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Col MacGrego in ra speech years ago,maybe during Iraw



In short the US will have to change their military for same reason of others long ago. No more money. We have no stratregic goals
At some place "Carlyle"

Way long ago, is young with hair that is mostly dark still. 

Didn't even mention US civil war, talk about carnage.

He says the US Govt/Military will "walk away"...really?  Think the DeepState and political puppets are going to walk away from anything or anywhere?  They will go down in flames...everywhere...than retreat/admit failure...

Short of a monetary/fiscal/economic crash...what will happen is the military deployed overseas will be left on their own, like we'll all be...

Military purges of Obama really took the stupid much much higher...


I think it was during one of the Iraq wars.
He said someone around late 1800s decided Britain was still fighting the last wars.
They needed to prepare for the next war.
So they eliminated 250 ships from the Royal Navy. It was as popular as you can imagine.
He said the US should do that, get rid of most Abrams tanks, but the US will not.

If we pull out of Europe entirely and make those ungrateful bastards defend themselves we would have all the arms we need here at home...but given here at home is in the grips of totalitarian treasonous scum...perhaps we oppressed citizens are benefitting from the overstretch.


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