Author Topic: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now  (Read 40302 times)

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Offline Libertas

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Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« on: September 08, 2015, 08:01:40 AM »
Refugees of Obama's Airhead Spring or just the usual "let's go to greener pastures and feed like mad parasites" or just more infiltration of Mohammadans in the soft underbellys of the world...

...and place like Hungary, in a rare show of sanity, don't want them.  But other take this trash in, our Dear Leader included.

Until people go Vlad the Impaler on them it is only going to get worse.
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Offline Glock32

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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2015, 12:46:38 PM »
Yeah Germany wants 500k per year.  The Netherlands, France, and UK are also falling all over themselves pledging to settle them.  And who would've guessed, but the German capitulation has only created a positive feedback loop at the source as more are now emboldened to enter Europe.

Meanwhile, the filthy rich oil states of the Persian Gulf have taken in exactly zero of their coreligionists.
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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2015, 03:07:43 PM »
French and British police attempting to keep migrants from entering the English Channel Tunnels.   Over 2000 attempts in 1 day alone.

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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2015, 03:21:13 PM »
Question: Why are these people being called "migrants" as opposed to "refugees", when clearly they are refugees? Obviously it a choice by the Leftists to steer the narrative. But to what perceived advantage?

Do they believe that calling them migrants - indicating that they are just choosing to move from one place to another - will obscure the fact that they are fleeing genocide? That seems to be the logical answer. But then I still ask, why? Are they trying to keep the Western world from joining together in humanitarian outcry? Again, why?
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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2015, 05:23:50 PM »
They're not fleeing genocide, a great majority anyway and they're not migrants or refugees; they could have gone to any other ME country -- some could have just stayed in Turkey -- but they're invading Europe, and that's exactly what it is, an invasion.

I saw a Youtube of a Lefty French woman in Calais breaking her ass cooking meals and taking donated food to the "migrant" camps; she kept saying "they're hungry".  In one instance, they mobbed her and her "team" -- she wanted to give out the parcels to each instead of having the camp leader dole it out -- and when she became frightened and drove away, the scum jumped in the back of the van and threw all the food out the back of the van.  In another, she brought donated canned "halel" food to a 'slim camp and they mocked and rebuked her, and dumped the food on the ground because it was three months past the "expiry" date.

Look around for the story about that little drowned boy whose father comes from two-three different places; very different accounts, very little  truth.

Somebody is orchestrating this, just as our deluge from below our southern border was orchestrated.
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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2015, 09:21:52 PM »
but they're invading Europe, and that's exactly what it is, an invasion.

You are absolutely correct Pan. There was a story dateline Lesbos where a number equal to a quarter of the local population had forced their way ashore and then scuttled their rafts and boats to eliminate the possibility of being ejected. They are shoving the residents out of the way and taking over.

If it were me I would push them into the ocean - sink or swim I DGAD.

No one is standing up to them and by the time the extremity of the situation truly sinks in it will be too late.

The plague is overtaking Europe and we are next.

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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2015, 10:14:19 PM »
"End Times: Europe crumbles under the devastating Impact of Mass Immigration"

Immigration my ass.

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Offline Libertas

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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2015, 07:05:34 AM »
An invasion invited by encouraged by and funded by progressive traitors in their midst...and we have the same treasonous scum calling the shots in this so-called nation as well...Europe is merely deeper in the chute to Hell than we are, we are headed the same's just people here have their heads shoved so far up their asses, they insanely think our brand of pc/diversity/multi-culti nirvana is better than Europe's, that the feral uprisings in Ferguson etc is nothing to worry about, that masses of unassimilating foreigners coming here from every Hellhole on earth, many of them Isslamic, can be absorbed free of consequence.  They think nothing bad will ever happen here.

If they are right it is only because one or all of the unsustainable factors (economic/political/social) already kicked off our civil war.

Damn progs, damned prog enablers!  Damn them all to Hell!  I will not forget.  I will not forgive, that is the provenance of God, I'll merely expedite the introduction.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 07:09:15 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2015, 07:53:51 AM »

It seems like this is relatively simple. Arm your citizens and pass a law making it legal to shoot (and if required to kill)  an immigrant for being rude or refusing to adapt to the in country customs. If they riot, send in the army and kill every one on the streets.  Should send a clear message about who is in charge and who is a unwanted guest who better mind their manners and assimilate if they want to stay.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2015, 12:09:55 PM »

It seems like this is relatively simple. Arm your citizens and pass a law making it legal to shoot (and if required to kill)  an immigrant for being rude or refusing to adapt to the in country customs. If they riot, send in the army and kill every one on the streets.  Should send a clear message about who is in charge and who is a unwanted guest who better mind their manners and assimilate if they want to stay.

