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Der goldene Junge Schumer and die abscheuliche hexe Pelosi have such positivity, fairness and tolerance to advance!

Aren't they just adorable?!

Yes...faces only the Prince of Darkness could love!

Unterführer Schumer issues a direct order to President Trump to OBEY or else!

Recuse?  For what?

Try to insert your poison pill, really, go ahead!

85 new bogus inquiries.

Basically, the Mobocrats plan to treat Trump and his team like the rest of us...

Best go on the offensive...if that isn't your thing...

Prepare for the immanent invasion...

Here come the Mobocrats!!!

Weapons free, fire at will.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2018, 08:55:32 AM »
happens.  And there is no like Mobocrat !

With the next phase of the Coup against President Trump gearing up and all the accompanying vote-fraud occurring we are deep into the darkness The Founders warned us of and later patriots reiterated.

Raconteur - I'm Here, At This Point:

Go read this spot-on rant today at Gun Free Zone.
"I don’t want to divide up the country.  I don’t want to occupy New York City or San Francisco.  I just want to take the minority of outraged Radicals and build a monument to freedom with their skulls."
If someone posted that next Wednesday at noon was National Housecleaning Day, and gunfire broke out at that point within earshot, I can't tell you I wouldn't join in the festivities.

I can tell you that for anyone who joined in, everything after the first shot is essentially free, (you can only hang a man once, after all) and the things that would stop anyone at that point would be only their own death, a lack of ammunition, or a dearth of further targets, and nothing less.

With CA, AZ, GA, and FL, we're watching Democrat BAMN tactics subvert multiple federal and state elections, openly, brazenly, and entirely free of any sort of fear of consequences or repercussions.

At that point, this is no longer even a country, just a banana republic, and the answer to that is lead travelling at muzzle velocity, not only philosophically to a moral certitude, but every time things devolve to that point in world history to date.

The Democrat Party is willing to burn America down in order to steal it, and they are now the open enemy of the state and the people, and they're going to get their reply ballistically, not rhetorically. Once you're kissed in the forehead that way, there is no further reply. Nature is brilliantly subtle like that.

Nothing less will suffice any longer, unless I read tomorrow that entire counties of their operatives have been rounded up in mass arrests for federal prosecution for election tampering, and are being tried in batches at the local stadium.

Responding to this oppression in the traditional sense should be DOA, thinking the Republic and exists and functions when it does not is the definition of insanity and only makes further oppression and tyranny more certain.

The only open question now is timing.

I'm not telling anybody to open that party, but I'm telling you that party's getting opened, and once the genie's out of the bottle, all bets about how long, how widespread, and how bloody are rampant speculation based more on hope than reality.

We had a country.

One side has consistently refused to live under the rules of that country.

They are about to reap the consequences of that course of action, in a Darwin Award-winning manner, and it's liable to be the Third Punic War for them, their families, and anyone carrying water for them, before the dust settles, whether it happens in dribs and drabs, or all at once from coast to coast.

But the match and the fuse are about to have a fateful meeting.

Been saying all along it is only down to timing.  And we are out of generations of the wise and willing...

The Enemies Within have done everything to weaken the Republic - kicking God out of the public square, declaring evil good and good evil, elevating the wicked and deviant and oppressing the good...reducing the foundation of Judeo-Christian tradition and Founding Principles of limited government and the God-given rights of man to rubble.  They deny our voice, the deny our thoughts, they deny our rights!  They will not let us live as free men and women!  They will not let us self-govern or separate ourselves from them! 

They've made generation after generation ignorant, they've made them dependent...and they've aimed their hatred at us.

The hate is so widespread and entrenched that freedom has been muzzled!

Our nation was founded on simple truths.

What's left for a people oppressed?  What avenues of response are left open for those who cherish Liberty?

Raconteur goes on into a TL Davis post...

Before we get there, though, TLDavis has a suggestion.

My thoughts on that:

Before we get to “massive social unrest”, what does it take for people to start dropping wrenches in the gears of everyday life?

