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New Rasmussen Poll

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Perry 29%, Romney 18%, Bachmann 13%, Paul 9%...16% Undecided

I still don't get Perry.  OK, he's not dumb enough to purposfully retard job creation, like O'Tard, but other than that?

Crony Capitalist, check.
Former Dem who puts his finger up to the wind, and follows, check.

It is sad that the current occupant of the WH is so incredibly incompetent, inept and awful that significant contrast is rather easily obtained.

Perry may be the best we can get for the WH.

Which makes improving the conservative bonafides of congress just that much more important.

BTW...anyone hear this George Will bit of RINO fantasy propaganda?

--- Quote ---“Amy [Walter] used the ‘e’ word that I would like to ban from public discourse: ‘establishment,’” Will said. “There is no Republican establishment. In 1966 its house organ — the Republican establishment’s – the New York Herald-Tribune died. The establishment itself died two years earlier in Cow Palace in San Francisco with the nomination of Barry Goldwater.”
--- End quote ---


He may as well have said that there are no socialists in the WH.

As bad as Perry is (and really, he could be a lot worse as implied above) he isn't an establishment guy which is evidenced by snark Rove statements.


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