Author Topic: How Will Trump Move Forward??  (Read 1252 times)

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Offline sfetter

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How Will Trump Move Forward??
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:10:58 AM »
Well, Most of us got what we wanted, or at least the lesser of the evils and it has already started.  The protests just keep growing. And we all know that the progressives just will not accept any other way of thinking other than their own.  So while current leaders make speeches about unity, I am confident it is the gov behind these protests.  This is their worst nightmare and they will never stop complaining about it or trying to change it.

Further, I will be truly amazed if their is not a major terror attach within the first 6 months of his term.  Particularly since Uma and the Clintons have direct ties to our enemies including isis.

Personally, I am so releaved  that Trump got in, even knowing that at best he will only slow down the big machine that is destroying this country.  So it it really going to be interesting to see how Trump reacts to all of these things.  In the meantime I am enjoying seeing all the crying.  I really hope that we adopt more of a progressive attitude at dealing with these un-American infulences, the way they have treated conservatives.  Which is -  Sit down - Shut up - and Do what you are told!!  (Polite Version)  (We can move to the not politically correct version if we have to)

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: How Will Trump Move Forward??
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 08:51:49 AM »
Well, Most of us got what we wanted, or at least the lesser of the evils and it has already started.  The protests just keep growing. And we all know that the progressives just will not accept any other way of thinking other than their own.  So while current leaders make speeches about unity, I am confident it is the gov behind these protests.  This is their worst nightmare and they will never stop complaining about it or trying to change it.

Further, I will be truly amazed if their is not a major terror attach within the first 6 months of his term.  Particularly since Uma and the Clintons have direct ties to our enemies including isis.

Personally, I am so relieved   that Trump got in, even knowing that at best he will only slow down the big machine that is destroying this country.  So it it really going to be interesting to see how Trump reacts to all of these things.  In the meantime I am enjoying seeing all the crying.  I really hope that we adopt more of a progressive attitude at dealing with these un-American infulences, the way they have treated conservatives.  Which is -  Sit down - Shut up - and Do what you are told!!  (Polite Version)  (We can move to the not politically correct version if we have to)

I suspect Trump will be overly conciliatory. He won't treat them as they have treated us--  too many on our side like to be gracious in victory. We shouldn't be. The enemy needs to be killed to the last man, woman and child because there is NO WAY  they will EVER agree to live and let live. They cannot be American because the reject the fundamental premise of the nation -  that individuals are sovereign, and they have inalienable rights that the government cannot legitimately impede.   

 A.N.S.W.E.R  is already gearing up to protest the wars Clinton started.  Dissent will suddenly become the highest form of patriotism - again.
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds, and they have NO SHAME because they ave no conscience. They are all - as Barnhardt suggests - mentally ill diabolical narcissists and there is NOTHING anyone but God and Jesus can do against it. You as a human have no ability to affect their hearts. They are in effect Demons incapable of love, incapable of compassion or empathy,  incapable of honesty or fair play.  They will not work with Trump unless Trump betrays us ( and he very well might)

We will just have to see what Trump does and how fast.   If he does nothing in the first 100 days  then Barnhardt was right, and he is the new controlled opposition.  We will just have to wait and see what te next months of scorched earth from Democrats gives us.

Offline sfetter

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Re: How Will Trump Move Forward??
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2016, 09:41:03 AM »
Well, Most of us got what we wanted, or at least the lesser of the evils and it has already started.  The protests just keep growing. And we all know that the progressives just will not accept any other way of thinking other than their own.  So while current leaders make speeches about unity, I am confident it is the gov behind these protests.  This is their worst nightmare and they will never stop complaining about it or trying to change it.

Further, I will be truly amazed if their is not a major terror attach within the first 6 months of his term.  Particularly since Uma and the Clintons have direct ties to our enemies including isis.

Personally, I am so relieved   that Trump got in, even knowing that at best he will only slow down the big machine that is destroying this country.  So it it really going to be interesting to see how Trump reacts to all of these things.  In the meantime I am enjoying seeing all the crying.  I really hope that we adopt more of a progressive attitude at dealing with these un-American infulences, the way they have treated conservatives.  Which is -  Sit down - Shut up - and Do what you are told!!  (Polite Version)  (We can move to the not politically correct version if we have to)

I suspect Trump will be overly conciliatory. He won't treat them as they have treated us--  too many on our side like to be gracious in victory. We shouldn't be. The enemy needs to be killed to the last man, woman and child because there is NO WAY  they will EVER agree to live and let live. They cannot be American because the reject the fundamental premise of the nation -  that individuals are sovereign, and they have inalienable rights that the government cannot legitimately impede.   

