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If there is a 2024...and the BS is stopped...

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Marxists everywhere are in a full-blown panic...

...and the corrupt UniParty clowns should be scared sh!tless.


The number one reason...

...why DeSantis better not get ahead of himself... driven by two very important facts:

1)  Without Trump there would be no DeSantis

2)  Without Trump...DeSantis would take his turn as the DemoCommie's Public Enemy Number One...

DeSantis would be denied the White House. would anybody else with Trump out of the way would be denied any office of importance... would be the Cuck n' Commie snuggle fest where the former pretends to battle the latter and the former holds no grudges when the latter defeats them on everything...eventually leading to the former being "Box 3'd" out of existence.


I can find noting to nitpick Sundance for on this, his analysis seems sound...and it is far too early to tell for certain if Noem's commitment to sacking McDaniel is sincere or not and to what end her removal presents for we Liberty-lovers...

...If I had to lay bets on both I would say yes, sincere and on motivation being to replace her with someone she thinks can help her...

...the latter is a little vague and lazy I know but that's what I got!  I believe all know my previous support for her back when she ran for Congress and then Governor...she is pretty sharp and makes few missteps...the flip-flop on the trans athletes bill being perhaps the worst and some early missteps in scamdemic issues most stumbled on were quickly recovered later...I don't see her as a reliable establishment tool but I understand the reservations about her...far better than Haley may not be a ringing endorsement...but this mess is 2 years out and since 2020 & 2022 proved "voting" is dead and "ballot counting" (see "Stalin") matters...all of this is probably a waste of time to discuss anyway...

Sorry about wasting your time!  Shame on me!   ::slapfight::


Talk about terminal decline...



The Communist Chinese are our principle adversary in the world...what is going on now is 180 degrees out of phase with sanity.


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