Topics > Economy

CBO - Debt outlook worsens


Yeah, I know, big shock!

Maybe The Fed will say that is just transitory and people can stick their heads back up their butts and whistle "Happy Days Are Here Again"!


Guess I'll need more vaseline for tax time.

Heard this on the radio today.  It is absolutely...I don't have words how this information is blasted on the radio and tv and 30% of Americans don't believe it  and 40% don't hear it.  If that mussy 40% just listened we would have some form of recall today.


In a word - stagflation-.

Yeah, recall, I wish!

Most of that 40% doesn't want to face it.  Their faces will be slammed into it and half will still be in denial!

Too many people have been conditioned into a zombie-like existence...



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