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Sessions Reportedly Said He Might Quit If Rosenstein Were Fired

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--- Quote from: paulh on April 21, 2018, 02:58:19 PM --- ::facepalm:: Seems I just answered an identical post some where. Good riddance, too many things have gone right by him

--- End quote ---

I'ze da foreman here at Tara.  I'ze da one what sez hits Sessions' quitin' time:  <SESSIONS, ...QUITIN' TIME> 

Anyone here who knows me from ACOC,  knows that I've been a rather staunch supporter of el Jeffe.  So,  when I say it's time to pull the plug...hey,  it's time to pull the plug,  amigo. 

And,  for the VERY opposite of what you said,  Paul.  NOTHING'S gone by him.  It's all either happened,  or is happening,  right under his nose,  or at the very least he,  more than anyone in the universe,  has access to all the accoutrements necessary to prove it all happened,  and who made it happen.  Incompetence,  writ large.  Or willful malfeasance.  No diff.  Result:   Neither the job nor justice is getting done.  Hit the bricks,  hick. 

You really let this fellow SOTSGOB* down...bigtime. 

* Son of the South good ol' boy

How can Sessions quit if he's never actually shown up to work?

John Florida:
  I see it as a twofer!    Don't let the door his in the ass.

Either this is typical D-MC PsyOp crap meant to create division where none exists or it isn't...but when you get right down to it...Rosenstein works for the AG, the AG is nominally independent but serves at the please of the President...if the President once to fire the AG and then the DeepState operative Rosenstein he can, period.

I suspect the reason is more one of timing than desire...after the mid-terms anything can happen...

Me, I prefer not waiting...if Progs think continuing a tainted rogue investigation...I say wrap that rope around them and choke them with it.

But that's just me...

I think, in truth, Sessions is way over his head.  His recusal was evidence of it, he accepted a position
he could not fill.  His resignation would give Trump the opportunity to get a worker in there before the
mid-terms.   Rosenstein has to go first, we sure as hell don't want him Acting.


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