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Woke Scottish far they've fallen into degeneracy

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Hatred begets more's the same totalitarian rat-fink schemes of despots past repackaged for racists and woketarded hate-filled deviants demanding public adoration for their mental illness and they totally despise those not warped out of shape like they are...

Accuse your doesn't have to even be just know they are guilty because they are not like you!

Yeah, this sh*t always ends horribly.  Lunatics are an existential threat to humanity.


--- Quote from: Libertas on April 09, 2024, 09:14:16 AM ---

Hatred begets more's the same totalitarian rat-fink schemes of despots past repackaged for racists and woketarded hate-filled deviants demanding public adoration for their mental illness and they totally despise those not warped out of shape like they are...

Accuse your doesn't have to even be just know they are guilty because they are not like you!

Yeah, this sh*t always ends horribly.  Lunatics are an existential threat to humanity.

--- End quote ---

as predeicted

I finished a book including the USSR show trials

Red flag laws anyone?


I remember back in the early 2000's (I think--maybe late nineties) when Scotland was granted a large bit of autonomy and self governance by GB.   During the ceremony,  which Prince Charles was in attendance,  Robert Burns' poem For a' That and a'That was read,  probably as a poke in the eye of Charles,  who was said to be looking down at his shoes during the reading:

Ye see yon birkie, ca'd a lord
         Wha struts, an' stares, an' a' that;
Tho' hundreds worship at his word,
         He's but a coof for a' that:
                For a' that, an' a' that,
                        His riband, star, an' a' that,
                The man o' independent mind,
                        He looks and laughs at a' that.

Fast forward a couple decades to when,  just a few years ago,  Scots had the opportunity to vote themselves totally independent of GB.   I thought for sure they would but apparently they were already addicted to the socialistic bennies they had been getting from the UK for so long that they would not give them up (who was it that said anyone who would give up their freedom for a little security deserve neither freedom nor security?).
Maybe now the oft played Scottish tune,  Scotland the Brave, should be renamed,  Scotland the Weak and Woke.

The same thing is happening here and has been happening for decades,  thanks to the Democrats and their entitlement giveaways. 
And we still lead the way on censorship of hate speech (defined as anything that goes against the regime/WEF-approved narrative). 
We make Scotland look like pikers in that regard.   


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