Topics > Politics/Legislation/Elections

AINO/RINO/E-GOP Scat Does The Chickenscat Thing Again!

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IIRC last time Nasty Nan was poised to take control...she went on a blowout vacation then too...

this time in Hawaii...during a supposed "shutdown" that harms her (cough! gag!) constituents...

...and meanwhile the Dark Queen of Impeachment of Trump or Else! suns hereself in the Bahamas...and occasionally visually assaulted by a parading Organgeman!

Meanwhile...Trump cancels vacations in Florida and Colorado and asks these partying Dems to come back to town and make a deal...

Gosh...I wonder who the presstitutes are characterizing as the bad actors?!


The difference between the batshyt-crazy elite and the batshyt-crazy the fodder gets canned when caught.

That's it.


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