Topics > 2nd Amendment/Firearms

ATF quietly vested with property seizure-forfeiture power

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Well, if there is no hope WTF are you doing here?

Also...until the Manchurian B. Hussein O came along "hope" used top mean something...just like "truth" and "American Exceptionalism" used to mean things...

There's no hope. The US will be lucky to last another 30 years.

The best we can do now is to warn people to study history and prepare.

The USA is a bankrupt warmongering police state.

The line has been crossed. The Bill of Rights will never be restored.
Even if the government said that they have ended
NSA wiretapping, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, and secret FISA courts, who
would believe them?

The 1% appears intent on causing an economic collapse, a civil war, and WWIII.

Those fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.

The New Yorker.

Ron Paul's greatest quips.

Is that it?

Most people would prefer to ignore a hard fact rather
than face it.


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