Author Topic: The political dissidents being illegally and harshly detained face more hardship  (Read 3214 times)

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Offline Libertas

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There is enough noise on this to make me conclude some statist chicanery is afoot!  You have to go to the worst totalitarian regimes in history to find something comparably nefarious!

These people most of whom are innocent and only guilty of political affiliation not favored by statist goons are detained illegally, have to suffer confinement and treatment usually reserved for prisoners of war and have had their rights trampled routinely now have to suffer without representation of their choosing...

Clearly there must be some legal champions out there willing to step up pro bono to assist these abused political dissidents?!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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I will go ahead and call it state-sponsored murder...

Government is filled with demonic ghouls...
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Offline Libertas

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Curious.  Basically a question of is Rhoades a government agent?  And the subjective prosecutions always looked problematic to me.

The world we live in is dark, vicious and perverted.
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Offline Libertas

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Well, I guess this will indicate the status of this outfit...

...just another bunch of faithless oath-breaker Praetorians or not?   ::whatgives::

Be nice if they did something to end this abuse of power and unlawful confinement in the face of BLM and Antifa burning, looting, murdering and destroying cities that went virtually ignored!   ::outrage::

So, we will see where USMS stands on things soon enough...
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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Letter from the Amerikan Gulag...

You know its bad when the illegally detained political dissidents long for the fairer treatment of Gitmo...
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Offline Libertas

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For anybody not believing the conditions for these political prisoners is not horrendous...

Every single one of these goons and bosses all the way to the top should be charged, tried, convicted and thrown in solitary for the rest of their demonic lives!!!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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MTG & Gohmert visit Jan6 illegally detained protesters in DC jail...

