Topics > Faith & Family

Time for Francis the Braying Mule to go!

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--- Quote ---The “boss” to whom Pope Francis referred is Esther Ballestrino de Careaga. He has described her as a “Paraguayan woman” and a “fervent communist.” He considers her one of his most important mentors. “I owe a huge amount to that great woman,” he has said, saying that she “taught me so much about politics.” (He worked for her as an assistant at Hickethier-Bachmann Laboratory in Buenos Aires.)

“She often read Communist Party texts to me and gave them to me to read. So I also got to know that very materialistic conception. I remember that she also gave me the statement from the American Communists in defense of the Rosenbergs, who had been sentenced to death,” he has said. Learning about communism, he said, “through a courageous and honest person was helpful. I realized a few things, an aspect of the social, which I then found in the social doctrine of the Church.” As the archbishop of Buenos Aires, he took pride in helping her hide the family’s Marxist literature from the authorities who were investigating her. According to the author James Carroll, Bergoglio smuggled her communist books, including Marx’s Das Kapital, into a “Jesuit library.”
--- End quote ---

That explains soooo much.

Now this apostate infiltrator has his propagandists spewing their vile bile at Trump and those who supported him!

Yeah...and Pelosi and the rest of the DemonRat filth that call themselves Catholic's and promote infanticide and force taxpayers to fund the death-mills are superfantastic Chirstians, eh?

These f**kers are the very definition of apostates!  Apparently Francis must be the Anti-Christ...I've never seen the Mother Church so openly twisted-evil like this.

They want to bare their throats to Islaminal it by yourself assholes!  You want to slaughter are no different than the Islaminals.  Both y'all can die together!


Out of the mouth of former aparatchuks...

“If you look around at what he (the Pope) says it’s clear that he is not a man of God.  At least not the Christian God, not the God of the Bible.”

Noticed that, eh?

It's obvious to everyone except those blinded by Catholicism.

 ::siren::  ::siren::  ::siren:: CAUTION! YOU ARE ABOUT TO ENTER THE STUPID ZONE!  ::siren::  ::siren::  ::siren::

Stupid socialist cultist!'s a shame...the Vatican has such impressive art work...but this cannot continue!


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