Think about it:
(read more at link)
And nobody’s had to wait for “massive social unrest”.

In fact, they’ve instigated it.

And you haven’t blown up the power lines into the whole city.
Just the ones going to City Hall.
Or the Vote Stealing Office.
Or the Welfare Desk.

Civilization is a fragile thing.
The myriad and multitudinous ways it can be screwed with make any defense recockulously impossible.
That sword cuts both ways.

Ponder what happens if you let the bastards know that burning up the social contract has consequences in both directions.
Just that.
They’ll get the message.
Via megaphone.

And long before we get to blood in the streets, and at no cost to your economic livelihood.

Snipers are always more economical than artillery or carpet-bombing.

Really, there is only one impediment to the Enemies Within left to destroy once President Trump and his allies are deposed...

This article is long and sweeping in its scope...and echoes themes mentioned by others - Heritage America is another name for rural Americans of conservative and libertarian persuasion and who practice and respect our Judeo-Christian traditions, mores and Founding Principles...everybody who doesn't is obviously The Enemy...and coexistence is not in The Enemy dogma!

It is inevitable, prepare for it.

Rededicate yourself to God-given rights and the duty it calls you to.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2018, 12:04:30 PM »
Heh!  Love Kurt, good head on that one.

Yeah, they'll be jerks and act like the psychotic blood-thirsty toddlers they are...and I can concur with this opinion he closes with -

"Oh, and please, impeach him over Russia Treason Traitor stuff. Please. Toss the Trump in that briar patch and he’ll be president forever."

I don't know about forever...but the coup would kick of The Reckoning that is long overdue.

And yes, what is rewarded is repeated, all Mobocrats know that!  Cucks at FoxNews and Cucks in, they remain intentionally ignorant.

Another great closing jab - "Fighting is hard, which is why the GOP softies don’t like it. Yeah, the Dems will get covered for by the lying garbage pail kidz of the media. They already lie about us, so what else is new? Yeah, the Fredocons will howl. Let those betas cry. Yeah, the left will call us “racists,” but they are going to do that anyway. When we fight, we can win. It’s time to stop letting our freedom be stolen by these lib fascist creeps. It’s time to get militant."

Fighting and militancy, yes...politically though the time for that is ridiculously low on life...barely a pulse...on the brink of complete and final death.

Fighting and militancy in kinetic terms to preserve our Liberty and Freedom?  Oh Hell yes!

And the title to his article?

"Get Cynical, Get Angry, And Stay Free"

Well, for me Skeptical replaces Cynical...but the rest has always been there with that little fella in the middle growing ever more feisty!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online paulh

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2018, 01:04:08 PM »
And our side isn't helping----new leadership my a$$

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  • I iz also makin a list. U on it pal.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2018, 03:16:16 PM »
And our side isn't helping----new leadership my a$$

God blast it!!

SSDD's like they all decided to go sailing together, ignored the storm warnings and kept plowing into the teeth of the storm and as they are sinking decided to destroy the radio, throw their food and water overboard, punch holes in the life raft...and strap lead weights to themselves and ride out the storm hoping for the best...

Too stupid to live, too stupid not to know they are dying...

Only plus I see is I don't have to modify my tag line.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline John Florida

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2018, 06:48:59 PM »
 ::pullhair::   ::gaah::
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Offline Libertas

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2018, 07:23:49 AM »

Hard not to look at the angst in CA the NE and NYC & DC and think anything but...The Big Guy is not pucker-up, buttercups!  It's only going to get more sporty!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2018, 09:35:09 AM »
Once again the cries from the fetid progressive swamps to end the Electoral College rise like the stench of death and decay from tepid they add a new fecund odor to the mix - end the Senate.

Yes, dicking with the original intnent of the Founders is no longer sufficient...end it and go unicameral...much easier to steal and corrupt one chamber than two!

How about you cowardly little sniveling progressive snakes admit you want to end the nation as it was Founded and agree to suspend your emotive need to be complete selfish assholes for a long enough period to agree to a peaceful division of the nation?  You kum-bay-yah fools can go one way and we will go back with the Founders!  We are all going to make a choice in the end no matter what else anybody may think or delude themselves into thinking!  So, agree to separation...or continue your bullsh*t and cause us to hunt you all down and slay you!

