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More Democrats go killing in a Highlands Ranch, CO high school

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This is a natural result of telling people their unnatural/not normal behavior and beliefs are to be cherished and unconditionally accepted and the government is used to force that acceptance with unconstitutional laws that violate the very spirit of a persons individual liberty and religious beliefs.  The PC/Diversity/Multi-culti cult-think is a vicious malevolent organism that always leads to destruction.  This disease fosters fascism, it is anti-American, evil and malicious...and needs to be rooted out root and stem!

I'll place my bets on this twisted prog being the next one to aspire to mass-murderer status.

Make special note of this BS - He claims the psychiatric staff deemed him mentally fit, saying: “Yeah, yeah, he’s good, he’s sane…miraculously”.’

The twisted head-doc's not only perpetuate this disease...they are essential to making it take root and then cover up any undesirable inquiries when said deviants go off and kill...they find other things to blame...not the professional sanctification of deviancy, no it will always be something more mundane.

And the demonazi indoctrinators, don't forget about them...they love to get to kids early...far earlier than eeeevil tobacco companies ever attempted...and fill their developing heads full of deviancy is swell garbage!

Enemies of Liberty, Enemies of far as the eye can see...

Damned scum is what these gun-grabbing demofascist's are!

How to create throw-away people, manufacture a crisis where none should be if God-given rights of self-defense and the Bill of Rights were respected...and then exploit the hell out of it when your own demonazi scum shoots up the place and kills innocents made defenseless animals by this same scum!

They pimped this exploitation and invited Goebbels Media propagandists, exploited away...and the kids said "eff this political BS!" and left!

And this scum-sucking agitator for Whores Demand Fascism got singled out for being especially douchie -

Laura Reeves heavily politicizes the STEM School Highlands Ranch vigil:

-Blames NRA
-Demonizes pro-gun politicians
-Advocates working to elect Democrats
-Tells students to register voters, stage walkouts, raise $$$, & use social media to promote gun control

Scum.  It all needs to get kicked..the eff...out!!!

Yup...makes perfect sense, from a sick and evil point of view...

Five months before the shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch that killed one student and injured eight others, CBS News learned school Executive Director Penelope Eucker was sent a letter warning about violence and bullying at the school. The letter was written by a school district official with information from an anonymous parent of a high school senior, who called the district with concerns about the school.

According to the letter, "there is an extremely high drug culture at STEM," and "many students are suicidal and violent." The anonymous parent called it the "the perfect storm" and "expressed concerns about a repeat of Columbine."

The Douglas County School District official said all of the concerns were reported to "the Department of Human Services and to the sheriff's department." STEM school officials disputed the claims and filed a lawsuit in January against the anonymous parent for what they called "defamatory statements."

CBS News could not reach top school officials or the district official who wrote the letter detailing the parent's concerns. However, CBS News confirmed the school district filed a police report based on the concerns and there is an active investigation.

Yup, create these perfect slaughterhouses...and punish those who point at batshyt-crazy kids about to be activated and file suits against the parents warning them!

Totally f**ked in the head typical demonazi intentional criminal behavior!


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