham married in Wailuku, Maui, on February 2, 1961.  One has to wonder, however, whether it was a marriage in anything but name or whether there was a marriage at all. 

The immigration authorities certainly wondered.  An April 1961 memo notes, "If his USC [United States Citizen] wife tries to petition for [Obama Sr.] make sure an investigation is conducted as to the bona-fide of the marriage."

In his memoir Dreams from My Father, Obama says, "In fact, how and when the marriage occurred remains a bit murky, a bill of particulars that I've never quite had the courage to explore."

No family or friend attended a wedding.  In fact, no one in Obama Sr.'s clique seemed to know there was a relationship, let alone a wedding.  Clique member Pake Zane could not recall Ann at all.

When current Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie and Zane visited their friend in Nairobi in 1968, Barack Sr. shocked them by never once inquiring about his presumed wife and 6-year-old son.

The facts get more problematic still.  After the birth of baby Barry in August 1961, Ann left for Seattle as soon as the doctors cleared her to travel. Once there, she enrolled at the University of Washington, not Washington Sate.  Barack Sr. stayed behind in Hawaii.

The apolitical Washington state historical blog, HistoryLink, now confirms Ann's presence in the fall of 1961, identifies her Capitol Hill apartment in Seattle, names the courses she took, and documents an extended stay by Ann and little Barry into the summer of 1962.

If that is not proof enough, the 1961-1962 Polk Directory confirms an "Obama Anna Mrs studt" at the Capitol Hill address.

Somehow, this information escaped Obama's official campaign biography, Dreams, and four book-length biographies I consulted when researching my book Deconstructing Obama.  Remnick's 2010 biography, The Bridge, concedes Ann's escape to Seattle but fudges the dates.

Even Janny Scott, the New York Times reporter who wrote the new biography, A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mother, plays with the timeline.  Ann Dunham promptly became pregnant, Scott writes in a New York Times excerpt, "dropped out of school, married him and gave birth shortly before their union ended."  No, based on these documents, the union, if there was one, ended before Obama was born.

By the time mom and son returned to Hawaii in the summer of 1962, Barack Sr. had long since left for Harvard.  There was no Obama family, never was, no "abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation" save on the teleprompters at the 2004 convention.

Obama knew all of this when he gave his televised Big-Brotherly talk to America's coerced schoolchildren in September 2009.  It did not stop him from dissembling.

"I get it," he told the kiddies.  "I know what that's like.  My father left my family when I was two years old, and I was raised by a single mother."  Does it get lower?

For the last two years or more, many in the birther community knew that Obama's "multicultural ideal" was based on a lie.  Knowing that Obama was capable of lying about the first two years of his life, they had no reason to believe he was telling the truth about his birth, especially given the lengths he had gone to in order to protect his birth certificate.

For their part, the major media -- almost to a person -- were doing everything in their power to protect the lie.  This was unprecedented on the sunny side of the Iron Curtain.  {"The American Soviet" in action.  Again, not "we"; THEY. - P}  The birthers had absolutely no reason to believe the media.

The media proved especially ignorant in their discussion of Obama's birth certificate.  Last week, ABC's George Stephanopoulos set a new media low in his ambush of Rep. Michele Bachmann.  In full partisan fury, he waved a copy of Obama's certification of live birth in her face as excitedly as if he had just discovered Al Capone's vault.

"Well I have the president's [birth] certificate right here," crowed the clueless Stephanopoulos, utterly unaware he had no such thing.  Worse, what he did have had been floating around the Internet since 2008.  "It's certified, it's got a certification number."  Neither he nor his media colleagues seemed to know how foolish this spectacle appeared to the millions of Americans who knew better.

Given the historic performance of the president, and of the media, I think our birther friends are allowed a little grace time before they accept this new immaculately conceived certificate of live birth as Gospel.  We would hate to have this too prove "fake but accurate."

Anyone else seeing confirmation of the reality that Obama is a pathological liar, lying even when it is of no benefit to him?
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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2011, 12:35:11 PM »
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2011, 12:48:00 PM »
A pathalogical liar?  Barry?!

He says he remembers being born.

You be the judge.
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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2011, 12:50:58 PM »

BHO Sr a low-life POS?!

Obviously Harvard and the State Dept were riddled with racists in 1964.

What did he do?  Part of the team that whacked JFK?

