Topics > Faith & Family

Meta-Human: Ultimate Deepfake


Pablo de Fleurs:
Something tells me this will be twisted into multiple variants of evil . . .

Ultimately, this software will democratize deepfakes. It starts with innocent pranks, and ends in international scandals. As the fakes pile up, normal people will increasingly approach media with schizoid skepticism—a trend well underway. Any video evidence a person wants to ignore can be dismissed as a “deepfake.”
Bringing compelling real-time digital humans to life is incredibly challenging and time-consuming. It can take months of research, costly scanning equipment, and an army of tech artists. What if we could make the process radically simpler, faster, and more scalable—without compromising on quality?

We’re excited to share a sneak peek at MetaHuman Creator, a new tool that will empower anyone to create a bespoke photorealistic digital human, fully rigged and complete with hair and clothing, in a matter of minutes.

Creating convincing digital humans has traditionally been hard, slow, and expensive. With MetaHuman Creator, the time to create a unique digital human of the highest quality, complete with hair and clothing, is slashed. Here, we provide a first look at the new tool.
Find out more and register to get updates at Digital-Humans

Sneak-peek via YouTube.

Just what we need:  a supersonic method of creating more false "reality".

Well, sure...where can I get do I program them to do my bidding and how soon can they be delivered?



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