Topics > 2nd Amendment/Firearms

Redneck Revolt

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I thought some of their approaches to be novel, such as the potluck suppers and rifles.

But thinking about it, the minorities may hear a lot about racism but unlikely to experience much of it.  And, revolution seems like so much extra work.  Yeah, the rich can be a pain.

And, mastering a rifle takes work - and beer money.

--- Quote from: Septugenarian on December 30, 2017, 02:22:31 PM ---This sounds like more "poor me" victim mentality.  Blame someone (the rich) for their circumstances.  Yup, kill the rich so there won't be anyone to hire us.  That'll make things better.

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I think  the locals see right through this and simply tolerate these Marxists.

Which makes me thinks, are there any actual working working class Marxists anymore?

So, just to put this in terms that the Leftist media will not - this is an organized network of extremist Leftist militias.

If people were banding together in a nationwide network in an openly organized manner for the expressed purpose of "standing up for" White people against the threat of violent Blacks...

Can. You. Imagine. The f**king wailing and teeth-gnashing?

Pablo de Fleurs:

--- Quote from: IronDioPriest on December 30, 2017, 07:35:40 PM ---So, just to put this in terms that the Leftist media will not - this is an organized network of extremist Leftist militias.

If people were banding together in a nationwide network in an openly organized manner for the expressed purpose of "standing up for" White people against the threat of violent Blacks...

Can. You. Imagine. The f**king wailing and teeth-gnashing?

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Well O.K., yeah. It's either that or . . . . . . #TargetPractice


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Mike says Russian-made firearms are the most ‘accurate and reliable
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I spewed coffee on that one. ::laughonfloor:: Russian rifles are notorious for their inaccuracy. But that's exactly what makes them reliable.

--- Quote ---The Suffolk County branch was founded this April, as an offshoot of a leftist reading group at Stony Brook University. That’s where George found two kindred spirits in his fellow founding members, Kevin and Josh. A lot of the reading group members were Bernie Sanders supporters, George said, but “we read Che [Guevara] and stuff like that”.
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Then I'm sure you'll read what a murderous bastard he was. And the "self-described Marxist-Leninist" will surely admit to the millions who suffered and died under Lenin.

John Florida:
  So why is it that minorities that have no problem shooting each other and hitting their target need help from red necks to help them?     ::curtsy4::


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