 A.N.S.W.E.R  is already gearing up to protest the wars Clinton started.  Dissent will suddenly become the highest form of patriotism - again.
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds, and they have NO SHAME because they ave no conscience. They are all - as Barnhardt suggests - mentally ill diabolical narcissists and there is NOTHING anyone but God and Jesus can do against it. You as a human have no ability to affect their hearts. They are in effect Demons incapable of love, incapable of compassion or empathy,  incapable of honesty or fair play.  They will not work with Trump unless Trump betrays us ( and he very well might)

We will just have to see what Trump does and how fast.   If he does nothing in the first 100 days  then Barnhardt was right, and he is the new controlled opposition.  We will just have to wait and see what te next months of scorched earth from Democrats gives us.

I agree with you completely.  I would only add that in recent days a few have commented to me and I concur  that God is giving us one more chance take back our country after we as a country have discarded God.  I hope we make good use of this opportunity.

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Re: How Will Trump Move Forward??
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2016, 11:24:44 AM »
January 20th is a long way off...and the smug angry presscorpse, the Dumbocraps in office, the entrenched statist bureaucracy...and the potentially violent lay between now and then.

One thing at a time...

At best this may be just a speedbump slowing the rush into Hell...the sheer volume of things screaming for repeal and disinvestment is staggering...

Trump is but one mortal in this play...
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Offline Pablo de Fleurs

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Re: How Will Trump Move Forward??
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2016, 07:39:09 PM »
From the Mises Institute: 7 Things Trump Must Do
[Originally published July 17, 2016. This letter was published during the campaign by Joseph Salerno, Mark Thornton and 25 other economists.]

An Open Letter to Donald Trump

We the undersigned urge you, the presumptive Republican nominee for President, to support a rebirth of free-market capitalism in the U.S. You have said repeatedly that you want to make America great again. We agree with you. And we assert that the most effective way to start that process would be to affirm your principled support for economic liberty, for open and competitive markets, and for a foreign policy that rejects both protectionism at home and interventionism abroad.

Over the last two decades especially, the U.S. economy has been saddled increasingly with burdensome government rules and regulations that stifle innovation and retard economic growth. Some of the more obvious examples are the massive command and control system put in place under the Affordable Care Act (ACA); the enactment of purposely mislabeled “free trade” agreements (such as NAFTA) that actually have harmed some U.S. businesses and destroyed jobs while subsidizing other politically connected firms; the failed so-called “War on Drugs” which wastes private and public resources and contributes to rising violent crime rates; and the expansion of inefficient and rights-violating environmental regulations that have hampered productivity and increased the overall cost of doing business; and, finally, the pursuit by the Federal Reserve of a pernicious decade-long low-interest rate monetary policy which has (again) created a massive speculative bubble in housing and on Wall Street … that is sure to end badly.

As a successful businessman, you must understand that these harmful economic policies of the past must be changed by the next president and Congress if the U.S. is to continue to remain efficient and prosperous. And you also must understand that the key to any economic rebirth in the U.S. is not old-fashioned Keynesian deficit spending, quantitative easing by the Fed, or the enactment of higher minimum wage laws. The key to any sustained economic recovery is the legal protection of private property rights and the adoption of free markets where entrepreneurs, alert to price and profit signals, guide scarce resources into their most productive use. Below we suggest a concise list of first-order public policy changes that could set the early agenda for your new administration:

First, the Affordable Care Act should be repealed in its entirety and, as you have already pointed out, any prohibition on interstate competition in health insurance also should be repealed. Health care and health care insurance should be left to the market.

Second, all recent thousand-page international trade agreements should be replaced with a single, clearly worded paragraph that allows any U.S. business (or consumer) to trade with any other business (or consumer) anywhere else in the world on terms that are mutually satisfactory. Period.

Third, you or the Congress should immediately remove cannabis (marijuana) from its current Schedule One prohibition status under Federal law; cannabis and drug policy generally should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally the entire Drug War should be scrapped and the production and consumption by adults of any “drug” should be legalized.)

Fourth, the federal minimum wage should either be permanently fixed at its current rate or reduced; legally minimum wages should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally, all minimum wage laws should be repealed since they cause job destruction.)

, the U.S. corporate tax rate should be reduced so that it is the lowest (not the highest) in the industrial world; ideally, it should be repealed entirely because it constitutes double taxation on shareholders of corporations who also pay income tax on their dividends.

