Author Topic: How to Write Your Very Own Muslim Post-9/11 Victimization Article  (Read 965 times)

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How to Write Your Very Own Muslim Post-9/11 Victimization Article
« on: September 15, 2011, 03:30:19 PM »
Thursday, 15 September 2011 05:11 Daniel Greenfield

"Just as no murder trial would be complete without the murderer's family showing up in court to explain why they are the real victims, no commemoration of September 11th would be complete without a lot of articles explaining why Muslims are the real victims of their own killing spree.  

"Are you a Muslim? Have you been discriminated against by ignorant rednecks, christers and zionists? Do American flag bumper stickers offend you and do bigoted security officers harass you when you walk into an airport wearing a t-shirt with Arabic letters and a bomb belt? Then call the law offices of NBC, CBS and CPUSA to get the justice you deserve!"  

Islam is as American as Couscous and suicide bombings, and this September 11 there has been a flood of articles from Muslims explaining how they're not remotely terrorists and that we're horrible bigots for thinking that-- and how if we just understood that it's our fault that their terrorists are trying to kill us everything would be sweller than a June moon in July.

 In the interests of reaching out to Muslims and letting media outlets outsource the work of composing these things from Muslim Brotherhood affiliated university grads to cheaper labor in China; I've broken down the typical Muslim post 9/11 victimization article into a basic template that anyone in Shanghai can reproduce.

1. I was a typical America who grew up in _________ , listened to ___________ and played _________ along with my American friends and had a crush on _____________.

e.g. "I grew up in a typical American town in New Jersey where we all played basketball, rushed home to watch Saturday morning cartoons and I had a crush on Farrah Fawcett.  See I'm an ordinary American just like you and there's no need to suspect me of anything.

"I love Bruce Springsteen and sunny days. And if you could just take this suitcase along with you on a plane. Security always harasses me because they're so racist. Me? I'll be catching the next flight over. Have a nice trip. Bye American friend, let's play some B-Ball next time we meet, if you still have enough arms and legs left to do it with."

2. Every time there's a terrorist attack I feel bad about it because people become more bigoted against Muslims.

e.g. "When I turned on the news on September 11, my first thought was I hope it isn't us. And then it was us, and I knew that now we would be discriminated against even more in this incredibly racist country. As people jumped from the towers, I thought, why us, why does everything bad have to happen to Muslims.

"But then I thought that on the bright side, suddenly there would be a major market for writing pieces describing how awful September 11 made me feel, not because anyone in my family died, but because of all the negative attention directed our way. Which was totally unfair, because nobody in my family killed anyone... in this country... yet." ::jihadnanner::

Treat for the Achmed the Dead Terrorist fans
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 03:36:53 PM by jpatrickham »