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Is Bono a closet conservative...

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Libertas: just a hypocrite?  You be the judge!


Bono has been reluctant to explain the tax strategy, but the band's guitarist The Edge has admitted: 'Of course we want to be tax-efficient – who doesn't?'

Spread the word!


--- Quote from: Libertas on June 06, 2011, 07:43:29 AM just a hypocrite?  You be the judge!

--- End quote ---

Typical tard. He wants all the poverty solved with someone else's money. ::rockets::

I think he's a one-worlder who suffers from a messianic complex. But maybe not. He's a tough one to peg. He gets involved with causes but seems to keep politics on the sidelines.

I'll be seeing him next month, doubt I'll get close enough to ask!

I will vote for the "hypocrite" choice. You don't need to guess about the politics of a conservative.


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