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Offline AmericanPatriot

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Richard and Mark's plan to influence the 2012 election
« on: September 16, 2011, 11:34:37 AM »

Richard and Mark's plan to influence the 2012 election

Richard Viguerie has been one of the leading Conservative voices for decades
I received this email today and think there are merits.

Richard Viguerie has been one of the leading Conservative voices for decades
I received this email today and think there are merits.

Dear fellow conservative,

We wanted you to be one of the first to receive a copy of something we believe could change the 2012 election -- and many elections after that. It's about reclaiming the Constitution from scofflaw government.

The political establishment is now openly contemptuous in its disregard for the Constitution. Elected officials, judges and bureaucrats have corrupted the law that is supposed to protect society and our freedoms. Many private lawyers commit the moral equivalent of legal malpractice by aiding lawbreaking by the political establishment.

In some political campaigns we now hear talk about American exceptionalism and constitutional conservatism, but too few candidates explain the link between these important ideals. The left wants to destroy American exceptionalism, and attacks constitutional conservatism. We need candidates who understand and can articulate what constitutional conservatism is all about.

We've written what we think is a comprehensive and defining pamphlet of principles, purpose and proposals for constitutional conservatives. It articulates some key ways to reclaim the Constitution from scofflaw government, and to preserve American exceptionalism.

The pamphlet starts this way: "Government is the oldest, largest and most pervasive lawbreaker in America."

We take on the entire political establishment in our no-holds pamphlet describing how government is now society's biggest lawbreaker; so big that nothing is a close second.

Based on decades of experience fighting government lawbreaking in the name of free market conservative principles, we set forth some new ways of thinking, and perhaps confirm what others already know, about why America's exceptionalism is in decline, and how the constitutional conservative movement is the last, best chance to save our country.

We put these ideas in the context of what constitutional conservatives know to be true. Our pamphlet links great thoughts and ideals from the 18th Century English giant, Sir William Blackstone, through James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, to the modern conservative movement that began in the 1950s, and now to the Tea Party. We have set forth these ideals in a way that applies right now.

It's called "The Law That Governs Government: Reclaiming the Constitution from Usurpers and Society's Biggest Lawbreaker."

Here is a link to an excerpt from the introduction, which we call "The People's Opening Argument." [ ]

The entire pamphlet itself, which is available at, includes one appendix with 30 questions people may ask candidates for federal and state office to test their knowledge of, and fidelity to, the Constitution and constitutional conservative principles. We provide another appendix with over 200 items showing government lawbreaking, but that doesn't even scratch the surface of our scofflaw government.

Our pamphlet describes how the political establishment shows contempt for the Constitution, how it rigs the rules to protect and hide its lawbreaking, and why reclaiming the Constitution as the law that governs government may be the most important goal for conservatives if we are to govern effectively.

Above all else, our pamphlet is about what James Madison described as the remedy obtained from the people for the violations of law, the theft of our rights, and usurpation of constitutional authority.

Our principal goal in writing this pamphlet is to help launch an effort to push the Constitution into the center of the 2012 election.

We're planning a major marketing, PR, and advertising campaign to make the failure of most of our political leaders to follow the Constitution an important issue in the 2012 primaries and general election.

To begin this effort, we're writing to people of influence such as yourself, urging them to do what they can to inform and educate others.

To encourage you and others to get this message out, we're not copyrighting our pamphlet. We want to encourage you to make whatever use of it you wish with or without attribution.

Saving America is what's important -- not who gets credit for this or that. The selflessness and the sacrifices of our Founders should be an inspiration and encouragement for all of us.

This Constitution Day, it's time to do more that curse the problem. It's time to reclaim the Constitution.

Please join us in this endeavor to save America from lawbreaking government.

Yours in freedom,

Richard A. Viguerie        Mark Fitzgibbons

Offline trapeze

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Re: Richard and Mark's plan to influence the 2012 election
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2011, 11:49:26 AM »
I can't say that I have ever heard of these guys but another voice is always welcome.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline AmericanPatriot

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Re: Richard and Mark's plan to influence the 2012 election
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 12:33:57 PM »
Viguerie is old.
Been around a long time

From his Wiki page

Viguerie has been dubbed the "funding father" of modern conservative strategy in the United States by some sources.[2][3]

Viguerie worked for the Christian evangelist Billy James Hargis in his early career.

In an autobiographical note, Viguerie wrote that in 1961 he became executive secretary of the conservative youth group Young Americans for Freedom: "Since 1965, owner of direct marketing/advertising companies such as American Target Advertising. Political/campaign strategist, activist and conservative spokesman and writer."[4]

Viguerie founded Conservative Digest magazine in 1975 and served as its publisher for ten years. Opposing President Gerald Ford's election, Viguerie in 1976 unsuccessfully sought the presidential nomination of the American Independent Party, which had been formed eight years earlier by George Wallace. The party instead nominated former Georgia Governor Lester Maddox, to challenge Ford and Democrat Jimmy Carter, also a former Georgia governor.[5]

In 1977, Viguerie worked on a project to raise money for Sun Myung Moon's Children's Relief Fund, which reportedly only received 6.3% of the $1,508,256 raised. $920,000 went to Viguerie according to New York State charity auditors.[6][7]

Viguerie sought the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor of Virginia in 1985, but did not receive the nomination at the GOP state convention.

Asked by Campaigns and Elections in May 2000 what his immediate goals were, Viguerie answered:

To use the Internet to involve Americans in the political process, to help conservatives gain an advantage over the left. To fight against government's use of power, to fight for individual rights and responsibilities, and to fight to extend the blessings of liberty throughout the world.[4]

Writing in The Nation, David Corn noted that Viguerie "raised money for Judicial Watch" and is associated with Larry Klayman, a conservative lawyer and activist who had been a failed candidate for the Republican nomination for US Senate in Florida in 2004.[8]

Viguerie has long been associated with conservative activist Howard Phillips through creation of the Moral Majority in 1979.

In January 2008, Viguerie launched, a website designed to promote the 2008 presidential candidacy of U.S. Congressman Ron Paul, whom Viguerie described as "truly a principled conservative in the grand tradition of Robert Taft, Barry Goldwater, and Ronald Reagan" and who "has differentiated himself from all the other candidates, whose allegiance is to Big Government Republicanism."

Offline LadyVirginia

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Re: Richard and Mark's plan to influence the 2012 election
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2011, 01:14:26 PM »
Oh, my gosh, I hadn't heard Viguerie's name in decades....

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

Offline AmericanPatriot

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Re: Richard and Mark's plan to influence the 2012 election
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2011, 01:34:56 PM »
I get a daily email
Here is his site