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Just the wimple fact that 4chan and 8chan are the primary means of distribution should be indicative of credibility issues.
Most of the post seem to be of the "leading question" variety.  like a puzzle - where "what if this is true, and that is true and this third thing is probable, then read between the lines because I don't dare say it straightforwardly and out loud because then they will know the source or I will be killed and so on"

Its con man stuff.  Interesting to think about to be sure, and I am sure the poster(s)  of the material are not intellectual slouches, but like John Titor, they choose a forum where  they could play this game a while given the resident population. The whole pointof te game is to keep it plausilble and cryptic so  nothing can be proven or disproven. If you guess something rigt, you take credit. If you get something wrong you wave it off with plans changed, or  something was misinterpreted.  Seeing certain common words in a Presidential tweet  isn't proof. . Its coincidence,  unless it happens reliably 3 times.

But it could be anything from a harmless prank to  a honey pot so they can collect names and know who to watch or arrest.

Its possible there is some sort of anti-deep state fact, I think its likely.. and these posters might even be tangentially attached to it...  but "getting the word out"  and " getting  wide-spread public support" is not something one does using 4chan or 8chan, and if there is a time to go public with it - it will be made public in a ridiculously large way.

I for one certainly hope that there is a sizable percentage of this that is true.  If not, I don't believe there is much hope for Liberty, Freedom, and America.  I do believe that the level of evil is far more vast and controls much more than most people think.  Frankly, I wish Trump would start chopping off more heads in DC.  I know they do not want to do anything drastic before the midterms but I believe it will take extreme measures from the oval office as well as a good percentage of the American people in a non stop effort to destroy this evil.

I am intrigued by the idea that Trump has much more knowledge that we would be aware of and that this knowledge is shaping his decision making.  It might explain why in so many cases he has achieved goals that everyone said were impossible.

Like I said, I sure hope we have a bunch of white hats in secret.  I would love to see some of this evil destroyed in my lifetime.  I am not what you would call a Bible thumper but,  the line that I truly believe is - The candle of the wicked shall be put out!

PS - This cabal sure sounds like the Bilderburg Group.  Personally from what I know about this group and its secret meetings, anyone from the US, going to these yearly meetings, and there have been many, including Presidents, should not be breathing.   


--- Quote from: paulh on July 31, 2018, 08:29:31 AM ---There's a loony tune over at the old ACOC that posts. He/she and Ally seem to be the only ones. His 1st post is a beaut titled alan

--- End quote ---

just a wee bit weird. ::oldman::


--- Quote from: sfetter on July 31, 2018, 11:57:36 AM ---...
 I am not what you would call a Bible thumper but,  the line that I truly believe is - The candle of the wicked shall be put out!


--- End quote ---

Bible thumper or not,  you can't beat the Bible's litmus test for a true or false prophet:  If what he prophesied comes to pass,  he is a true prophet.  It not,  he's a false prophet.

My jury's still out on Q anon,   but so far,  the final verdict isn't looking too promising.  We'll see. 

Alphabet Soup:
Skepticism reigns supreme.


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