Topics > Media Bias/Media War

AP Style Manual: avoid referring to "both" or "either" gender

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--- Quote from: Glock32 on March 26, 2017, 02:13:05 PM ---And to be even more of a stickler for reality, people do not have a gender. Words have a gender. People have a sex, and there are two of them. Sex is determined by genetics, not muh feelz. There is an exceptionally tiny number of people who suffer from genetic disorders that make them inconclusively one or the other, but they aren't the ones pushing this social engineering.

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Thanks, the obvious is often skimmed over in the heat of battle.   ::thumbsup::

"muh feelz"  Heh, dang if that is good sarcasm right there!    :D

And good catch on the disorder point, they get sucked along on the current of the SJW terror river ride.


--- Quote from: ToddF on March 26, 2017, 04:59:01 PM ---

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Reality imitating art that imitated the worst of history preceding it...and instead of heeding the warning they use it as another training manual...


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