Topics > The Departed

Ken Berry, 85


He always seemed like a real likable fella. Gave Carol Burnett and Vicki Lawrence a great character to bounce off. RIP.

Alphabet Soup:
There were two themes concurrent in Ken's acting: the kind, affable family man, and the self-effacing bumbler. The former was inviting but the later was irritating. His shows (especially F-Troop) were presented during a period in my life where I lacked the wherewithal to reason my way through the nuances but I recognize that (in terms of character building) these stereotypes helped shape my sense of self.

I found myself drawn to insult comedy instead of slapstick because I didn't care for the idea of being being made fun of or disrespected. Think Don Rickles or Paul Lynde. Better to dish it out than to take it.

Oh, and FTR: I couldn't stand Mama's Family

I never watched an episode of “Mama’s Family” but I always chuckled when they’d bring out the skit on Carol Burnett.

When I was very young Rickles confused me...he looked and sounded angry...but people were laughing...a little later on it clicked and I couldn't wait to see him on Carson or anywhere. 

Have no direct memory of Berry and F-Troop was one of the shows my big brother would follow...

Definitely a part of my childhood.  And I didn't know he was from the Quad Cities.



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