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Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« on: September 15, 2011, 09:24:32 PM »
I am creating this thread to track the fortunes of (for now) Barack Hussein O'Bama in his bid for a second term.

I am not creating one for the Republicans for a couple of reasons: A) I think that the primary season is way too early and B) there are too many candidates and topics where each issue probably deserves its own thread.

After we get down to one or two or even three primary candidates then it seems to me that a Republican version of this thread will be justified.

And there is a distinct possibility that BO will either withdraw from the race (not hugely likely given his world class ego) or face a primary challenge. If that happens this thread will change course slightly but that's why I'm not naming it The SCOAMF gives the thread some flexibility. I will be chronicling the SCOAMF's electoral fortunes...polling data as it becomes available, trends in the MFM, the mood of the base and other anecdotal evidence as it seems appropriate. Obviously, others are welcome to contribute and pile on.

So without further ado here is the first entry:

In early April I posted a thread titled Trends In Public Opinion in which I theorized that the tipping point had already passed for BO...that he was past the point of no return in his re-election bid. I think this is sort of similar to trying to chronicle a recession. That is, you don't know you are in one until about six or nine months later.

Well, the tipping point is now beginning to bear fruit. This first quote is from James Carville writing an op-ed for CNN...

People often ask me what advice I would give the White House about various things. Today I was mulling over election results from New York and Nevada while thinking about that very question. What should the White House do now? One word came to mind: Panic.

We are far past sending out talking points. Do not attempt to dumb it down. We cannot stand any more explanations. Have you talked to any Democratic senators lately? I have. It's pretty damn clear they are not happy campers.

This is what I would say to President Barack Obama: The time has come to demand a plan of action that requires a complete change from the direction you are headed.

This is an explicit warning. Words aren't minced here.

Now Carville has some ridiculous advice, too, particularly about having the Justice Department just start indicting Wall Street people but the tone of the article is unmistakeable.

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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 09:25:25 PM »
And from the National Journal:

“Democrats should be very nervous," said Bill Burton, a former White House spokesman and senior strategist at Priorities USA, which is raising millions of dollars for the 2012 election. “They need to put on their war paint and get ready for what is going to be a very difficult battle. Unless activists really engage and recognize the stakes of this fight, it’s going to be impossible for the president to win."

Though Burton strongly cautioned against reading too much into any one Democratic setback, he didn’t discount the signs of Obama discontent:

*A New York City district held by Democrats since 1923 fell to the GOP in a special election on Tuesday. A Republican political novice, businessman Bob Turner, framed the vote in the heavily Jewish district as a referendum on President Obama, raising questions about the level of his support with a key Democratic constituency.

*Republican Mark Amodei on Tuesday cruised into a congressional seat in the battleground state of Nevada in a special election Democrats had hoped would expose a backlash against the GOP over its proposed Medicare overhaul. It didn’t.

*The Republican National Committee raised more than $8 million last month, marking its best August in a nonelection year and crushing the $5.5 million haul by its Democratic counterpart—even after President Obama’s birthday fundraising drive.

*In the wake of economic reports showing job creation at a standstill, the U.S. Census reported on Tuesday that one in six Americans are living in poverty. Poverty last year surged to its highest level since 1993.

*Obama’s approval rating in California, traditionally a true-blue state for Democrats, slipped to 46 percent in a new Field Poll. The latest Bloomberg Poll found most Americans don’t believe the president’s $447 billion jobs plan will lower the unemployment rate.

The mine hasn’t collapsed, but the loss in New York is definitely a dead canary,’’ said Democratic strategist Craig Varoga, president of an independent liberal group called Patriot Majority. “It is going to be a very, very difficult election, and it is time to wake up and be bold.... We have to face reality and the fact of how unhappy and scared people are.’’
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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2011, 09:30:30 PM »
And from The Politico:

Four out of 10 Jewish Americans currently disapprove of Obama, according to polling data provided to POLITICO by Gallup, which has yet to post the numbers on its website.

