Topics > The Departed

Henry Kissinger

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100 is a good run.

Godfather of pragmatism.  People either respect him or loath him, not many in the middle.

This is a pretty good retrospective -

I like how it starts out with a bang, an idiot quoting another weak-minded fool who offed himself as if that improves the idiots ignorant assertion out of phase with actual history re: Cambodia.

Henry got a lot more right than he got wrong...and while some of his reasons may not have been the right reasons if you go opinion to opinion...he did get things done.  I had issues with the scope of détente, I think in several instances it let communists get a way with too much, but that's all water under the is the notion that business penetration into China wouldn't have its script flipped and strategically weakened America, though if acted on quickly there is still time to rescue the latter.

No doubt many will enjoy the Rus poking latter day American officials in the eyes...frankly I find it more offensive that Senate rubberstamping cowards see their role as approvong any imbecile paraded before them...

I loathed him. Few people personify what I hate about the globalist, elitist, manipulating GOP establishment wing of the uni-party more than Henry Kissinger. Would that he had died 40 years ago.

Heh, see what I mean about respect/loath?!

I tend to lean that way...much stronger in the past...but I came to realize after more reading and analysis that others that came onto the scene after Kissinger (or sidelined by Kissinger because many have been around a long time) blew past any guardrails Henry might have imposed on himself and pragmatism was redefined to legitimize raw cabalistic greed and power...making Major General Smedley Butler's "war is a racket" assessment a mission statement.  Kissinger opened the forbidden box of interrelated interest exploitation and others blew it apart to make true national interests subservient to the cabal's interests, so he does bear original sin.

And the Chi-Com's make my point for me...

...NOT the praise one should ever want.

It's on par with being praised by Stalin, Hitler or Pol Pot...or Obama or Biden...


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