Topics > The Police State

Totalitarian America via Mass Psychosis-Menticide via waves of Fear & Isolation

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What Paul Craig Roberts laments in the following is correct in facts...these states are disunited, the DeepState with their DemCom and RINO/AINO/NeoCon Quislings, Globalist/Corporatist/CronyCapitalist comrades and compliant OldMedia and Soical(ist)Media propagandists want to ruile like Sauron and will destroy the nation and world to prevent any other outcome.  The Rome analogy, which I myself have used often (but in the context that our collapse like Rome's began with a moral collapse before the nation-state collapse...Rome though Pagan was moral in its genesis and early did not divert until the empire became so vast, so much more of a drain to maintain that greed, ambition, lust, envy, gluttony...universal narcissism took root and the Bad Emperor phase began to accelerate the decline and exacerbate the over-extension of empire) I find interesting in that PCR brings up the never fully proven assertion that the citizens weary of tyranny misery disease starvation and deprivation within saw barbarians as "as good a savior as we can get" and flung the city gates open.  Being where we are, what we've been subjected to thus far and the darker Hell we are headed is a sentiment I can begin to sympathize with.

The question is will younger generations listen to those with knowledge and experience of the past?  I see some evidence, but is it nearly enough? the topic at hand and our rapid descent into Totalitarian Hell I present the following:

I/We have used humor, the biting sarcasm and ridicule that the ruling elite cannot (like logic) process...and we need to step up Havel's "parallel structures" and spread the truth (Can't stop the signal, Mal!) and never ever give in or give up!  Our generation's "Liberty or Death" moment is upon us.  Deus Vult!

ETA - Came across this at fits here -


See also but kinda long Ep119 STATE OF FEAR! How the Government used Science of Psychology to Delude Us OR


Oops. I searched hard and found the same video as above!
The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis - Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?
Finally, I found this. A list of 'scientific' predictions starting in 1966.  I believed in many of them as they were 'science.' All fear all the time.

Now 6 corporations control maybe 90% of media and tell people what to think. Even a tweet having a link to wrongthink can be blocked.

Fear is a lever...but it only works on the whateverly-challenged, the weak-minded...the cowardly...the selfish and excessively selfish...herd-followers, herd exploiters...

This by Brandon Smith fits in this topic...

We who cherish Liberty, Founding Principles and Traditions...are the light that exposes their darkness and threatens their despotic aims.



Looking forward to seeing what Part 2 has to offer.


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