This 40 percent disapproval rating is 8 percent higher than the 32 percent disapproval rating among Jewish Americans that was last reported by Gallup in June.

While Obama still remains popular with Jews, the data is the latest concrete indication that the president is facing worsening problems among a key group.

Obama’s approval rating among Jewish Americans is also down to 55 percent - a five point drop from his approval rating in June, which stood at 60 percent.

Together, the rise in disapproval and dip in approval ratings are a net negative 11 point downturn for Obama among Jews.

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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2011, 09:49:51 PM »
NO way in hell SCoaMF will change course, no way.  They panic button will get hit and it'll be over-the-top hysterics and full-retard mode from now till election day and the congressional Dem's for the most part will play along when it suits them to throw raw meat to their loony base but they'll avoid the toxic SCoaMF as much as possible.  They are all boxed in with nowhere to go but to keep doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on stupid.  Like Chesty Puller said, "they can't get away from us now"!
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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2011, 10:09:49 PM »
I don't think he will willingly bow out of the race. His ego will not permit it.

I think that he will be defined by two things: His stubborn adherence to the communist principles that he was taught as a young man and his apparent general lack of intelligence as evidenced by that stubbornness.

I also think that it will be a long time before these things are officially recognized.

(Please, someone report me to AttackWatch)
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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2011, 10:18:15 PM »
I don't think he will willingly bow out of the race. His ego will not permit it.

I think that he will be defined by two things: His stubborn adherence to the communist principles that he was taught as a young man and his apparent general lack of intelligence as evidenced by that stubbornness.

I also think that it will be a long time before these things are officially recognized.

(Please, someone report me to AttackWatch)


Not me, I only read truthful statements, let them try to prove any error exists!

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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2011, 11:16:26 PM »
Mental illness cannot, at this point, be ruled out:

“Over the last couple of months there have been Democrats who voiced concerns and nervousness about, well, in this kind of economy, isn’t this just — aren’t these just huge headwinds in terms of your reelection?” Obama said.

“And I just have to remind people that, here’s one thing I know for certain: the odds of me being reelected are much higher than the odds of me being elected in the first place.

Delusion and narcissism. This type of talk has got to really go over like a lead balloon with the party elites.


“We remain very confident about our ability to win a contest of ideas in 2012,” Obama said, “as long as we can get the message out.”
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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2011, 11:23:38 PM »
He's a walking, talking, living example of denial not just being an Egyptian river.

He got the message out, loud and clear, aided and abetted by his merry band of commie thugs.

We don't want what he's selling and, although we've made that perfectly clear, he's put the onus on US as not understanding what he proposes.  I used to think if I simply rearranged sentences and used alternative language that I could make myself understood, when what I came to learn was that some people already grok what I'm saying, but THEY JUST DON'T AGREE.

I want him gone ..... and the rest with him.
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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2011, 04:33:16 AM »
Stymie most certainly won't bow out . Whether another Dem will challenge him for the nomination is a matter of conjecture . I would think no simply because I can't think of somebody who's strong enough to step in and straighten out the mess Stymie has made . Even the Dems consider this to be Stymie's Economy and to run against him would be to run against the failed core values of the Dem. Party .

If there is a Dem dumb enough to try you won't see him or her until after January when the economic trends for 2012 are more developed .

All we need do is hope that Stymies continues to plow ahead like a mule that's had the harness taken to it too many times . With the House in our control we can limit the damage between now and Jan. 2013 .

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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2011, 09:50:12 AM »

From the WSJ:

Barack Obama now faces perhaps his most politically crippling deficit of all: a credibility deficit.

That observation is reflected in the latest Bloomberg poll, which finds that on the heels of his big jobs speech last Thursday night, more than half of Americans (51%) do not believe the president's claim that this latest $447 billion spend-and-tax-or-borrow scheme will create new jobs.

