Topics > Faith & Family

Right of Conscience



Yep. You can't refuse to bake a cake for Gays because you disapprove of their ceremony, but they can refuse to bake a cake for you because they don't approve of your message.

And of course the Liberals celebrate again feeling the power of their rank hypocrisy.
There will be no mercy. 

The rights they take away now will be multiplied upon them later...

No mercy.

So the government hijacks a religious sacrament and coerces people to participate.  A state religion has now been established?  When did the first amendment get repealed?  Oh, yeah, this admin just ignores what is inconvenient to their agenda.  ::rockets::  The masses will eventually take umbrage.  Maybe even action.  ::rockets:: ::rockets::

Even after they won their first case in SCOTUS...Constitution-hating deviants in Colorado still going after baker Phillips!

So, that any court continuing this farce is illegitimate and should be rendered into landfill.

Sick, evil and twisted is everywhere...


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