Heh, funny.  Right, but funny...Progs will see the politically-incorrect/anti-diversity/anti-multi-culti folks as the problem...not the rampaging filth in the streets...

It's a race to see if the Progs and the filth can destroy everything first or if a breaking point is reached whereby the indifferent start giving a sh*t.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2015, 12:17:07 PM »
The Syrian refugee crisis that the media bleats about is not a crisis. And the Syrian refugees it champions are often neither Syrians nor refugees. Fake Syrian passports are cheaper than an EU politician’s virtue and easier to come by. Just about anyone who speaks enough Arabic to pass the scrutiny of a European bureaucrat can come with his two wives in tow and take a turn on the carousel of their welfare state.

Or on our welfare state which pays Christian and Jewish groups to bring the Muslim terrorists of tomorrow to our towns and cities. And their gratitude will be as short-lived as our budgets.

The head of a UNHCR camp called Syrian refugees "The most difficult refugees I've ever seen. In Bulgaria, they complained that there were no jobs. In Sweden, they took off their clothes to protest that it was too cold.

In Italy, Muslim African “refugees” rejected pasta and demanded food from their own countries. But the cruel Europeans who “mistreat” migrants set up a kitchen in Calais with imported spices cooked by a Michelin chef determined to give them the stir-fried rabbit and lamb meatballs they’re used to. There are also mobile phone charging stations so the destitute refugees can check on their Facebook accounts.

It had to be done because the refugees in Italy were throwing rocks at police while demanding free wifi.

This is the tawdry sense of entitlement of the Syrian Muslim refugee that the media champions.

Hussein said: "We have the feeling that the aid workers are heartless." (He) lives in a trailer that cost $3,000. The air-conditioner runs with electricity he is tapping from the Italian hospital. The water for his tea is from canisters provided by UNICEF. He hasn't worked, paid or thanked anyone for any of it.”

And why would he? He’s entitled to it by virtue of his superiority as a Muslim and our inferiority as infidels. There is no sense of gratitude. Only constant demands as if the people who drove out their own Christians and Jews have some moral claim on the charity of the Christians and Jews of the West.

The media howls that the Syrian refugee crisis is our fault. That is a lie.

What is happening in Syria is a religious civil war fought over the same ideologies as the ones practiced by the vast majority of the refugees. This is an Islamic war fought to determine which branch of Islam will be supreme. It is not a war that started last week or last year, but 1,400 years ago.

We can’t make it go away by overthrowing Assad or supporting him, by giving out candy or taking in refugees. This conflict is in the cultural DNA of Islam. It is not going anywhere.

This war is not our fault. It is their fault.

There are Christian and non-Muslim minorities who are genuine refugees, but the two Muslim sects whose militias are murdering each other are not victims, they are perpetrators. Just because Sunnis are running from a Shiite militia or Shiites from a Sunni militia right now doesn’t make them victims.

The moment that their side’s militia wins and begins slaughtering the other side, the oppressed will become the oppressors. Such shifts have already taken place countless times in this conflict.

The refugees aren’t fleeing a dictator, they’re fleeing each other while carrying the hateful ideologies that caused this bloodshed with them.

We aren’t taking in people fleeing the civil war. We’re taking in their civil war and giving it a good home.


Sultan Knish via Fran Porretto.
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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2015, 12:29:43 PM »
Yup.  But hey, Germany thinks they can take in 500k/year for several years.  Should be a hoot watching that.

And yeah, we are at risk of contracting this contagion, especially with asswipes like O'Reilly saying we have to take in these crap-tossers!

Idiot!  We don't have to accept sh*t, nor will we!

And hey, enough of this "we do not/cannot do mass deportations" BS!

Yes, we effing can!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Glock32

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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2015, 12:29:54 PM »
Here's what disproves the "refugee" bullsh*t.  Even the UN has acknowledged, in its assessments, that of the refugees 12% are women, 13% are children, and the rest -- a whopping 75% -- are men.  If these were ordinary families fleeing for their lives, you'd see a much more even breakdown between men and women.

