Topics > Economy

Market volume spikes


Well I'm going down
Down, down, down, down, down
I'm going down
Down, down, down, down, down
I've got my head out the window
And my big feet on the ground


--- Quote from: Libertas on June 16, 2011, 07:04:56 AM ---Well I'm going down
Down, down, down, down, down
I'm going down
Down, down, down, down, down
I've got my head out the window
And my big feet on the ground

--- End quote ---

I wonder if it's going to take another crap today .


--- Quote from: Sectionhand on June 16, 2011, 09:12:24 AM ---I wonder if it's going to take another crap today .

--- End quote ---

Its going to take another crap today and every day till "drop money from helicopters" Boom Boom Bernake decides to begin QE3 - either publically or privatey.  The stock market is not longer about the companies, the profits, or business outlooks OR INVESTORS.  Its about the currency, the banks and the FED. The Fed now decides if the market goes up or down, left or right. The investors (such as there are)  are investing based on the percived actions of the Fed.  If the Fed says no more printing, short the market and get out.  If the fed says more printing ,  buy in.  Bullion is hardly moving either way - its the hedge against either eventuality.

Michelle and I were too chicken to jump in at 6500 - I had more faith that the American people were too smart to fall for QE  at the time.  We may jump in for this round since the Fed seems determined to let the Dow drop to those levels again.  They  have no choice but QE3  -  its the slow bleed via inflation, or the bleed out of a deflationary depression.  Politicans, world markets, hedge fund investors and folks like us want the slow bleed. I still need till August to really finish the major prep. Homicide in the next neighborhood,  brass sprinkler bells being stolen ,  black gangs targeting White Victims in Denver.  I fear very soon it will be time to ditch suburbia  and head for the hills.

Too little Industrial Activity ... Too much Financial Spit-Swapping !

Warnings of a repeat of 1987's Black Friday, after the circuit-breakers kick in and the PPT does their dirty work...the next time the exchanges open up they'll dive some more!

Meanwhile back at the ranch grandma tries to fend off zombies with just a pitchfork...


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