Author Topic: Rejoice! The Demise of the corrupt AINO-filled E-GOP has begun!!!  (Read 15749 times)

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Re: Rejoice! The Demise of the corrupt AINO-filled E-GOP has begun!!!
« Reply #320 on: March 06, 2024, 09:03:10 AM »
UniParty Nimrata is toast...


Haven't seen domination like that in quite a while...

As for Nimrata's VA voters...dominated by foaming-mouth radical extremist demonazis -

Probably same in VT.

And, as for talking heads wondering how Trump can bring Nimrata voters into the fold...why bother?  They're already in the FJB camp.
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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Rejoice! The Demise of the corrupt AINO-filled E-GOP has begun!!!
« Reply #322 on: March 07, 2024, 08:57:51 AM »
Like I said about the Club for Growth clowns endorsing Trump...the Cucks are pivoting to being sappers from within...this is more of that...

I repeat, make a hard wall, do not trust any Cuck!

Example -


AMEN!  Say it loud, proud and often!!!

Palette cleanser...


« Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 09:21:05 AM by Libertas »
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Re: Rejoice! The Demise of the corrupt AINO-filled E-GOP has begun!!!
« Reply #323 on: March 08, 2024, 01:49:54 PM »
We'll see where this goes...

...still a sh!t-ton of Quisling sappers hanging around to muck things up!!!
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Re: Rejoice! The Demise of the corrupt AINO-filled E-GOP has begun!!!
« Reply #324 on: March 12, 2024, 09:56:47 AM »
This, is disappointing...but, crap choices beget crap choices...

Any response does not help at is a lost seat no matter what...   ::outrage::

But this...I hope...indicates a flushing of Quislings...

Alright, alright, alright. All the right people are pearl clutching as the new MAGA RNC leadership starts eliminating positions, reprioritizing the Republican National Committee on the functions that matter, and canceling professionally republican vendor contracts.

Essentially, the business end of the professionally republican RNC is being taken apart and retooled as a more election centric operation.

WASHINGTON – Donald Trump’s newly installed leadership team at the Republican National Committee on Monday began the process of pushing out dozens of officials, according to two people close to the Trump campaign and the RNC.

All told, the expectation is that more than 60 RNC staffers who work across the political, communications and data departments will be let go. Those being asked to resign include five members of the senior staff, though the names were not made public. Additionally, some vendor contracts are expected to be cut.

In a letter to some political and data staff, Sean Cairncross, the RNC’s new chief operating officer, said that the new committee leadership was “in the process of evaluating the organization and staff to ensure the building is aligned” with its vision. “During this process, certain staff are being asked to resign and reapply for a position on the team.”

The overhaul is aimed at cutting, what one of the people described as, “bureaucracy” at the RNC. But the move also underscores the swiftness with which Trump’s operation is moving to take over the Republican Party’s operations after the former president all but clinched the party’s presidential nomination last week.

Trump’s campaign took over operational control of the RNC on Monday. On Friday, former North Carolina GOP Chair Michael Whatley was elected the RNC’s new chair, and Trump daughter-in-law Lara Trump was elected as co-chair. Both had Trump’s endorsement. Additionally, Trump senior campaign adviser Chris LaCivita was named as the RNC’s new chief of staff.

Oh dear, vendor contracts are being cut.

I believe Sundance is correct to point to the vendor is there that the UniParty parasites enrich themselves at the expense of the party, the expense being the utter lack of an "opposition" party!

This will require close scrutiny to be sure the purge and overhaul is effective.  As always hope for the best, plan for the worst...

They have to be more proactive into the election season and prepared to challenge shenanigans swiftly and forcefully...or any post-electoral actions will be hampered.  The other thing to watch is the actions of the Cucks, McConnell et al will not go gentle into that good night...pouncing on their BS will be another high imperative.
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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Rejoice! The Demise of the corrupt AINO-filled E-GOP has begun!!!
« Reply #326 on: March 14, 2024, 11:52:42 AM »
This is nice...AOS rips into the fugly Quisling like a lion upon a carcass -

March 14, 2024
The Hill: "Campaign Cheney fuels speculation about her next move"
—Disinformation Expert Ace

Well at least that headline is honest -- it's Cheney pushing her many, many friends in the Gaslight Media to talk her up as a possible third-party candidate for president.