Sixth, the Federal Reserve should be required by law to end all forms of quantitative easing and interest rate regulation now accomplished primarily through open market operations; interest rates for savers and investors should be market determined. In addition, the Federal Reserve’s budget should be determined by Congressional appropriations like that of any other federal department or agency.

And finally, as a long-run solution for our recurring financial problems and economic recessions, replacing the current inflationary paper dollar with alternative monetary arrangements that provide for a sound, market-based commodity money, such as the gold standard, should be seriously considered.

There will be Democratic as well as (some) Republican opposition to these changes. Count on it. But your job will be to hold fast to basic principles and persuade the opposition that long lines at airport security and rising health care costs are based on economic ideas that are totally misguided. Socialism and progressivism and crony capitalism have failed miserably.

We need common sense capitalism and you now have a clear mandate to initiate its rebirth.
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power & of love and of calm, a well-balanced mind, discipline and self-control.

Offline Libertas

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Re: How Will Trump Move Forward??
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2016, 07:32:59 AM »
Not to different from core ZeroHedge wish list...mind you it isn't all foolish or impossible.

Trump is going to have to pick top initiatives and prioritize them and each may require a different approach to accomplish.  They key is to use the momentum he has with the people who elected him.

The rest is in our hands and we all are subject to God's Will.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline richb

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Re: How Will Trump Move Forward??
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2016, 06:37:49 PM »
Frankly if Trump zero's in on getting the economy on track,  he will be successful.   I think that is his biggest mandate from voters (since its been ignored by both parties so long).  Get himself reelected in four years with even a bigger win then now if pulled off.    That's really all he needs to really do.   Not that it will be easy, it sure won't be.   If he doesn't,  he is a one termer,  no question.   Then we get some  Bernie Sander like person  (or worse).   The really hard part,  most of it has to happen the first two years.  The midterm could have him facing a Democrat controlled Congress. 

The question is:  will he be able to,  or is the government so big he can't reign it in?   Or will he do economically dumb things too?

Some of those things that will require attention for the economy.

1. Trade policies

If trade deals are redone for better results for the majority of america that would be great.   Could be hard to do without starting a trade war,  if only threats etc are the only tool.  That would lead to a recession if that happens, which would only give the left ammo against him.  But we need better trade deals then what we have,  as they don't benefit us much.   It's a big reason why many people in Michigan,  Ohio, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania voted for him,  they want those deals redone.    They won't vote for him again if it doesn't happen. 

IMHO,  we got more Bernie voters in those states then we think,  so those votes may go away even if Trump is successful and the Demos trot out a Bernie like candidate (which is likely).  That could be a wild card in 2020.   Most of those folks would rather vote Democratic for whatever stupid reasons that they do,  but its a reality unfortunately.   

Most people are pretty ignorant of how economics actually work.   So doing the deals so they work for people AND LOOK like they will work is the job he has. 

2. Job killing regulations

Obamacare has almost single handedly killed any real job growth since its creation.   And that is on top of everything else.

It's got to go.   At minimum,  I am guessing Trump will suspend most of the regulations via executive order on day 1, until Congress sends him a repeal bill.   That repeal may be harder then we think,  as a full repeal will require a 60 votes.   So it may never be "fully" repealed in the traditional sense.   It may have to go out in budget reconciliation in nearly the same way it came in.   Will Congress follow through? 

We don't want the situation where Obamacare gets "turned on" (like the Hyde Amendment is during Repub ads)  during Democrat controlled years and turned off during Republican ones.   There would be chaos if that happens.    It's got to be pulled out by the roots.

3. Tax reform

The tax code is one of the biggest walls to more employment.  It outright sends jobs out of the country.  I think if the government was actually serious about job creation it would repeal employment taxes.   I know, lol on that one.    I think at first easier fruit will have to be taken first. 


Offline Libertas

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Re: How Will Trump Move Forward??
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2016, 07:16:01 AM »
I agree, but of late (mostly as a result of E-GOp cowardice and the fact that the CoC types have them by the short hairs on everything-especially illegal workers) the GOP has a habit of being too defensive when it comes to economic issues...they fall for the DMC demonization of big money/business.  I think it would be wise to pursue economic changes quietly and steadily and save the visible political capital for bigger fights.  any squealing about this with the usual Marxist rhetoric just smile, shrug and say you want to promote prosperity for all Americans and never ever deviate from that script or bite on DMC red herrings.  Simple, all it takes is will and discipline.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.