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Rejoice! The Demise of the corrupt AINO-filled E-GOP has begun!!!

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By stabbing the last decent man to be President in the back and trying to run away from he and from us, the have only one way to run and that is into the the unwelcome hands of the Commies, thus the Grand Old Party is about to go back into the dust, permanently!

They're incapable of being anything other than the Quisling slime they will be enjoyable seeing them destroyed...with Trump calling out their cowardice and complicity in destroying the old republic and the commies set to steal elections for perpetuity they are already in the tar pit...death is certain.

Liz the Statist Skank is headed for oblivion too...her political suicide was definitive.

And this weak fool...

McConnell's last round of ankle-grabbing is winning shtick is on its last legs...he and his decepticon pals are headed for the abyss...

In the 2022 Senate races there are 34 seats up for grabs.  14 are held by Democrats and 20 are held by tenuous Republicans.  [Breakdown Here] Due to vulnerability, their lack of support amid the republican base, and their insufferable 2020 behavior outing them as DeceptiCons it is almost guaranteed the GOP will lose seats in the 2022 mid-term election.

As a consequence Senators Richard Burr (NC), Ron Johnson (WI) and Pat Toomey (PA) had previously mentioned they were not going to seek reelection; now Senator Rob Portman (OH) makes the same announcement:

OHIO – On Monday, Sen. Rob Portman and his wife, Jane, walked into a room resplendent with ornate art deco murals and fixtures in the Hilton Netherland Plaza in downtown Cincinnati.

Portman briefly reminisced with reporters about ice skating in that very room as a child. Then, the Republican from Terrace Park took the stage and announced an end to his three decades in politics.

Portman, 65, won’t seek re-election next year but will serve out his term that ends on Jan. 3, 2023. (read more)

hings amid the DeceptiCon caucus are getting interesting.  With four GOP senators having announced they’re not running (Burr, Johnson, Toomey, Portman) there’s essentially zero chance of the GOP retaking control of the Senate in 2022.  [20 R seats up & only 14 D seats that are in solid D strongholds] it is far more likely the Democrats will gain seats, so keep this in mind….

…When we think about forming a third party, the “you will split the vote” crew always peddles their vote split narrative.  However, the GOP doesn’t have a chance in hell to win 2022 given what the base of the Republicans think about these senate DeceptiCons now.

There has never been a better time for a New Party to launch and capture three or four seats from the retiring GOPe crew.  It would be great to see true MAGA representatives that can caucus with Republicans but hold ground on America First principles.

And someone needs to primary Lisa Murkowski again.

And the above is if "elections" are fair and free of Dominion or mail-in mischief...which they won't the fail will be epic...stabbing Trump and running from him and blaming him is going to achieve absolutely nothing!

Participate if you feel like it...for me national contests and many states are write off's...

But...choose Lion over elephonkey if you play... me a 3rd party cannot hurt now, no matter what the nattering nabobs of Quislings bray!

I think the smarter play is to control states and localities, set up sanctuary areas and push for secession and tell the illegitimate fedcoat goons to piss off!

The AINO/Quisling Pubbies...


This is pure poppycock!

How can you partially admit the problem and then propose a ridiculous solution and think you have the time or likelihood of success to have any impact?

It's this kind of childish and ignorant crap that needs to be throw back down the toilet and flushed!

You do NOT have the time!

You do NOT have a level playing field as long as Dominion systems and its like and mail-in BS exists, and the DemCom's are taking marching orders from the DeepState and with the corrupt tech oligarchs, MarxistMedia and SocialistMedia in totalitarian lock-step the playing field is going from grotesquely uneven to nonexistent!

People like this are useful idiots for traitors and Quislings, period!


Even Donald Trump himself said no to a new party.

Because it is moot, there is one party...only one as long as elections are rigged...


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