Topics > Military News/Veterans

Decline of Senior Officer Integrity and Civilian Control of the Military



I never like posting articles about the degeneration of the military...but ignoring a problem isn't going to solve the problem...

Holcombe does a pretty good job here, my only criticism is I would have liked more emphasis given to the Obama purges and the elevation of more politically amenable (to use a polite term) senior officers into (and within) the general staff.  A prime example is the current SecDef, who largely held mostly administrative roles throughout his rise in the ranks (mostly in Ops-G3 & J3) and who only "saw" actual combat time as a General.

Also, sadly...this article properly describes the lack of integrity issue in the senior ranks, skepticism of civilian oversight and declining public trust...but another way of looking at this is that at present it seems clear civilian control of the military is spotty or non-existent.


I mostly scan such headlines only. Seems to be a lot of screw ups. Ships running into each other. Lack of seamanship whatever that means. Some US warship caught fire at dock and was destroyed due to lack of fire control.

Didn't west point just change their motto?

Apple, rot at the core...leadership is the core, the rot is woke BS, strategic ignorance, corruption and dishonesty...


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