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2011, 12:57:59 PM »

BHO Sr a low-life POS?!

Obviously Harvard and the State Dept were riddled with racists in 1964.

What did he do?  Part of the team that whacked JFK?


Not that I'm aware of.  Read the piece; it's very interesting in that something was amiss with Obama Sr., recognized, and Harvard explicity asked that his visa not be renewed so they could boot him.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2011, 01:23:11 PM »

BHO Sr a low-life POS?!

Obviously Harvard and the State Dept were riddled with racists in 1964.

What did he do?  Part of the team that whacked JFK?


Not that I'm aware of.  Read the piece; it's very interesting in that something was amiss with Obama Sr., recognized, and Harvard explicity asked that his visa not be renewed so they could boot him.

I did read it, nothing specific mentioned, hence my speculation.  Harvard seemed more than willing to help show him the door out of country.

But even if asked, Barry would deny any knowledge.  He remembers his birth, but not his daddy, he always needs help when it comes to constructing his daddy!
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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2011, 01:29:17 PM »
This just gets weirder and weirder.
If someone wrote this story, it would be labelled outlandish and unbelievable

You couldn't make this stuff up.

I feel sorry for us, but feel sorry for how f**ked up they made that kid

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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2011, 01:33:04 PM »

BHO Sr a low-life POS?!

Obviously Harvard and the State Dept were riddled with racists in 1964.

What did he do?  Part of the team that whacked JFK?


Not that I'm aware of.  Read the piece; it's very interesting in that something was amiss with Obama Sr., recognized, and Harvard explicity asked that his visa not be renewed so they could boot him.

I did read it, nothing specific mentioned, hence my speculation.  Harvard seemed more than willing to help show him the door out of country.

But even if asked, Barry would deny any knowledge.  He remembers his birth, but not his daddy, he always needs help when it comes to constructing his daddy!

Excuse plz; I azzumed.

Can't imagine Harvard making the same request today - raaacist, you know.

Duh Wun has made up too may conflicting stories about Daddy; I doubt anybody - even the Blacks - believe him any longer.  What stands, is that to them, it doesn't matter.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2011, 01:41:53 PM »

I did read it, nothing specific mentioned, hence my speculation.  Harvard seemed more than willing to help show him the door out of country.

He wanted to walk across Harvard Yard to class . They wanted him to mow Harvard Yard instead . Big difference !

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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2011, 01:44:07 PM »
That is where we are in latter day America...

" doesn't matter..."


Nations can easily crumble when their foundations are laid waste.


Too many people desire to learn the hard way.  And learn they shall.  And I will have little mercy for them when the time comes. So their pain will be exponentially greater, guaranteed.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.


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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2011, 01:58:32 PM »

Y'all too young to know.  He was a commie and commies were bad news back then. At least in publik.


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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2011, 03:32:23 PM »
Drilling through the linked articles: 

The earliest dated image is found scrolling from the bottom.  It's very interesting.  Cashill's assertion is that neither Harvard nor the INS at State wanted him here.  From 1961 there was talk of not renewing his exemption.
At one place he is referred to as slippery. 

#39 Memo for file (1961)

has been running around with several girls

Reccomend subject be closely questioned before extention is granted

If his USC wife trys to petition for him make sure an investigation is conducted as to the bona-fide of the marriage.

Dana Klotzel:  another woman (Kenyan) he has been running around with flew to London and will not be allowed back in US

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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2011, 03:58:33 PM »
There is just a putrid stench surrounding Obama and his past. I can't believe so many people don't care about the laxity in the media in going after this guy's HIDDEN records.  Sadly, I think a lot of these uncomfortable facts won't be revealed until we are all dead and gone.

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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2011, 05:16:09 PM »

I feel sorry for us, but feel sorry for how f**ked up they made that kid

Me too. A kid never gets over those feelings of abandonment.  But libs don't see anything wrong with BO because they think things like intact families don't matter.
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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2011, 06:06:45 PM »
Drilling through the linked articles: 

The earliest dated image is found scrolling from the bottom.  It's very interesting.  Cashill's assertion is that neither Harvard nor the INS at State wanted him here.  From 1961 there was talk of not renewing his exemption.
At one place he is referred to as slippery. 

#39 Memo for file (1961)

has been running around with several girls

Reccomend subject be closely questioned before extention is granted

If his USC wife trys to petition for him make sure an investigation is conducted as to the bona-fide of the marriage.