January 6 Detainee Wing (8:55 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.)
After exiting the elevator and turning right, the delegation of approximately 15 people filed into
a narrow hallway which led to a secluded area in the back of the CTF. This area was noticeably
different: the January 6 detainee wing was a much older part of the jail that had not been updated
in many years. One inmate claimed that this section of the jail had once been used as a
psychiatric ward that had been decommissioned before the January 6 inmates were assigned
DC DOC staff opened a door and allowed Reps. Greene and Gohmert to enter a large, white,
artificially lit room with approximately 40 inmates in orange scrubs scattered throughout the
room. Inmates began to pour out of the rooms and approach the delegation of Representatives
and staff. The wing had two floors, with cells along the walls of both floors. The center of the
room contained a few scattered chairs and tables, but largely open space. The remainder of the
room had an aged electronic panel controlling the cell doors, and a common shower area with 3
individual showers with curtains.
Moments after Reps. Greene and Gohmert entered the room, the inmates broke into excited
yelling and triumphant shouting, astounded by a visit from two sitting Members of Congress.
The inmates were overwhelmed with emotions: some crying, almost all emotionally shaken. One
inmate asked to hug Congresswoman Greene. Except for the January 6 detainees, no other
inmates in any part of the jail cried during the visit. Many January 6 inmates had not seen their
families in some time and expressed a sense of hope after such a long period of isolation from
the outside world.
As inmates gathered around the representatives, chants of “U-S-A! U-S-A!” rang out. Inmates
began to form a line to shake hands with Reps. Greene and Gohmert and their staff.
Congresswoman Greene began by asking questions of the inmates:
Rep. Greene: Are you able to see and speak with your attorneys?
Inmates: No!
Rep. Greene: Are you able to talk to and see your family members?
Inmate: No! I haven’t seen my family since April.
Inmate: I haven’t seen my family’s faces since all year!
Rep. Greene: If you have long hair, is that by choice?
Inmate: Unless you’re vaccinated you have to use Nair.
Rep. Greene: Do you feel like you’re being treated fairly?
Inmate: No! Absolutely not. We only get five hours a day out of our cells. Which is better than
one hour. We were held for 23 hours a day when we got here.
Rep. Greene: Do you go outside?
Inmate: Twice a week.
Rep. Greene: How many times a day do you get meals?
Inmate: Three. Define meal.
Rep. Greene: How often do you get mail?
Inmate: Whenever they [jail guards] feel like it.
Rep. Greene: Do you get to be included in any kind of educational classes or training?
Inmates: immense sarcastic laughter
Rep. Greene: Tell me about religious services. Are you allowed to have religious services?
Inmate: No. We do our own.
Rep. Greene: Do you have a Bible?
Inmate: Yes ma’am.
Inmate: They said the only way to get Communion is to get vaccinated.
Inmate: They sprayed all the cells with bleach before the Marshals came.
As the discussion continued, the inmates assembled for their nightly singing of the “StarSpangled Banner” at 9 p.m. Following the singing of the national anthem, the congressional
delegation began to mingle and have individual discussions with inmates.
Staff for Rep. Greene’s office were shown the conditions inside of cells and community showers.
Recently removed mold, dirt, and other stains were clearly visible. Inmates claimed that the
Marshals Service had come through their area days before and cleaned it up, in addition to
painting the walls (or having them painted).11 Some inmates disclosed that when they arrived in
the area, the cells were crawling with rats and bed bugs. The air circulation in the individual cells
is so minimal that human feces and other smells begin to fester and pollute the air.
But the physical conditions of the area were just the start. Inmates were only allowed out of their
cells for five hours a day, a small mercy. Prior to this relative freedom, inmates were kept in their
cells similar to the maximum security inmates: 23 and 1 (23 hours in the cell, 1 hour out), 22 and
2, (21 and 3), etc. One inmate, who had been detained since February 3, 2021, explained that he
had been subjected to “23 and 1” for four months, followed by two months of 22 and 2. This
inmate stated that he had gone through 200 days of solitary confinement. This type of treatment
is being used against inmates who are all pre-trial. They have been convicted of nothing.
Despite remaining innocent until proven guilty under the law, the January 6 inmates are allowed
few, if any, basic human needs. For example, to supplement their lack of nutrition from the jail,
inmates must buy food from the commissary with their own money, limited to once-a-week with
a maximum of $125. Inmates cannot receive a haircut unless they are vaccinated. They cannot
receive communion without being vaccinated. Many have been reduced to using Nair to
chemically burn their hair off to keep themselves partially groomed. Most cannot speak to their
families. Some are not even sure whether their family members know they are alive or their
One elderly inmate, 71-year-old Lonnie Leroy Coffman, was in such poor condition that his
lower forearm had turned purple and his thumb, black. Inmates claimed Lonnie could be in
danger of losing his lower arm and has been denied medical treatment. Multiple inmates argued
that if there were a way to get any inmate released, it should be Lonnie.
Many inmates suffered from a variety of health and dietary issues: one with a broken finger,
another from celiac disease. The inmate with celiac disease must go days without eating because
the jail will not accommodate his dietary needs. Other inmates claimed that the jail inserts
chemicals and pubic hair in their food. Some inmates keep crackers or peanut butter in their cells
to supplement their diet.
The severe treatment of these inmates within the facility cannot be overstated. These men have
no access to a law library to work on their cases. Some are forced to represent themselves pro se,