"As the economy has gotten worse, people have stopped listening to Obama and his speeches are no longer an asset, they're a liability," concludes Kellyanne Conway, president of the Polling Company. That is because the gulf between three years of rhetoric and reality is so gigantic.

It is hard to make a persuasive case for a $447 billion economic stimulus plan that looks and sounds so much like the $830 billion plan that Americans were sold two-and-a-half years ago. That first plan didn't "create or save" the 3.5 million jobs the White House promised, and most Americans don't agree with Vice President Biden that it worked beyond his "wildest dreams." Tell that to the 14 million Americans—two million more than when all the spending and borrowing began—who are still out of work, or the tens of millions who do have jobs but have seen their income drop in the last two years.

At some point you have to wonder, "Who gives campaign contributions to a very dubious looking candidate?"

When will we begin to see the stories about O'Bama's underperforming fundraising and how do you suppose the MFM will spin it so as not to reflect the truth of the matter?
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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2011, 10:01:27 AM »
Good find Trap.

As I go about my Community Agitating (!) I've taken to asking dhimmis if they even know of anyone who has received one of these 'stimulus jobs'. Of course the answer is no one. Not only have they not personally benefited from pResident Downgrayedd's targeted largesse, they can't even identify anyone in their midst who has.

It is your responsibility, your duty to go out into your community and shovel the FUD like this as if your very life depends upon it. I know that mine does.

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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2011, 10:13:15 AM »

As I go about my Community Agitating (!) I've taken to asking dhimmis if they even know of anyone who has received one of these 'stimulus jobs'. Of course the answer is no one.

Along similar my day to day work activity I encounter a lot of people and I will, as the situation permits, ask them who they voted for in the last general election. I have yet to find anyone who [will admit] sez they voted for President Zero. I run into all kinds of people who say [proudly] that they voted for Clinton but no one wants to claim responsibility for a vote for the SCOAMF.

Anecdotal, I know, but there it is.
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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2011, 10:24:28 AM »
Blatant leftist hack Margaret Carlson weighs in with a (sort of) pep talk of her own.

At least the charade is over. For far too long, President Barack Obama clung to the notion that we can all get along in a bitterly divided capital and nation.

He’d come to look like a chump being rolled -- and rolled again -- by his Republican opposition. His most ardent supporters were losing faith as he sought to show independents what a reasonable fellow he is.

Last week, Obama dropped the demeanor of the Grand Compromiser and came out swinging in his address to a joint session of Congress. He kept his dukes up on his jobs tour, which he pointedly began in Richmond, Virginia, home of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. He told Congress, in effect, “Yeah, I’m going to pay for my $447 billion jobs bill by raising taxes on the well-to-do: Want to make something of it?”

This complete nincompoop (Carlson) goes yammering on from here about how O'Bama really has this election in the bag...NY-9 means nothing! Negative polling? Forget about it! Full steam ahead with more spending and higher taxes! Yay!

JPMorgan Chase predicts that Obama’s jobs bill would increase growth by 1.9 percent and create 1.5 million jobs. That doesn’t mean it will happen. Republicans are willing to risk a double-dip recession as they wait for the inauguration of President Romney or Perry, or a white knight yet to be named. “The people who sent us here,” Obama said in his speech to Congress, “don’t have the luxury of waiting 14 months” for help. In Columbus, Ohio, 3,500 people cheered when Obama said he could create jobs if other politicians stopped “worrying so much about their jobs.”

Delusional. There's really no other word for it when it comes to O'Bama acolytes. She is invested in this idiot. She admits that spending another half a trillion bucks that we don't have may not work but, dammit, we just gotta do it 'cause Barry's special or something.

Good luck with that.