Your choice now...or no choice later.  Pick one, assholes!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2018, 12:39:01 PM »
Wow, can't go one hour without another capture of this stupendously idiotic clown saying/doing something batshyt crazy!

Setting a new low for demonazi behavior!

Getting knocked by your own kind...that has to hurt.  Chances are a lot of it is senior demonazi leadership dictated...keep that newb minion in its place!!!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2018, 12:48:27 PM »
And in more serious news...Demonazis are purging their beta males (males in name only) from leadership and the stampede is on to get on impeachment circus.

We are getting close my friends...very very close.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2018, 03:06:48 PM »
I was raised not to hit girls...

...but I am pretty sure my mother would give me the nod to go to town on that succubus if somebody handed me a baseball bat and asked if I wanted to get any whacks in!

As to her opposition...bleep her and the rest of her merry band of Ameriphobic treasonous shat!

Build any way, with whatever resources...the skulls of our enemies would be my preference!!!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2018, 03:34:58 PM »
The next congress is getting one hell of a head start from outgoing E-GOP trash!

People should give this asshole an early Christmas present...might I suggest a good old fashioned blanket party?

For the unaware...a blanket party is an age-old instructional device by which a group of like-minded people take it upon themselves to properly educate and motivate a deviant human by use of a blanket and socks with bars of soap in them and utilized in a swinging motion upon the deviant human.  They have proven to be most effective.

Ho Ho Ho!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline John Florida

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2018, 04:01:45 PM »
  He sure has big balls when he's not running for re election.
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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2018, 09:37:51 AM »

Only if they're bounced off his chin!

Same for this asshole -

Seriously?!  Clinton's running free after all they did, Obama, too, and Holder, Lynch, Kerry, Rice, Geithner, Jarrett, Clapper, Comey, Mueller, Brennan and Lerner, just to name a handful of statist ring leaders!!!

The reaping of treasonous scum approaches fast!  Keep up the BS statists, get the civil war rolling!!!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2018, 11:55:52 AM »
Chuckie and Nasty got so many "first's"...

...all of them born of malevolent and spiteful impulses...but what do you expect from Satan's minions, eh?

I see an opportunity here...overwhelm them...give them more targets than they can possibly deal with...all quarters, no mercy, no let up!!!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2018, 02:57:08 PM »
Well, about all I can say is that this is bullish only for expediting the coming civil war...

Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has picked a new guiding force for Democrats investigating and potentially impeaching President Trump when they take control of the House next year.

Douglas Letter, a 40-year veteran of the Justice Department and former associate counsel in President Bill Clinton's White House, will be appointed to the role of House general counsel, Pelosi said in a statement.
Letter, 65, served as director of the Justice Department's Civil Division appellate staff up until February — a departure that was facilitated, sources told NPR, because of Trump's constant criticisms of the DOJ.
Letter's long career for the DOJ included roles such as deputy associate attorney general under former Attorney General Janet Reno, and senior counselor to former Attorney General Eric Holder. His decades of service, which included working on cases such as Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 landmark case which legalized gay marriage, was praised by the likes of Holder and Benjamin Wittes, editor-in-chief of Lawfare and friend to ex-FBI Director James Comey.
His going-away party was attended by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Neil Gorsuch. Since then, he has been working at the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at the Georgetown University Law Center.

The statist rats are gathering...sharpening their knives and ready to execute their nullification of the 2016 election and complete the coup of President Trump.

Looks like liberty-loving people will get to march on DC and start slaying these traitors a little sooner than people thought.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2019, 11:47:54 AM »

Fine example of typical CBC tolerance in action here.

This congress is setting a new low in the race to the bottom for the most despicable band of corrupt twisted monkeys ever to stink up the capitol!

Talk about an overripe harvest...

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2019, 04:35:18 PM »
and the circus begins..............................