drafting dozens of pages of legal motions on notebook paper. Inmates stated that they are only
allowed outside twice a week. They cannot go to religious services in the main CTF area because
they are not vaccinated.
Representatives Greene and Gohmert continued to talk with the inmates, sign their Bibles and
Constitutions, and listened to their stories. Staff received information from many of the inmates
on the status of their cases, conditions in the January 6 detainee wing of the CTF, or requests to
contact family or attorneys.
One inmate provided Representative Greene with a longer explanation of how the January 6
group of inmates were being treated in the months leading up to the visit:
Inmate 1:
Congresswoman Greene, I want to talk to you about September 18th. Remember they had
the big rally in support of us at the square in Washington [D.C.]?
They [DOC] woke us up prisoner-of-war style in the dawn, at 7:00 in the morning.
[They] made us grab our mattresses in our hands and didn’t tell us where we were going,
what was happening, how long we were going to be gone. They marched us down single
file out of here, we started singing the national anthem; I got punched in the gut for
singing the national anthem by a guard here as retaliation.
They pulled us down into a random part of the jail and kept us there for 9 hours where
there were no sinks, no bathrooms, or anything. We didn’t know what was happening to
us. It was literally how you treated prisoners-of-war to keep them disoriented and not let
them know where you’re going and everything – it was a travesty. They did that to us
about at 8:00 in the morning to about 6:00 at night.
Inmate 2: That was the day the rally happened. I saw him get punched by the officer.
Inmate 1: For singing the national anthem I got punched in the gut!
Another inmate explained to Rep. Greene that his toilet did not work and that he was forced to
hold his bladder for long periods of time until he could use a bathroom in another cell in the
Rep. Greene: Your toilet doesn’t work? Where do you use the restroom?
Inmate: I got to wait to come out and come down to this cell down here.
Rep. Greene: Oh, my goodness.
Another conversation involved inmates singing “God Bless America” in their cells in early June
2021, and the retaliation from jail guards:
Inmate: On June 1, 2021, we [the inmates] sang “God Bless America” at 11:45 p.m. and
Corporal Holmes, who was not normally stationed there, into their area and told us to
“shut the f**k up.” We replied that we were singing “God Bless America” and the guard
replied, “f**k America” and then went up to one cell, turned his camera off and said he
would ‘beat his ass’ (referring to the inmate). The guard came back at 4:30 a.m. on June 2
taunting and harassing us… We wrote multiple grievances about this officer, and they
were all returned by the guard himself.
After speaking with many of the inmates, Congresswoman Greene made the following statement
to them:
I was upset about the riot on January 6. I don’t call it an insurrection—it wasn’t—but I
was upset. But I’m here because I really, truly am worried that you all are being treated
poorly and it’s a human rights abuse and it’s an abuse of your civil rights and you should
be presumed innocent before proven guilty. And I believe in a good justice system and
that you should be treated fairly, just like the rest of the people here that I saw tonight
who are really being treated very well.
I think that should be extended to every single person regardless of politics or skin color
or what you’re being charged with. We’ve heard terrible things and I want you to know
that Congressman Gohmert and I have basically refused to back down on this issue.
The America we know is not a racist country. We want people to be receiving fairness in
the justice system.
After approximately 40 minutes of discussion, Congresswoman Greene asked everyone to
huddle in a circle. The January 6 inmates locked arms in a wide circle which included staff from
the congressional offices, Rep. Gohmert, and Mr. Kinlow.
As the group gathered, Congresswoman Greene made the following remarks:
Rep. Greene: It was important to see the entire jail. Now that we’ve seen all of it, I think
we’ve learned a lot of things that we needed to know. I have to tell you as a Christian and
a fellow American citizen, I don’t believe that anyone should be abused simply because
of their skin color, or their political views or their religious views or their religion.
It’s wrong to abuse people. We all have our civil rights and they need to be protected.
And here’s something else you need to know: It’s a hard time for all of you and it’s a
hard time for most people, especially being incarcerated, but don’t lose hope. Don’t lose
Inmates: NEVER!
Rep. Greene: You know who you are, a child of God, and He loves every single one of
you. He made you and He formed you and He knew you before you were born, and that’s
the greatest gift. He’s got a plan for every single one of us. You know you’re not
forgotten; you’re appreciated. And you’re loved, and your families love you. They miss
you and your friends love you. And many people talk about you and pray for you. And I
think if anything, we can come through this time in our country, hopefully we can all
come back together, and we’re not divided by that.
I want to pray for everyone here. [prayer]
Following the prayer, DOC staff began asking inmates to return to the door of their cells for
lights-out at 10 p.m. Mr. Kinlow expressed to one member of Rep. Greene’s staff that it was
“recommended” that the delegation leave before 10 p.m.
As the time with the inmates came to an end, DOC staff announced to the inmates that the
inmates had 3 minutes before the time with Representatives and staff would conclude.
Approximately 30 seconds later, DC DOC staff began trying to break up the huddle of inmates
showing Reps. Greene and Gohmert video footage from January 6. The immediate attempt to
end this revelation prompted one of the inmates to respond, “That was a quick 30 seconds.”
As DC DOC staff slowly escorted the congressional delegation out of the room, the January 6
detainees began a “U-S-A!” chant followed by a “LETS-GO-BRANDON!” chant.
As the doors closed ominously, the delegation was quickly led through the CTF back toward the
CDF, and the jail entrance.