And, oh yeah, 3500 paid union workers managed to turn out in Columbus, Ohio to tepidly applaud President Zero. BFD.
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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2011, 10:44:21 AM »
The pep talks just keep coming today. This one is an un-authored one (meaning it's from the management) at ]the NYT.[/b] Imagine my amusement at reading these words of "encouragement"

As soon as he proposed to pay for his $447 billion jobs plan with tax increases, President Obama knew he was going to do battle with Republicans. But he is also being challenged by Democrats because they cannot face another big pre-election fight or are thinking more about campaign contributors than the country’s best interests.

It is time for Mr. Obama to think about what Lyndon Johnson would do. Mr. Johnson did not flinch from confronting his caucus when he needed to, and neither should Mr. Obama.

I don't know how to interpret this. Should it be read as is or is the true meaning implied?

Because everyone knows what LBJ did. LBJ stepped down in 1968 rather than run an absolutely doomed campaign.

But then the NYTs goes on to cheer for some kind of a Democrat suicide pact:

Some Democrats oppose the jobs bill for its apparent connection to the stimulus law from 2009, which Republicans lambasted on their way to victories in the midterm elections in 2010. The problem with the stimulus bill is not that it did not work. The problem is that neither the administration nor Congressional Democrats ever persuasively used the evidence of its positive effect on jobs, as documented by the Congressional Budget Office and in private economic analyses.

The last thing Democrats should do now is repeat that mistake, cowing in the face of Republican tirades against government help. Economists have estimated that Mr. Obama’s plan, if fully adopted, could create 1.3 million to 1.9 million jobs next year. Despite poll after poll showing that Americans support tax increases on the wealthy, Democrats have failed to act. In 2010, with majorities in both houses of Congress, they did not even vote on letting President Bush’s high-end tax cuts expire.

The Republicans will not support the jobs bill, if only because Mr. Obama wants it. Americans need Democrats to step up now, and for Mr. Obama to lead them.

Un-real. It's sort of like a collective left wing mental illness. You have to just marvel at the NYTs, of all sources, saying that the supposed message of job creation somehow inexplicably never got out. It's like they are totally forgetting their prominent role in spreading that mythology. I suppose they are at one time both scolding the Democrats for not doing it and shifting blame from themselves for not being able to con enough dupes into believing this nonsense.

Ah well, the cheerleading (if that's what it is) continues.
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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2011, 11:19:32 AM »
Okay, one more and then I have to actually be productive and make some money. Besides, Rush just started.

This article from The Politico is yet another in the "tipping point" series where suddenly the press has turned on O'Bama. This one is perhaps a bit more blatant and striking than most to date in its criticism.

It's long and detailed. There's some angst. But mostly its pretty darned critical. Someone needs to report this to AttackWatch. Report me, too, for posting it.

The Obama administration’s belated attempt to address the looming employment crisis — after three years focused largely on reviving Wall Street, redoing health care and creating a “green” economy — reflects not only ineptitude but a deeper crisis of what is best understood as the “gentry presidency.”

Unlike previous Democratic presidents, including John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama’s base primarily lies not with the working and middle classes, who would have demanded effective job action, but with the rising power of the post-industrial castes, who have largely continued to flourish even through the current economic maelstrom.

Can you believe the following quote comes from the left wing media?

Other initiatives have slowed potential growth, particularly the threat of new draconian environmental regulations. Fossil-fuel development, for example, represents one of the best opportunities for new, high-wage employment for blue- and white-collar workers. In contrast, the massive expenditures of public money on “green jobs” has turned out to be less than effective in creating blue-collar employment.

How on Earth did that get past the editors?

Three pages and there is only the most fleeting mention of O'Bama's culpability in this mess but it is there and in the opening paragraphs.'s something. Grudging admission of presidential stupidity but admission nonetheless.

The tipping point has passed.

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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2011, 01:22:43 PM »
HITLER discovers ATTACKWATCH.. is a joke ::laughonfloor::

September 16, 2011

Hitler Discovers ATTACKWATCH is a Joke!!
Hitler Discovers ATTACKWATCH is a Joke! - YouTube ::hysterical::

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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2011, 09:23:47 PM »
Hot Air Post

Well, this is interesting...O'Bama is negative in his personal likeability polling for the first time ever? Good post. You should read it.

