Author Topic: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale  (Read 50722 times)

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Offline Predator Don

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #340 on: June 28, 2012, 11:54:30 PM »
I'm trying to let it go, especially at work. A few members understand my stances and they could tell my mood was not good.

I had to stop a trainer from lamenting the decision out loud, even tho I agree with him 100%. I want to think life will get back to " normal", but there is no normal anymore. All that's left is when will the time come when I won't accept some stupid precept my govt thrusts on me, I tell them to shove it and dare to arrest me.

I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

Offline Glock32

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #341 on: June 29, 2012, 12:27:35 AM »
We've been hearing the expression "fundamental transformation", well people, we were fundamentally transformed at 10:00 yesterday morning. If we were really meant to live under a government that is completely unencumbered from doing whatever it wants to the individual, it would have been a lot simpler to just lose the Revolutionary War, or WWII for that matter.

I just hope at some point those responsible can be held to account.
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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #342 on: June 29, 2012, 04:04:18 AM »
[A repost.]

There is a kind of tax revolt that could be put into play.  It'll take some time to get the word out, but then we've got time until next April 15th (no matter who wins this November).  My idea is this:

Tax compliance only works in this country because we voluntarily submit the forms and write the checks.  If all tax returns were sent back blank, that is filed with name and other info only, the government would be given a clear shot across the bow by We The People.  Of course, it will only work if more than 50% of taxpayers do this, especially the ones with money owed on their returns (you could even put the tax amount into some sort of 'escrow account' under the mattress).  Now doing something like filing blank tax returns would be illegal and subject one to penalties.  But we face a Hobson's Choice of penalties now.  The only way such a protest would work is by word of mouth, to get the idea into people's heads now the game plan for next April 15th.  This would be an 'anonymous' protest that could be epic or epic fail, but in any case no one would or should want to be the Rick Santelli of the 'file blank personal tax returns' movement.

The Government did not listen when over one and a half million people marched on DC in protest of Owebama/RobertsCare in 2009.  In fact, they laughed and denigrated those citizens, many taking part in a political protest for the first time, that is, they were not professional or paid protesters as the Dims are wont to use.  So we already know they ignore us.  They don't care what we think.  The only way to hit back at the beast is to starve it.  So while you can manipulate your W-4s only so much, you can reduce your current personal income tax withholding by taking a few more deductions.  That would decrease some money now, and if enough did it it might even be noticeable.  But the odds are that any tax revenue drop from that would never be noticed, especially with unemployment being so high and now sure to climb higher.  No, the only way to really hit back at the beast is to starve it on it's major feeding day, April 15th.  If enough taxpayers sent in blank tax returns, someone would begin to notice, even a dim-bulb AFSCME member.  The Government might just get the message that We The People are pissed, and here is your last chance before we decide to, well, to do whatever is necessary as Free Men And Women.

Just a thought.  Because if there's one thing the Dems can't do as a protest it's a 'denying to pay tax' protest as they too often do not work, or the tax monies are small due to minimum wage jobs; in other words, no one would notice.  But the producers whom the takers want to rape time and time again do have income, do owe taxes.  It is a protest We The People can do but the Dems cannot.  And I personally think April 15th, 2013 is a good time to do it.

Offline Predator Don

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #343 on: June 29, 2012, 07:03:02 AM »
[A repost.]

There is a kind of tax revolt that could be put into play.  It'll take some time to get the word out, but then we've got time until next April 15th (no matter who wins this November).  My idea is this:

Tax compliance only works in this country because we voluntarily submit the forms and write the checks.  If all tax returns were sent back blank, that is filed with name and other info only, the government would be given a clear shot across the bow by We The People.  Of course, it will only work if more than 50% of taxpayers do this, especially the ones with money owed on their returns (you could even put the tax amount into some sort of 'escrow account' under the mattress).  Now doing something like filing blank tax returns would be illegal and subject one to penalties.  But we face a Hobson's Choice of penalties now.  The only way such a protest would work is by word of mouth, to get the idea into people's heads now the game plan for next April 15th.  This would be an 'anonymous' protest that could be epic or epic fail, but in any case no one would or should want to be the Rick Santelli of the 'file blank personal tax returns' movement.

The Government did not listen when over one and a half million people marched on DC in protest of Owebama/RobertsCare in 2009.  In fact, they laughed and denigrated those citizens, many taking part in a political protest for the first time, that is, they were not professional or paid protesters as the Dims are wont to use.  So we already know they ignore us.  They don't care what we think.  The only way to hit back at the beast is to starve it.  So while you can manipulate your W-4s only so much, you can reduce your current personal income tax withholding by taking a few more deductions.  That would decrease some money now, and if enough did it it might even be noticeable.  But the odds are that any tax revenue drop from that would never be noticed, especially with unemployment being so high and now sure to climb higher.  No, the only way to really hit back at the beast is to starve it on it's major feeding day, April 15th.  If enough taxpayers sent in blank tax returns, someone would begin to notice, even a dim-bulb AFSCME member.  The Government might just get the message that We The People are pissed, and here is your last chance before we decide to, well, to do whatever is necessary as Free Men And Women.

