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This is no longer about illegal immigration, Mexico is declaring war on the US!

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Trump, so I am reading in various reports, is getting the message from legit conservatives et al that supported him are hopping mad over no dedicated funding for the wall or putting an end to the flow of foreign invaders.

As I noted before and again today...just more words, no action.

Tired as hell of this retarded game!  A game the E-GOP is always too willing to play the retard!

For over 32 fricken years the E-GOP has been lied to! 

Still the cucks play the DemonRat game!

These invaders have NO RIGHTS after they sneak into our country.  NONE!

Time we stop treating them like citizens and more like what they are - invaders!

Ohh, but they're suffering!  Tough sh*t!  So are our citizens, having to be financially burdened with their free healthcare, welfare all the while enjoying their drunks killing people on our roads, raping our daughters and killing our people!

So shove your politically-motivated compassion up your Ameriphobic asses!

You've shown your contempt and hatred of me and me whatever you wish, not going to change a damn thing!

Now, this march of the invaders that Mexico is supporting...


Stick your demands!  You are not refugees, you are criminals!  You do not respect us or our laws or our borders...yeah, we get just reinforces your status as CRIMINALS!

No about Mexico?

How much did you have to pay the Federales to look the other way?  How many of your women raped in order to cross that less than open border?

Goddamned hypocrites!

Stay in Mexico, or go back home.

We're full and I am fed up!

Enough talk, enough BS...time to go modern-day Pershing/Patton on some asses!

Mexican government is handing out visas, want this caravan to proceed north, Trump supposedly Federalizing Guard and sending to the border.

Here we go...

At this early stage Trump is developing a plan to deploy NG units, and the Left goes bonkers right out the chute.

This batshyt crazy Prog in Oregon, knowing absolutely nothing about the law...thinks she can stop the President from nationalizing the NG under his emergency authority.

Calm yourself moonbat, have some TidePods and snort some condoms and let the adults deal with the already militarized Mexican border courtesy of Federales and Drug Cartels.

No mention by that moonbat or the MFM of Mexican deportations of illegals!  Get used to it Progs!

I will tell you another thing that has to end NOW!

Other states honoring the IS'd issued by unconstitutional sanctuary states!  Obviously, to avoid discrimination of any particular group ANY person with a unconstitutional sanctuary state ID regardless of race, sex or otherwise shall be deemed null and void!

Meanwhile, NG units in TX & AZ are answering the call, the President ends [url]catch & release stupidity[/url] and ICE continues to raid outfits harboring illegals and Homeland Security collects biometric data on illegals and AG Sessions is asking to renew prosecution of first time offenders in order to discourage repeated attempts to enter the nation illegally a second time.

A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation!

Enough of the lies and lawlessness of the Left! 

Time for the Ameriphobes to shut up or leave with the deportees!

Get it done!

So,  What happened to this caravan?

It petered out...but I suspect some squirmed their way in...well hear something eventually...I'll look out for it.


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