Dana Klotzel:  another woman (Kenyan) he has been running around with flew to London and will not be allowed back in US

Bottom line - the parents weren't legally married here; he already had a wife in Kenya.

What a pair.  What a spawn.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2011, 06:28:30 PM »
I'm not a shrink, but lying about ones sordid upbringing usually is based in embarrassment. ( we have all "lied" about a certain grandfather or unseemly uncle) I'm sure he yurned for a "normal" family, but didn't have it. Probably explains his drugged teen years,alleged poor grades, his alleged experimentation with homosexuality.... Thus keeping his records sealed to hide the real truth. It's why obama believes he remembers his birth. Why wouldn't he? Denial in these instances is extremely strong. I believe it is why he becomes extremely agitated when faced with his truth..... So the story has grown into a rather large exaggeration because his party, his drug of today, does not hold him responsible. He belongs to a party which can justify anything and a media covering for the untruth of the obama childhood. He gravitated to people which made him "feel good".

Now, he finds himself in the most powerful position in the world...Put there because his past and experience ignored..... so the embellishment by obama grows and grows. Liberalism called him....because it is amoral, no justification required. Thus his friends. His justification of thier actions. His "dream" to end all suffering. If there is an honest shrink, he would be a classic field study.

In other words, obama is a loon. Mentally imbalanced. Drugged out on power. Ignores rules. He is a psycopath. Dangerous. Imbalanced.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.


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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2011, 08:24:40 PM »
He wasn't married.

Per this conversation with Mrs. McCabe it is clear that Mr. Obama was divorced.

Image #39


Mrs. McCabe further states that Subject has been running around with several girls since he first arrived here and last summer she cautioned him about his playboy ways.  Subject replied that he would "try" to stayaway from the girls. <2 lines redacted>
                                                              Subject told Mrs. McCabe that in Kenya all that is necessary to be divorced is to tell the wife that she is divorced and that constitutes a legal divorce.  Subject claims to have been divorce from his wife in Kenya in this method.

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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2011, 08:44:53 PM »
A pathalogical liar?  Barry?!

He says he remembers being born.

You be the judge.

Well after all - he was there and you weren't, so there:P


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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2011, 06:18:58 PM »

From Democrat mouthpiece Politico

Harvard administrators, the memo stated, “were having difficulty with his financial arrangements and couldn’t seem to figure out how many wives he had.”

An earlier INS memo from McKeon said that while the elder Obama had passed his exams and was entitled on academic grounds to stay and complete his thesis, the school was going to try and “cook something up to ease him out.”

“They are planning on telling him that they will not give him any money, and that he had better return to Kenya and prepare his thesis at home,” the memo stated.

Read more:

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Re: The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2011, 11:00:57 AM »
I have clearly and unequivocally stated in the past that I believe that President Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Obama was born in Hawaii. To a single white mother fathered by a married Black alien with a student visa. That being said . . .

Does this Birther II Movement mean anything to me?

There are many Americans who believed as I did, that the President has been and will continue to be a legitimate American citizen. There are those who have taken some time to rethink and re-examine the reasons for their prior beliefs. Then, the President released a PDF of his Long Form Birth Certificate to the great joy of his supporters and to the chagrin of his opponents. The Main Stream Conservative Press has virtually joined in the chorus of "Game Over, Man." They have postulated that anyone who now doubts the legitimacy of the Immaculation Document (also known as the Long Form Birth Certificate, or LFBC) is a certifiable conspiracy theorist lunatic. This, from Michelle Malkin, Fox News and other loyal conservative writers and pundits. All right, may I say something?


I am not one to jump on any conspiratorial bandwagon. I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald shot President Kennedy. I believe that Sirhan Sirhan was a lone gunman. I believe that Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. Further, I also admit that the President's policies and appointments trouble me greatly. However, I have come to the singular conclusion that this PDF LFBC is BS. There are those who have come out and posted their hypothesis on the internet and YouTube. They make sense to me. Where are the "Experts" who can take apart the arguments made that the LFBC is a hastily crafted photoshop/Adobe work of fiction.

I must conclude with the premise of this thread. Obama's LFBC had to be changed in order to achieve a consistency with the self-written narrative of his story-book beginning, his citizenship notwithstanding.
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