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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2011, 12:19:34 PM »
National Journal post about the NYT/CBS poll mentioned above.

For the first time, more Americans have an unfavorable opinion of President Obama than have a favorable opinion of him, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll released late Friday, an indication that dissatisfaction with the president's job performance and the direction of the country is dragging down how Americans view Obama personally.

Just 39 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of Obama, while 42 percent view him unfavorably. In January of this year, 40 percent had a favorable image of Obama, and 34 percent had an unfavorable opinion. In January 2009, as he was inaugurated, 60 percent of Americans had a favorable opinion of him.

Dennis Miller didn't vote for him and has never been in favor of his policies but has liked BO personally. Until now. Here is a link to a Breitbart clip from the O'Reilly show. (Miller is about the only bright spot of any O'Reilly show and thankfully he doesn't attempt to walk all over Miller in this clip.)

Anyway, what's the point?

The point is that BO may have reached a tipping point with the public (a different tipping point from the media) that, if real, he may never be able to reclaim. That is, once people decide that they don't like you (as in Dennis Miller's case) there isn't any going back on that. So this is a trend that will need to be looked at carefully over the next couple of months. I expect that the MFM will try to prop BO up and publish some polls (with dubious samplings) that try to mitigate this but if the public really has decided that BO is unlikeable then this will be much like trying to hold back the tide.

Ultimately, the MFM will follow the public. They will try to persuade and advocate but they can only beat a dead horse for so long before they begin to lose credibility (in their eyes) with the public. So eventually, grudgingly and stubbornly, they will turn on their hero. They have already begun this process but it's been more along the lines of "coaching" BO to try and get him to somehow reclaim the popularity he had during his inauguration. That's magical thinking but right now that's all the MFM has with this loser. When they really turn on him the change in tone will be unmistakeable. It will be a "blood in shark infested water" type of tone...a "piling on" type of attitude.

This is progress. There is still a tough election campaign ahead because I don't think that BO will step aside and he will still have a lot of money to spend in his doomed quest for a second term. No one on the right can relax but they can approach the campaign with confidence and a sense of inevitability rather than fear and doubt about defeating BO. Those feelings of fear and doubt exist right now but they are largely to be found within the ranks of the Democrat members of Congress (especially the Senate) where being even vaguely associated with BO can cost them several points in the polls.

If the economy weren't so deathly bad, this next year would be a happy time for conservatives.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 12:24:20 PM by trapeze »
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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2011, 12:35:17 PM »
Now on the other hand, there are always going to be those in the MFM who have taken the role of pure acolyte, true believer. This is their hill to die on and they are going to do it.

You can ALWAYS count on the government funded idiots at NPR to fill this role. They will go down with the ship because he is their sugar daddy and they know it. They embrace it. They are totally wed to this guy.

If you need proof of this total devotion and unquestioning faith by NPR in this clown I give you this link.

I am not going to post the quote here. It's too icky even for me. But you should follow the link and read the article. It's stomach churning. I am not exaggerating.

These clods have got to be defunded. Soon.
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Re: Presidential Election Watch 2012: The Democrat Edition
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2011, 12:46:00 PM »
Also of interest is the magical thinking of David Axelrod. Now, in his defense, this is the way these guys are supposed to act and sound. That's why they call it spin. But it's still funny to read:

President Obama’s re-election campaign, smarting from days of doom-saying, sent out a memo from Mr. Axelrod Friday morning, saying prognosticators busy burying any chance of an Obama Second Term don’t understand what’s really going on in the nation’s body politic. Sure, the president’s approval ratings are in dangerously low territory 14 months before the 2012 election. But Americans like his plan to create jobs and boost the economy. They trust Mr. Obama and like him.

It sure must suck to have the job of saying up is down and black is white. But I hear that the pay is pretty good.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.