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University drunks overloading ER's


I don't know what all the fuss is about?

The tell these kids their voices matter...well some voices, if they say the right things...they are given safe spaces in which to shelter themselves from thoughts of others that cause them to freak out because they've been told their whole lives what to think and how special they are...they've been taught that healthcare (especially in self-inflicted cases) isn't a privilege but a right...and shoving them onto the local hospitals is easy and fun...and besides accountability is a racist/sexist/homophobic/islamophobic/fascist/imperialist hateful thing!

This is a progressive problem...I suggest a progressive tax on progressives to treat people for the harm done to them by progressive actions.


Sounds like an average football game at UW Madison years ago.
What's with the ER visits?
I never had a drinking problem. I drank, I fell down, I threw up, I got up. No problem.

You could not have explained it in simpler terms, didn't we all

Sure...but decades of progressive bullsplatter has infected recent generations to also be attention-seeking PITA's!


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