Author Topic: Pelosi NutHouse votes to repeal 2002 Iraq War authorization  (Read 221 times)

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Offline Libertas

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House repeals 2002 Iraq War authorization - Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says he will also put the authorization to a vote this year and President Joe Biden supports its repeal.

The House voted to repeal the 2002 authorization for the use of military force in Iraq on Thursday, a rare and historic effort by lawmakers to rein in presidential war powers.

Thursday’s vote brings the U.S. one step closer to ending the so-called Forever Wars in the Middle East that have defined the post-9/11 presidential administrations. And while the Iraq War ended nearly a decade ago, lawmakers saw an opportunity — with Democratic control of Congress — to reassert their Article I authority to declare and authorize foreign wars and military operations.

Everything in this article is undiluted 100%

1 - It does nothing to reign in Presidential power...the War Powers Act recognizes Presidential authority in responding to actual and immanent attacks upon the US. its territories, its possessions, its armed forces and endangered citizens in foreign lands...all the President has to do is notify the House and Senate...and he can whup asses for 30 days before ceasing operations or given authorization by Congress to keep whuppin' asses.

2 - It does diddly-squat to extricate us anywhere in and of by itself.  These morons live in a vacuum and thrive on their own noxious emmanations!

3 - It is a stunt, just another act in their revisionist desires to cleanse the history like they want to cleanse the culture of what made America America.

Oh, and about that War Powers Act...did you know this bill sponsored by Jacob Javits-R-NY was co-sponsored by?

Here's the list:

Sen. Stennis, John C. [D-MS]
Sen. Eagleton, Thomas F. [D-MO]
Sen. Bentsen, Lloyd M. [D-TX]
Sen. Taft, Robert, Jr. [R-OH]
Sen. Abourezk, James [D-SD]
Sen. Baker, Howard H., Jr. [R-TN]
Sen. Bayh, Birch [D-IN]
Sen. Bible, Alan [D-NV]
Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE]
Sen. Brock, Bill [R-TN]
Sen. Brooke, Edward W. [R-MA]
Sen. Burdick, Quentin N. [D-ND]
Sen. Byrd, Harry F., Jr. [I-VA]
Sen. Byrd, Robert C. [D-WV]
Sen. Case, Clifford P. [R-NJ]
Sen. Chiles, Lawton [D-FL]
Sen. Clark, Dick [D-IA]
Sen. Cook, Marlow W. [R-KY]
Sen. Cranston, Alan [D-CA]
Sen. Fong, Hiram L. [R-HI]
Sen. Hart, Philip A. [D-MI]
Sen. Haskell, Floyd K. [D-CO]
Sen. Hatfield, Mark O. [R-OR]
Sen. Hathaway, William D. [D-ME]
Sen. Huddleston, Walter (Dee) [D-KY]
Sen. Hughes, Harold E. [D-IA]
Sen. Humphrey, Hubert H. [D-MN]
Sen. Inouye, Daniel K. [D-HI]
Sen. Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA]
Sen. Magnuson, Warren G. [D-WA]
Sen. Mansfield, Mike [D-MT]
Sen. Mathias, Charles McC., Jr. [R-MD]
Sen. McGovern, George [D-SD]
Sen. Metcalf, Lee [D-MT]
Sen. Mondale, Walter F. [D-MN]
Sen. Moss, Frank E. [D-UT]
Sen. Muskie, Edmund S. [D-ME]
Sen. Nelson, Gaylord [D-WI]
Sen. Nunn, Sam [D-GA]
Sen. Packwood, Bob [R-OR]
Sen. Pell, Claiborne [D-RI]
Sen. Percy, Charles H. [R-IL]
Sen. Proxmire, William [D-WI]
Sen. Randolph, Jennings [D-WV]
Sen. Ribicoff, Abraham A. [D-CT]
Sen. Roth Jr., William V. [R-DE]
Sen. Schweiker, Richard S. [R-PA]
Sen. Scott, Hugh [R-PA]
Sen. Stafford, Robert T. [R-VT]
Sen. Stevens, Ted [R-AK]
Sen. Stevenson, Adlai E., III [D-IL]
Sen. Symington, Stuart [D-MO]
Sen. Talmadge, Herman E. [D-GA]
Sen. Tunney, John V. [D-CA]
Sen. Weicker, Lowell P., Jr. [R-CT]
Sen. Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [D-NJ]
Sen. Young, Milton R. [R-ND]
Sen. Hollings, Ernest F. [D-SC]
Sen. Cannon, Howard W. [D-NV]
Sen. Johnston, J. Bennett [D-LA]
Sen. Montoya, Joseph M. [D-NM]

Only mouth-breathing morons believe this changes a damn thing!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.