Author Topic: Gov. engineered food shortages?  (Read 485 times)

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Re: Gov. engineered food shortages?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2021, 09:37:41 AM »
Well, my first impression is it makes sense from the perspective of an evil twisted government that on a range of issues is getting more and more evil and twisted by the second...

My second thought came flooding in immediately after the first...this is why one should never NEVER do a deal with the devil!  Subsidies seem like a swell a yummy apple from a special tree...but all it does is make the recipient a slave to the state!

I am disappointed nobody decided to tell the government to screw itself...or better yet, do some midnight harvesting and black market selling to people wanting to load up...then destroy the fields and cheat the statist pricks!

Many websites reporting on this appear to be shills for the statists assholes so I won't bother linking them...they acknowledge crops are destroyed, animals slaughtered since the start of the Plandemic...then say government is NOT making anybody do it...they're just doing it to keep the subsidy!

It's the same BS with everything now...they want consent, they bully people for their consent...and pretend it isn't coercion...

People are effed up!

They are also saying (Plandemic) reduced demand is to blame...but if demand went down prices would come down and they didn't, they went up...because they took supply away.  I argue demand didn't change that much for food, it shifted...people still got groceries for home, changed to take-out vs sit is the restaurants and their workers that took a hit, not the food.  Only consumable that saw a significant demand drop was gasoline with people staying home.  Also, this just piggybacks on the CRP crap of idling farmers used to obeying orders.  Plus, capital gains used to root out nearly all family farms...shifted most ownership to corporate, who love telling people what to do as much as the government does...

What's one more regulation to follow, eh?

Passed the Rubicon decades ago for farmers to say bleep you, government!


When the run hits...the fugly starts.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Gov. engineered food shortages?
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2021, 10:42:30 AM »
Here is what could be a mainstream battle space prep article from April  2020

Here are claims that paying a farmer to destroy a crop is normal - and this is one of those fringe conspiracy sites

I know that the government pays to leave land fallow. I am not aware of programs that destroy crops after they are planted.. but that doesn't mean that they don't exist.
Here is an article from 2014 that  suggests that they do  and have since Fascist FDR in the 30s

Here is indication that BIDEN is expanding the program as part of his Agenda 2030 initiatives

I could find no corroborating evidence that farmers are being denied a subsidy or future opportunities for one if they do not accept the offer.
I won't be at all surprised if that is the case..  but as a method of control, such subsidies are pretty stupid. 
If SHTF you will grow whatever the hell you want and sell it black market if need be
A food shortage will increase food prices for any farmers that reject such offers,  possible beyond the 1.5X ofer made.

I don't like the idea of subsidies at all,  but if the government is going to offer above market price to leave ground fallow or destroy a crop,  okay. I don't want your carrot. I don't take it.
Now if they simultaneously say "if you don't take the carrot" you will get the stick, and be prevented from growing, selling, or in some other way punished,  then there is nefarious intent and we have a real problem.

But beyond what is alleged in this video,I am NOT seeing evidence of that elsewhere.
Filled under "keep your ear to the ground for additional confirming information"

But bottom line this changes nothing.  Lay in Food. Lay in Ammo.  Pay off debt. Build resilience -physical and mental, and add to your skills in the direction of self-sufficiency. Get out of the God Damn Cities.  They will be death traps.

This isn't going to get better till it gets a lot worse.  Engineered food shortage or no.  During the depression lots of crops didn't ever get sold, because the cost  get them to a city and processed made them too expensive for most to afford. Cities will have the highest crime, and will be the focus of efforts to control the population including martial law. .  This doesn't mean rural areas will be untouched, but it will be done by example - there is simply too much area- they need fear to control a rural area.  Do not comply. Do not Fear.  If its your turn to be an "example" to the others, its your turn.  Try to survive it and know help will come from the unaffected areas.

( I had a libtard tell me they would Agent Orange our crops...Yeah, you figure out how many flights that would take..)

TPTB  are all in. And I doubt there is anything they will balk at doing. The blatantly cheated at an election.. and blatantly fight any legal efforts to audit the results.  That right there shows you they don't give a flying f**k what happens.  Save Democracy indeed. A Democracy can't function  unless most everyone trust the election system- everything Democrats did called that system in to question and they fight every attempt to settle those questions.  I can't tell if  this is planned or simply desperation.  Legitimacy in the common sense just doesn't seem to matter to them anymore - if it did you would have seen an orderly withdrawal form Afghanistan followed by a quick takeover and China moving in.  Deliberately or no, the legitimacy of the US Government and US Institutions - Media, Education etc - both internally and overseas is being undermined, either because they don't think they need voluntary compliance, or because they are so incompentnet they don't realize they  need it.  Or both.

 FDA even  proved the vaccine -- without of course doing any of the trials or testing to get the legal approval. De-Legitimizing the entire process in the eyes of any thinking person.  All so they can pretend, now its authorized, that they now have the authority to jab you or your kids as a requirement of employment or education. Be ready to file a class action lawsuit and/or walk off that job.  Make sure the business knows that in taking responsibly for their health - they take responsibly in all areas - they must disclose any other employees with diseases of any kind, including STDs. They must take on responsibility for any harm you suffer from the vaccine or any cold you catch at work.
If they persist, be ready to leave.   IN fact draw all of the lines in the sand and get ready to defend them

Mine list is : 

1) No Jab.  If my Employer requires it I present them with legal demands and simply refuse to comply with requests.  Send them a note that says "I am vaccinated get off my back" but refuse to prove it. Make them fire you.  Make them pay for arbitration and/or  lawyers. 

2) Guns.

3) Land Use. Any attempt to regulate  how I farm will be ignored.  Attempts to enforce regulations will be met with  the same response as #2.  Colorado had a ballot initiate not unless the pork BS in CA. Animals couldn't be slaughtered till 1/4 of their natural lives has passed. No " Penetration" - meaning no  preg checks or artificial insemination.  We did a local event and many people asked if we sold 1/4 or 1/2 animals.  And that is how the black market will work . No more USDA slaughter houses.

4) Energy.  They may well cause gas or electric power outages.  Farm Gas can be sold and poured directly into tanks on your land. Get some. Solar  . Get some.

5) Banking.  Get Out.  Set up Crypto accounts using hardware wallets () . Get old "junk" silver coins and 16-18K gold chains. ( that is the price you will be paid for gold regardless of how pure it actually is)  Pay off debt and barter whenever possible.  They will be coming for you via the banking system. They WILL deny you access to all financial platforms  they can .. So its bullion,  barter, Cash or crypto. Be ready to use them all
They will be forcing you to do all of these things eventually.
Get ahead of them now.

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Re: Gov. engineered food shortages?
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2021, 10:53:58 AM »
Yeah the agent orange thing is a red flag...and yeah they are getting more desperate and like you say, I am not yielding, ever...on any of it!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.