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FBI, er Amerikan KGB not only despotic and politicized but totally corrupt

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In 2018 the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General (DOJ-OIG) highlighted numerous FBI officials who accepted bribes from multiple media outlets including: “tickets to sporting events”, “golf outings”, “drinks and meals” as well as exclusive invitations and admission to “nonpublic social events” {Go Deep}.

Today the OIG expanded on the investigation that stemmed from that original outline, and published new findings.  Within the latest two page summary [pdf here], the “senior FBI official” is unnamed; however, prior research indicates it was former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

Jim Sciutto, Evan Perez and Carl Bernstein were coordinating the attack against President Trump through Jake Tapper’s show on CNN.  The FBI small group were well aware of what the CNN crew were planning.  This was a collaboration.

FBI Spokesperson Mike Kortan was coordinating the narrative on behalf of the FBI team.  The FBI knew the underlying premise was entirely false, and likely so too did the CNN crew as we outlined in “The Anatomy of a Political Smear.”

Perhaps the most alarming evidence of the FBI abuses of power and media collusion was found in a 2019 Buzzfeed story, when the Mueller team was at its apex.  Buzzfeed News outlined how FBI agents assigned to Robert Mueller’s team actually leaked documents from their investigation to the media.

This admission is stunning.  At the time of publication, I did not think Buzzfeed realized what they were admitting to.   It’s in these paragraphs (emphasis mine):

(Buzzfeed) […] I’d also like to share an accounting of how we came to our characterization, to give our audience and people who reasonably raised questions about our reporting as much information as possible about how the story came to be.

Our story was based on detailed information from senior law enforcement sources. That reporting included documents — specifically, pages of notes that were taken during an interview of [Michael] Cohen by the FBI.

In those notes, one law enforcement source wrote that “DJT personally asked Cohen to say negotiations ended in January and White House counsel office knew Cohen would give false testimony to Congress. Sanctioned by DJT. Joint lawyer team reviewed letter Cohen sent to SSCI about his testimony about Trump Tower moscow, et al, knowing it contained lies.”

The law enforcement source also wrote: “Cohen told OSC” — the Office of Special Counsel — “he was asked to lie by DJT/DJT Jr., lawyers.”  At the time, the sources asked reporters to keep the information confidential, but with the publication of Mueller’s report they have permitted its release. (read more)

Do you realize what Buzzfeed is saying right there?  The FBI agents on the Muller team gave copies of their FD-302 reports (investigative notes) to Buzzfeed news !!

Notice the use of the plural “reporters“; specifically the way “reporters” is used in the paragraph, infers that multiple media outlets were given the same FBI leaked documents.  Tell me again about the honorable “rank and file”…  I digress.

We are in a war against a vast statist cabal intent upon ushering in one-party control over every thought and action of every soul!  It is a war we must win at all costs.


Before he was arrested, FBI Supervisory Special Agent David Harris, 51, was tasked with investigating crimes against children, including child sexual abuse material, otherwise known as child pornography. Now, many are wondering if he possibly sought out this position of power to further exploit children, as he was charged with multiple crimes against children, including indecency with a child, crimes against nature and sexual battery.

Oh, so sad too bad our systemic demonic corruption caused some of you girls to be abused by a sexual predator but we see a lot of these in high positions of authority from President's on down so ya know it's hard to tell (wink) who should or should not be targeted because you know all sexual predators are not equal in the eyes of Praetorians like us and so some collateral damage has to happen now and then and you girls are an example of that so I hope you all understand this is the way it is and we cannot change what we do or why we do it because well, we have to answer to each other ya know and that is the most important thing and like things like the Constitution, oaths, ethics, morality just need to adapt to current reality after all...

...not to mention the number of blades, bullets, rope and lumber required to get us all, I mean have you seen the prices on this stuff?  And y'all need a sh!tload of it because there is a lot of criminal corruption in our ranks!  And we gots zillions of bullets and APCs and fun stuff like that so we really have no fear of you or anybody...



Worst traitor many contestants...


Nice indictment at CTH for the unsalvageable rogue Amerikan KGB....

...can't mend it, need to just end it.


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