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I Made Bacon!

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So, while watching some cooking channels on YouTube a while back, I came across a video of a guy making bacon. Being a fan of all things bacon, and seeing how relatively simple it appeared, I knew I had to try it for myself.

I did a bunch of reading on the subject, and watched a ton more videos, and decided on a dry brined and hot-smoked version. I ordered a pound of sodium nitrite, or pink curing salt, to help avoid botulism. After that came in I called up a local butcher shop, and had them set me aside half a pork belly. It was $3.19/lb, skin already removed, and I ended up with right at 8-1/2 pounds after trimming it.

After trimming any folds away, and some of the excess fat, I mixed up a 50/50 mix of kosher salt and dark brown sugar to which I added the appropriate amount of curing salt and mixed well with a whisk. I packed this mixture onto the quarters (I’d intended on trying different smoking woods, etc.) and put them into gallon ziplock bags in my fridge for 8 days, flipping them over once a day. Then I washed the cure off the meat, patted it dry, and put them on my smoker/grill over maple wood @ 160-180* for 4-1/2 hours (you go until you reach an internal temp of 155-165*), allow to cool off in the fridge, then slice up or bag up for storage. It apparently keeps for 1-1/2 - 2 weeks in the fridge, and months in the freezer this way.

Well, good for you!  Hope it's delicious.

So, there are good things about making your own bacon, and some bad things also... On the positive side, It. Is. Amazing. Period.  ::danceban::

The downside is that pretty much every brand of bacon sold around me in supermarkets, etc., are basically meat cardboard now  :'( ...

Another upside is that you can slice it as thick, or as thinly as you wish. It doesn’t fry up quite like store bought bacon, but more like country ham/ham... but the amount of flavor is out of this world. And I’m sure my first attempt could use some improvements on. Which I intend to try in the coming week or so.


--- Quote from: fordguy_85 on August 21, 2019, 07:19:07 AM ---The downside is that pretty much every brand of bacon sold around me in supermarkets, etc., are basically meat cardboard now  :'( ...

--- End quote ---

BLASPHEMY! There is no bad bacon! ::unknowncomic::

Glad it worked out for ya, Uncle Fester! ::thumbsup::

I was sorta hopin’ you’d have forgotten to call me that by now  ::facepalm::


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