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This is bull!!

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This will be the most effective way they will get people off the air.  Tucker, in recent months, more so than ever before is telling every one in very plain terms what is really going on. I realize that Fox in general only provides a certain percentage of the real truth, but people like Lou Dobbs and Tucker are being more truthful than I ever thought I would hear.  I fear their days are numbered.

I knew when elected that Trump could not save this country.  I do support him and have been surprised at how much he has accomplished even with traitors all around him.  However, I did not think that the progressive takeover would be accelerated as it has in the last two years. I wish I could see something that could stop this but I see nothing.  Even when Q surfaced, I thought maybe there is a chance.  But the progressives have just too much power.  I fear for our future.

John Florida:
  When did we become boy scouts they have no idea if we eat there or no send an email.   Red lobster isn't what needs a slap it the trash that starts this crap that thinks they rule the world./

I sent an email.


--- Quote from: Alphabet Soup on January 08, 2019, 11:17:11 PM ---"I can't boycott an establishment that I don't patronize"

--- End quote ---

Living on the Gulf Coast with abundant seafood, Red Lobster didn't last long. Same for Cap'n D's fast food fish.

Alphabet Soup:

--- Quote from: John Florida on January 09, 2019, 09:57:09 AM ---  When did we become boy scouts they have no idea if we eat there or no send an email.   Red lobster isn't what needs a slap it the trash that starts this crap that thinks they rule the world./

--- End quote ---



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