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Asia Times...not much better than NY Times...dreck is dreck - INF issue

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John Florida:
  Both WW were in Europe not here other than Pearl Harbor.   They take a pounding and we don't.

So, we're supposed to keep them from killing each other, same as two other times, so they don't cross an ocean to come and kill us?

Yah, nope.

We get ridiculed and vilified for bailing their asses out, spending billions rebuilding their countries and billions more every year protecting them from assholes they cave in to anyway...

Hard to see a payoff any more.

Western Europe especially...they cave to Islam and Russia, fine...they can be on their own.  Central Europe more sane than Western, ally with them but to a point.

Besides, if the ingrates in the West get invaded/taken over by whoever...all we have to do is keep them on their side of the ocean.

IMO Trump is right to formally declare INF dead...

...the original signer of that agreement Ronald Reagan had a famous and innately wise saying - "trust but verify".

We verified, Russia cheated, trust is gone, period.

Only a complete imbecile would buy "trust, hope it works, stay in it even if effed in the arse".

Russia's tit-tat counter-tit...

The only honest statement coming out of Putin's face - “We must not and will not be drawn into a costly arms race,”

...yeah well, what were you hoping to gain by this?  Could it be to give the green-light to your Chi-Com pals to build a new class of nuclear arms?  I'm sure they would never ever in a million years turn such things your's just not conceivable, is it?

Idiots.  Well, whatever...nuke the planet...not like the majority of human beings is getting any more intelligent...pretty sure the global IQ dips lower with each passing second...

Oh well, don't worry...carry on and what will be will be.

When rooskies start going over-the-top with the fear-mongering... is a certain indicator a nerve has been hit. 

More proof ending this charade is the right move...

Now, if only the batshyt crazy Rooskies could just calm down and get back on their meds...


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