Topics > 2nd Amendment/Firearms

Senate Demonazis introduce Gun Ban legislation

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They clearly do not understand "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".

But they will ..............

Oh yeah they will.

They should think on this...

In 2017 roughly 30% of the civilian population owned firearms.  More men than women, more whites and much more Pubbies and Indies vs Demies.
Over half not owning a gun are considering getting one, and the more the Left goes for bans and confiscations that will increase.
66% of owners own more than 1, 37% have 2-4, and 29% have 5 or more.  Likewise, this group is even more likely to acquire more as the Left goes more Fascist and Totalitarian.
About half the population comes from families with a heritage of firearm ownership and use and this should be considered the high end of potential future users should things turn dark in America.

The Left likes to run false flags, use force and bullying and demonizing us and enacting outright politically-driven unconstitutional laws to deny a God-given right...and to this point we have stayed calm while their minions shoot up schools and music festivals and yes even blow up buildings.

If we really wanted to make a scene, they would notice.

They keep this sh*t up they'll find out sooner.

Govt Shutdown leaves a missing number

But anyone want to bet on a number over 25 Million

I wish they would simply try to come for them. I am sick of listening to their yaps.

Yeah, somebody has to still be maintaining the data otherwise we would hear howling at retailers about the bottleneck stopping new sales...the "shutdown" only affects non-essential personnel...but essential enough to have the demonazis cry over their fate and disparage the fate of citizens murdered and raped by illegal aliens as unimportant plural anecdotes not worth protecting with 0.18% of the bloated federal budget!!! 


The abacus operator will have to catch up...and the elevation of coup-happy gun-grabbing socialists in the House will probably ensure the number for December is close to your peg so I would not bet low.

And yeah, I'm with ya on those sickening yaps!!!


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