Just a thought.  Because if there's one thing the Dems can't do as a protest it's a 'denying to pay tax' protest as they too often do not work, or the tax monies are small due to minimum wage jobs; in other words, no one would notice.  But the producers whom the takers want to rape time and time again do have income, do owe taxes.  It is a protest We The People can do but the Dems cannot.  And I personally think April 15th, 2013 is a good time to do it.

Rick, as a small business owner, I have a slightly different tact which I'll be implementing, at least in the short term. I've always tried to be as truthful and honest as I could in regards to paying my taxes, only using legal means in which to reduce my tax burden. I've always rendered "my fair share" and along with my CPA, we have legally kept my business Taxes low.

 You know, business isn't so good and my sales have been falling. I may find myself several thousand dollars short this year......probably will need to reduce the hours of an employee or two.....I certainly hope they can " live" on less money shown on thier W2. My salary will probably take a hit, but being the compassionate conservative I am, I will give more to charity in the coming years.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

Offline Libertas

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #344 on: June 29, 2012, 08:09:56 AM »
The Republic of the United States of America
7/4/1776 - 6/28/2012 9:00 CDT

By intent and need I refrained from logging on here yesterday.  Like others I had a really bad feeling that this would be the day that would decide the fate of America once and for all.  By rewriting the healthcare law and classifying it as a tax the Supreme Court as witnessed by the traitorous action of Chief Justice Roberts has ruled that Congress has unlimited power to pass any and all legislation no matter how wrongful or injurious to We the People it may be.  We no longer live in a free republic that respects liberty, individuals, property or unalienable human rights.  We have been told to accept slavery as the new "normal" condition of man.  Politics is henceforth insufficient to remedy the evil which has officially taken root in our once proud republic.  Replacing Obama with Romney, replacing Democrats with Republicans and replacing Supreme Court justices is insufficient in and of itself to safeguard our rights and liberties granted to us by our Creator.  To believe otherwise denies reality.  People can replace all of the above and rollback some of the excess, but the nature of the beast will march on.  What has happened before can and will happen again.  We can fool ourselves into believing that replacing all of the above will right what has been wrong, but it is all temporary.  Precedent has been set, define any and all bills as a tax and power is unlimited for whoever occupies power.  Occupying power is now the only reason to seek higher office more so than ever before in history.  Those who thirst for power will come like moths to flame.  If we think we have been ill-served by our elected representatives before, it will pale in comparison to what will gravitate to power now.  And with one major party permanently wedded to fighting with both hands behind their backs and their heads up their asses and willingly clinging to naïve sentiments of fair play and decency and who demonstrate a complete lack of ability to learn from their many mistakes…it does not take one long to realize where we are headed.  Some may argue that we have one last chance, that this time the people will arise in a massive political tsunami.  I have heard that one more times than I can count, and look where we are.  Some argue this time the people will wake from their sloth and slumber and all will be well.  I have been waiting since Reagan, we’ve had H.W.Bush, the tainted Clinton Presidency and 9/11 and G.W.Bush, and look where we are today.  We had a good run, the world has gone toxic and now we have reached our point of no return…our republic is gone in all but name.  Abuses and usurpations are the new reality, the new SOP for America, and still America sleeps.  Sure, some are stirred, shocked at was has become of our nation, but many will still willingly stay asleep because they are fearful of accepting reality and realizing our only way out of this fate is too much for them to bear.  Arguments will ensue.  Why did this happen?  Was Chief Justice Roberts reacting badly to his medication as suggested by Michael Savage, or was he a liberal all along?  Was Roberts “gotten to” as the anecdotal evidence suggests (the release of the healthcare opinion indicates that Roberts changed his vote late in the game, too late to correct language indicating the four hardcore liberals on the court were in the “minority” dissent) and my mother believes?  These questions deserve answers but they are immaterial to the issue before us as a people and a nation.  People have to decide which side to take – the side of tyrants and slaves or the side of freedom and liberty.  It is that simple.  I will fight tyranny to the death and I will die before becoming a slave.  I am on the righteous side of God-given rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and I will openly resist these abuses and usurpations to my last breath.  I can only pray that most of my fellow countrymen are of a like belief and are committed to act accordingly.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #345 on: June 29, 2012, 08:10:58 AM »
Roberts vote -

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline John Florida

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #346 on: June 29, 2012, 08:16:15 AM »
The way I'm seeing it it's like this bastarb has his foot on my throat and anytime he feels like it he can put more pressure on it.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #347 on: June 29, 2012, 08:35:46 AM »
Yup, and what is more infuriating is that a lot of people are OK with that.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline AmericanPatriot

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #348 on: June 29, 2012, 08:57:52 AM »
The Republic of the United States of America
7/4/1776 - 6/28/2012 9:00 CDT

