Topics > Media Bias/Media War

Tucker Carlson, friend, foe or something in between?

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John Florida:

--- Quote from: Alphabet Soup on December 07, 2018, 09:14:34 PM ---I noticed that Carlson went from avenging angel to persona non grata at the freepers. In other words he flunked the "sufficiently conservative" litmus test. Dumbasses.

Carlson walks a tightrope of his own construction. He's tried to carve out a unique place for himself amongst the pundits, and I think he's done pretty well. I have misgivings about his recent statement - but then I have misgivings about some of the stuff Trumps says, too. In the aggregate he has been one of the reasonable voices. He's clearly not a fan boi - but that's not what I seek him out for.

I'm not ready to throw him under the bus just yet....

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