Topics > Media Bias/Media War

The Goebbels Acolytes in Social Media still working their treachery

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The Farcebook fascists slam down more truth that casts a bright light on the racism and hatred of one of their protected tribal affiliates -

Telling the trust about any protected tribal member is verboten!!!

All hail the Repressive State of America!

Yeah...umm, no!  FOAD nazi swine!

Gave this its own thread simply because the title of that Twitter group is so chilling.


Yes, the nature of the Left is fascist...they don't much care to hide it anymore...they may hid behind poorly-veiled proxies and employ devious algorithms to suppress free speech...but the result is the same - censorship, bans...modern-day book-burning's by closed-minded ideologues scared shytless their precious beliefs will crumble into dust if forced to live in an environment of freedom!

The true colors of the progressive's is clear -

More on their tactics here -

We all know what they are doing.  Trump knows what they are doing.

Unfortunately, barring a purge of tyrants from the ranks in every corner of the Goebbels Media Complex...and apparently not yet in the throes of CW2 where the people could cull the cur's...there is only one option left to try and at first people may think it an odd one to suggest - pass a law banning the suppression of free speech by any means by any person or organization, leaving all the existing protections in place with respect to libel, slander etc.

I know, seems silly, like the 2A means what it says so also the 1A means what it says...but both have been crippled and unless those infringements are removed it's SSDD everyday.

Oh, and just because this POS weaponized the FBI into the KGB, weaponized the IRS into the Gestapo, weaponized the EPA into the Stasi, weaponized the bureaucracy into the SS...etc...the POS also weaponized American Media into the Geobbels Media Complex!

Heh, people should be posting this "V"-style in the usual swamps.   ::stirpot::   ::evilbat::


Nasty bought & paid for protesters at SCOTUS hearing, yeah that's OK to Demofascists...

Lie about a handshake attempt that wasn't and disparaging a Mexican/Jewish lady...sure, if your scum...

...but a gal speaking the truth about Goebbels Socialist Media book-burners...yeah, run that out...



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