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JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?

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Latest data dump...

I scanned these...the usual notes and scribbles with scant details (paper-chasing), more on Castro/Anti-Castro activities (Operation Mongoose), congressional transcripts of key people interviewed over the years (Colby CIA, etc).

More evidence of operational use of in-house and private contractors to distance CIA fingerprints on activities, placement/recruitment of assets in news organizations (especially wire services like UPI etc that were often first-source disseminators) and the FBI's penchant for informants.

It's easy to see now how lax oversight and ever-increasing budgets and crisis-fundraising created the DeepState Beast we know and distrust today...

No "ahh ha!" stuff here...seems previous holds were all about fear of releasing info showing how much they all knew about POI's and how inept they are at connecting dots and how focused on checking/toppling prime targets by any means necessary they were...which in fairness to the times in many cases was understandable...but when it comes to threats coming at us on our own turf the compartmentalization that was endemic and the sharing between agencies was spotty and the leadership that was feudal in nature...once can only conclude that they are often inept or complicit in which was it in this case?

I've never subscribed to grand conspiracy theories on the JFK assassination, Occam's Razor...the bigger it is the harder to keep a lid on it and the harder it is for it to succeed...if there is conspiracy it had to have been a very small group of principles...all other peripheral players little more than background noise allowed to through sh!t in the air to protect the core. this rate, these releases won't conclude before we're all worm food...

The MOB did it ::rockets::

I think the Mob was used in clean up only (Ruby et al)...

I still think it was DeepState and they got LBJ to go along...DeepState got the bigger war it wanted and all the black budget funding the lusted for...LBJ got the exponentially expanded welfare state and the pieces in place to enslave generations onto the Dem Plantation...

And as some suggest (not without justification) CIA involvement... that point in time nothing was as deep in the DeepState than the CIA...the FBI was still under the iron rule of J. Edgar Hoover and Hoover jealously asserted their jurisdiction in domestic activities...but the CIA having been born out of the OSS and given a bigger mission and budget could operate much better in the shadows than the FBI who were more top cops...but I don't see J.Edgar being too broke up about getting a pesky Kennedy off his back...

Of course eventually every institution got's how long march ops go, ya know? is FWIW...

And, somebody linked these in the comments...kinda interesting who was hob-knobbing with whom...

Also, though many policies/statements may have triggered the DeepState into violent treasonous action...some point to this speech as being one of the triggers...

In the context of where we went, where we are today and with the not so long ago backdrop of Eisenhower's farewell address preceding is a fascinating speech to hear again...


LOL, nice post, Kit.

The same Jack Ruby cavorting with other interesting fellows in the clips I posted above.

Well, JoeFraud is a loyal DeepState puppet...he remains loyal only to them...




Themselves of course!

The descendants of the proto-DeepState cannot reveal any dirty laundry of their family...their code goes beyond the Omerta of the Cosa Nostra...


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