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Going to Japan

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Grand daughter is. Any advise besides mine-don't go- don't fly Boeing. Not a kid, she's 33

Depends what part to a certain extent...wonder if Todd has any advice, IIRC I think he's been there.  All I know is Japanese people while modern and perhaps a bit quirky still honor traditional values of politeness and some humility, respecting others space and perhaps learning some basic phrases to show you are making an effort to communicate in their language would help.

I guess there is something called pocket wifi to help with the latter...and the link below mentions rail transportation can be tricky, which I've heard others say before...

Tons of other links to explore via websearch...


maybe this
There is a similar sub for Russian. people get help on all sort of travel and visa things

My wife usually does the heavy lifting when traveling in Asia.  Figuring out train travel was frustrating as that is a joint private/public thing, subways being government and overland being private and have different ways of paying.  Most don't speak English but at least most signs are dual language.  Eating locally is cheap.  Wanting beef or an American chain every meal though would get very expensive.  As Libertas says, just be nice and people will be nice back.  We went to Osaka for a weekend trip, then took a train to Nara (think a giant petting zoo of deer amidst all the thousand year old shrines and temples) for a day trip. 

And if that's her first trip across the world, get up and walk the aisle every hour or so.  There's some kind of condition you can get if you keep mashed into a seat too long.


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