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"This Act may be cited as the 'Obamacare Repeal Act' "

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No, the E-GOP still thinks its clever to hide their real intentions, that all conservatives in general are too stupid to grasp what they are doing and/or too powerless to do anything about it anyway, the old "you're stuck with us because you have no other options" BS that makes them think they can keep chugging along with their tired old Better-Manager-Of-BigGov-than-them schtick without paying any penalty for it!

I see these idiots heading for an enormous fall in the mid-terms...



Jeepers Cripes! 

You would think a guy from rural NC would have more in common with the Freedom Caucus & Liberty Caucus than the E-GOP...but I guess you don't rise to chief deputy whip of the GOP without kissing some Establishment ass...and it appears making a statement like this is just more kissing of that ass! 

WRSA is right, Establishment Pubbies, like their DemonRat pals, really do thirst for death.

Something tells me they'll have more than they can handle...

Oh well...



The neocons are back in control of the White House.  It's W 2.0 now.  We can forget about anything and everything Trump promised.  It's over.

Probably more like HW 2nd term...

Just more proof the trash from our Schools of Government are just as stupid whether they have a D or an R after their name.  They don't even deserve a spot at the table if they think an insurance industry will remain viable if people can wait until the house is on fire, before buying insurance.


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