No, what this is is a Trojan Horse disgorging its contents inside the enemy's walls.  The Greeks who used the Trojan Horse knew the occupants of Troy would be fascinated with it.  They used their enemy's preferences and values against him to create something they'd be likely to bring within their walls.  Same thing here.  The modern day West's preferences and values are all about this diversity schlock, and suicidal compassion for "the Other."

This is an invasion of Europe by hundreds of thousands -- soon to be millions -- of fighting age Muslim men.  I'll tell you this, any time I read a comment on one of the news articles by some idiotic pollyanna saying how these are a great benefit to the economy of Germany, I feel myself slipping into murderous rage.

The West has become a fundamentally feminine society.  One of the key traits of masculine strength and authority is the willingness to undertake the unpleasant tasks because they must be done.  The feminine trait is to always seek compromise and avoid confrontation -- though usually this only results in a mirage of compromise.
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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2015, 01:40:21 PM »
Apparently, my feminine traits lost something in translation, then.  Not that I disagree with you on the premise, Glock.

The video I posted above show who the "refugees" are; most are young males.  In the first part of the vid, they're all young, Black males, and VIOLENT.

I'd be a lot less depressed right now if I thought there was something else I could do besides just sit and watch.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Libertas

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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2015, 02:53:00 PM »
War Game it.

Envision this in your area...think about how you could react...and run scenarios at it.

It's about the only productive end I can see to watching crap like that!  Otherwise it just gets me steamed.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline John Florida

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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2015, 04:06:34 PM »
  The only reason that doesn't happen here is we have weapons and they know it.
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Offline Glock32

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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2015, 04:31:41 PM »
Apparently, my feminine traits lost something in translation, then.  Not that I disagree with you on the premise, Glock.

The video I posted above show who the "refugees" are; most are young males.  In the first part of the vid, they're all young, Black males, and VIOLENT.

I'd be a lot less depressed right now if I thought there was something else I could do besides just sit and watch.

I was thinking of one of Ann Barnhardt's rants when I wrote that.  The feminine strength -- the instinct to nurture, to heal rifts in the group, to establish consensus -- is a very important part of holding together families, tribes, nations.  It's a necessary corollary to the masculine.  But it is positively disastrous when it gets twisted into altruism for The Other.
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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2015, 04:52:51 PM »
Apparently, my feminine traits lost something in translation, then.  Not that I disagree with you on the premise, Glock.

The video I posted above show who the "refugees" are; most are young males.  In the first part of the vid, they're all young, Black males, and VIOLENT.

I'd be a lot less depressed right now if I thought there was something else I could do besides just sit and watch.

I was thinking of one of Ann Barnhardt's rants when I wrote that.  The feminine strength -- the instinct to nurture, to heal rifts in the group, to establish consensus -- is a very important part of holding together families, tribes, nations.  It's a necessary corollary to the masculine.  But it is positively disastrous when it gets twisted into altruism for The Other.

Particularly when it's allowed to become dominant over the masculine.

I've come to understand and agree with the Biblical prohibition against "wives" preaching, especially when I hear Anne Graham.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Things are really getting nasty in Europe now
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2015, 08:13:18 PM »

I was thinking of one of Ann Barnhardt's rants when I wrote that.  The feminine strength -- the instinct to nurture, to heal rifts in the group, to establish consensus -- is a very important part of holding together families, tribes, nations.  It's a necessary corollary to the masculine.  But it is positively disastrous when it gets twisted into altruism for The Other.

You know, I am close enough geographically  there is a good chance I will be following Saint-General Barnhardt  into battle. Like it or not she has "masculine" strength.  Its probably also the reason she is unmarried. There are few men who can be more masculine than her. But she is the exception tthat proves the rule..

I once met a woman who declared to me that "if only women ruled the world, we would have peace"  - and that is exactly the reason women can't be allowed to rule - they are, as a group, extremely bad at self-examination and introspection.  If women ruled the world, the runner up and her pals would gang up and attack the prettiest one and her entourage ( Bitch! Who does she think she is?!?)  - and once hostilities started, there would NEVER be an end to them. Two men go outside, get in a scuffle - one wins and they can go back in and drink together. Women fight (and it need never come to blows - just harsh words) - and the looser will keep that  grudge  forever.  I think misguided altruism toward the other would be the least of the worlds problems.. Altruism is a luxury that could not be long afforded in a world where women are responsible for providing the protection from evil.