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American Takeover Almost Complete

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John Florida:

--- Quote from: ToddF on July 22, 2017, 06:59:53 PM ---I meant that I'm one person against a sea of stupid.  There's not much I can do other than not back down from doing what is right, no matter how many of my crazy lady relatives, friends and co-workers have "unfriended" me.  Heh.  So many women I partied with back when we were all in our teens and twenties have turned into crazy lazy Hillary harpies.

--- End quote ---

H/T Rayra

Pablo de Fleurs:
I'm thinking a 5 inch blade into the heart, on line @ a coffee joint...I like the insert/punch it through style a la John Wick:

Pablo de Fleurs:
Here's another clue to the takeover of culture. I'm getting/seeing/hearing more Christian acquaintances saying to keep your [conservative] opinion to yourself: in public & on social media (including forums, I guess). It's as if criticism of the left is WORSE than what the left is doing & that Jesus wouldn't approve of that sort of language.

And, I haven't suggested that they go F*CK themselves...yet...but I'm getting closer to start offending & isolating this crap.

Starting with this verse:

--- Quote ---Titus 1:12
12 One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.”
--- End quote ---

So, saying "Progressive/liberal Democrats are always liars, evil man-whores, transgender-freaks & bung-hole banging beasts...pushing cultural perversion." seems not out-of-line to me.

I've always felt's just picking up pace in latter-day America...

And I think when things start to unzip, it will be a cascade...and not isolated to just one or a few "nations"...

Hungary is one of the few fighting the capitulators in the EU and the evil machinations of Team Evil's bundler!

And Europe is going total batshyt crazy again...

Venezuela continues to rot, Brazil is a basket case, hey, we just need some sh*t started in Asia and maybe between all that and the continuing jihadi-sh*t-show in Syria et al can get the party started, eh?

DeepState is aching for war with Russia...but I think they could end up with a totally different landscape of violence!


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