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USS Fitzgerald collision...7 sailors missing

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Not good, new Skipper, somebody messed up bad to not see traffic that large so close.

Lost at sea not good...even if on watch on a weather deck and equipped with vest and's a big ocean, and at night and if not conscious....


Likely gone, prayers for loved ones of the seven.   ::praying::

Some found below deck...trapped in damaged areas.

Our hearts and prayers go out to the families.

But I have to ask since I've never been in the military.

With all of the modern technology on board a U.S. destroyer, just how the f^*k does this happen?

I do not know Alan...they have GPS, back in my day it was a SINS or some such thing...everything an acronym of course...Ship Inertial Navigation System...something like that...anyway...air and sea radar...there are digital scopes and I think people still man some weather deck watches...

I don't get it...more than one person I suspect will catch hell for this...and the loss of life really makes it career-ending and possible time in Leavenworth...

The other ship rammed the destroyer.  Why aren't we hearing more how and WHY that happened?


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