The article itself then lies, claiming "speculation is growing." No, your headline had it right: Cheney is pushing for others to speculate.

Speculation is growing about the role former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) will play in the 2024 election as President Biden and former President Trump barrel toward a rematch.
She will play the same role as she did at her high school homecoming dance: Third wallflower on the left.

Cheney has vowed that she'll do whatever it takes to keep Trump from returning to the White House. She has left the door open to running an independent bid and recently launched her political action committee, the Great Task, after Nikki Haley dropped her long-shot primary challenge against Trump.
"The Great Task." All the LOLs.

You can tell how much of a grifter these people are by the grandiose titles they give their grifting-procurement PACs.

At the same time, she has said she won't be a spoiler third-party candidate if it helps Trump -- leaving some Democrats curious, even hopeful, she'll publicly endorse Biden instead.
Wow, can you imagine, a Liz Cheney endorsement? That must be worth... 1/3rd of a Chelsea Clinton endorsement, and it's just as unexpected.

"If you had asked me 20 years ago, whether I thought it was a really good idea for Democrats to team up with a Cheney, I would have told you that you were drinking something," said Democratic strategist Jennifer Holdsworth. "But in this day and age, I think the more democracy-focused folks we have working towards the same goal, the better."
Holdsworth said she would "welcome" a Cheney endorsement despite their policy differences and Cheney's track record on issues such as women's rights, while also acknowledging such a move would complicate the former congresswoman's future political ambitions.

No, it won't complicate her future political ambitions, for the simple reason that she has no political future, period, full stop, end of line, end of program.

Cheney underwent a sudden political evolution in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack, going from a once-rising GOP star to someone vilified by her party for her opposition to Trump.

Rising... star? Is that how she sees herself?

She was a nepot placeholder, the same as 100 other nepots and placeholders.

he's become one of the main faces of the anti-Trump movement, having sat on a bipartisan panel to investigate Jan. 6 and using her platform to target Trump-aligned candidates, including Arizona's Mark Finchem and Kari Lake, during the November 2022 midterms, while endorsing some Democrats, such as Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.).
So she... endorses people?

She's building quite the Hillary-Clinton-like resume of "participating in committees" and "playing a leadership role in discussion groups," huh?

Since leaving office, she has also released a memoir and doubled down on her criticism of Trump -- the kind of behavior that might signal presidential ambitions.


She paid someone to ghostwrite a book for her that no one bought and engaged in pointless online trolling.

Obviously, then: She's a ship built entirely of Presidential timber.

Cheney has said as recently as January that she is leaving the door open to a White House run.
"I haven't made a decision about that," she said on "The View" in January.

I have. Now shut the f**k up and embrace your destiny. Make a late-in-life conversion to lesbianism and buy season tickets to the New York Liberty.

Still, there's hope among some Republicans that she will ultimately come home.

This article is one absurd lie after another. There is not a single Republican who pines for the return of this toadish hag.

Posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 12:00 PM Comments

Only thing worse than a washed up Quisling is a washed up Quisling unable to keep their garbage-spewing orifice shut!
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Re: Rejoice! The Demise of the corrupt AINO-filled E-GOP has begun!!!
« Reply #327 on: March 14, 2024, 12:23:33 PM »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Rejoice! The Demise of the corrupt AINO-filled E-GOP has begun!!!
« Reply #328 on: March 15, 2024, 08:42:42 AM »
I've been warning the Cucks will strike this it?

And is this a desperate move to keep Cucks from doing a Ken Buck?

Business as usual is dying...the death-throes will not be pretty...but they aren't supposed to be...the beginning of the end might just be around the next corner...
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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Rejoice! The Demise of the corrupt AINO-filled E-GOP has begun!!!
« Reply #330 on: April 19, 2024, 01:29:26 PM »
Cucks always get paid off for the cuckery by other Cucks...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Rejoice! The Demise of the corrupt AINO-filled E-GOP has begun!!!
« Reply #331 on: May 01, 2024, 08:59:28 AM »

The issue of feckless Pubbies seems to have no end...

Well, there is an end...but denial is not just a river in Egypt...
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Rejoice! The Demise of the corrupt AINO-filled E-GOP has begun!!!
« Reply #333 on: May 22, 2024, 08:35:35 AM »
DJT really needs to talk to Junior...

...he needs to know Quislings do not make good allies.  Grow up, man!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.