Despicable treatment of American's not charged with anything and handcuffed from the rights we are all entitled to!

It appears their spirits are unbroken, which must be why some guards despise and hate them...and we cannot forget them or let their persecutors get away with any of it!!!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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IMO and IME it is unrealistic to see their law being applied to their despots...and this angle may well be bait not to be followed...

Unless language made clear and unambiguous and path to redress free of corrupt bureaucrats it can never be applied against the corrupt allies of the corrupt...
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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She's right...

...but a letter to another traitor to America is dead on arrival...

...calling for the hanging of all traitors is long overdue.  The reign of terror of these sociopathic anti-American bastards must end.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online Pandora

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Speaking of treason, that Deputy Warden is a real piece of work.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Libertas

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The DC Hanoi Hilton is a total disgrace...and the guards and leadership are punk-ass thugs....

Free America will not forget...
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See this?

Guy saves innocent people from being murdered by Capitol Gestapo...pulled one guy out from certain death...his reward?  A plea deal for 9 years in the can!

He was right to tell them no...either they have to back up their lies with evidence, even doctored evidence...or lose on exculpatory evidence...

The Marxists dragging this out for their continued gaslighting all Marxists they think confinement and torture will crack them and make the burden of evidence moot...all the while the corrupt Marxist Jan6th kangaroo court spins unsupported lie after lie...and nobody is buying it but they are too scared sh!tless to stop their lies and can only get worse...

"They Live" and they are evil...and cannot stop doing evil...
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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These Gestapo are way would this happen to a BLMer or Antifian sh*tbag!!!

Sentences for crimes against humanity carry a stiff penalty!
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More blood on DemCom/Cuck hands!!!

Unforgiveable!!!  Gulag Amerika must end!!!
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Adolph Hitler et al would be so proud of the Amerikan FBI using kids of defendants to defame their parents...

...with DemCom's & Cucks cheering it all on...


We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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A sane judge recognizing political oppression when he sees it...

...all of the illegally persecuted illegally detained J6 political prisoners should demand to have this judge hear their cases.
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Also, BLM racist terrorists are free, Antifa anarchists are free, the 51 IC traitors who lied about Trump and Russia, Obamao, Clinton, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer & DNC et al who conspired against a sitting President are free and still committing treason, FBI stooges like Ray Epps, Luke Phillip Robinson (aka GingerGun), that fugly little Antifa clown sporting the Trump hat...the unknown pipe-bomber the Amerikan KGB claims it cannot find...all free...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Good for him, but I think most fall into the same category...and their illegal detention and persecution and torture should end as well!!!
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We know what a bunch of politicized leftist thugs the bastards at the FBI Amerikan KGB are...they got off on false flags, entrapments and outright fabrications like any rogue secret police in history and the assholes at the BATFE or whatever BS they call themselves are not very far behind in the existential threat to American Liberty!  Most Fed agencies are highly suspect, especially since all were weaponized under the Un-American foreign-born Halfrican Marxist Muslim bi-sexual Manchurian Candidate Bathhouse Barry!

Now we learn through discovery at least 20 Feds present on Jan 6th and were in fact "monitoring" aka "infiltrating" gatherers before then!  But all we get out of them is lies...and defiance in producing documents demanded by those with oversight responsibility...while innocents rot and die in the DemCom DC gulag!

Effing sick!!!   ::outrage::   ::angry::   ::cussing::   ::machinegun::
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.