By intent and need I refrained from logging on here yesterday.  Like others I had a really bad feeling that this would be the day that would decide the fate of America once and for all.  By rewriting the healthcare law and classifying it as a tax the Supreme Court as witnessed by the traitorous action of Chief Justice Roberts has ruled that Congress has unlimited power to pass any and all legislation no matter how wrongful or injurious to We the People it may be.  We no longer live in a free republic that respects liberty, individuals, property or unalienable human rights.  We have been told to accept slavery as the new "normal" condition of man.  Politics is henceforth insufficient to remedy the evil which has officially taken root in our once proud republic.  Replacing Obama with Romney, replacing Democrats with Republicans and replacing Supreme Court justices is insufficient in and of itself to safeguard our rights and liberties granted to us by our Creator.  To believe otherwise denies reality.  People can replace all of the above and rollback some of the excess, but the nature of the beast will march on.  What has happened before can and will happen again.  We can fool ourselves into believing that replacing all of the above will right what has been wrong, but it is all temporary.  Precedent has been set, define any and all bills as a tax and power is unlimited for whoever occupies power.  Occupying power is now the only reason to seek higher office more so than ever before in history.  Those who thirst for power will come like moths to flame.  If we think we have been ill-served by our elected representatives before, it will pale in comparison to what will gravitate to power now.  And with one major party permanently wedded to fighting with both hands behind their backs and their heads up their asses and willingly clinging to naïve sentiments of fair play and decency and who demonstrate a complete lack of ability to learn from their many mistakes…it does not take one long to realize where we are headed.  Some may argue that we have one last chance, that this time the people will arise in a massive political tsunami.  I have heard that one more times than I can count, and look where we are.  Some argue this time the people will wake from their sloth and slumber and all will be well.  I have been waiting since Reagan, we’ve had H.W.Bush, the tainted Clinton Presidency and 9/11 and G.W.Bush, and look where we are today.  We had a good run, the world has gone toxic and now we have reached our point of no return…our republic is gone in all but name.  Abuses and usurpations are the new reality, the new SOP for America, and still America sleeps.  Sure, some are stirred, shocked at was has become of our nation, but many will still willingly stay asleep because they are fearful of accepting reality and realizing our only way out of this fate is too much for them to bear.  Arguments will ensue.  Why did this happen?  Was Chief Justice Roberts reacting badly to his medication as suggested by Michael Savage, or was he a liberal all along?  Was Roberts “gotten to” as the anecdotal evidence suggests (the release of the healthcare opinion indicates that Roberts changed his vote late in the game, too late to correct language indicating the four hardcore liberals on the court were in the “minority” dissent) and my mother believes?  These questions deserve answers but they are immaterial to the issue before us as a people and a nation.  People have to decide which side to take – the side of tyrants and slaves or the side of freedom and liberty.  It is that simple.  I will fight tyranny to the death and I will die before becoming a slave.  I am on the righteous side of God-given rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and I will openly resist these abuses and usurpations to my last breath.  I can only pray that most of my fellow countrymen are of a like belief and are committed to act accordingly.

Libertas, may I repost elsewhere (with a link back here, of course) and send this on to some email friends?

Offline John Florida

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #349 on: June 29, 2012, 09:05:19 AM »
Yup, and what is more infuriating is that a lot of people are OK with that.

  Sheep waiting for slaughter.
All men are created equal"
 Filippo Mazzie

Offline Libertas

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #350 on: June 29, 2012, 09:08:20 AM »
The Republic of the United States of America
7/4/1776 - 6/28/2012 9:00 CDT

By intent and need I refrained from logging on here yesterday.  Like others I had a really bad feeling that this would be the day that would decide the fate of America once and for all.  By rewriting the healthcare law and classifying it as a tax the Supreme Court as witnessed by the traitorous action of Chief Justice Roberts has ruled that Congress has unlimited power to pass any and all legislation no matter how wrongful or injurious to We the People it may be.  We no longer live in a free republic that respects liberty, individuals, property or unalienable human rights.  We have been told to accept slavery as the new "normal" condition of man.  Politics is henceforth insufficient to remedy the evil which has officially taken root in our once proud republic.  Replacing Obama with Romney, replacing Democrats with Republicans and replacing Supreme Court justices is insufficient in and of itself to safeguard our rights and liberties granted to us by our Creator.  To believe otherwise denies reality.  People can replace all of the above and rollback some of the excess, but the nature of the beast will march on.  What has happened before can and will happen again.  We can fool ourselves into believing that replacing all of the above will right what has been wrong, but it is all temporary.  Precedent has been set, define any and all bills as a tax and power is unlimited for whoever occupies power.  Occupying power is now the only reason to seek higher office more so than ever before in history.  Those who thirst for power will come like moths to flame.  If we think we have been ill-served by our elected representatives before, it will pale in comparison to what will gravitate to power now.  And with one major party permanently wedded to fighting with both hands behind their backs and their heads up their asses and willingly clinging to naïve sentiments of fair play and decency and who demonstrate a complete lack of ability to learn from their many mistakes…it does not take one long to realize where we are headed.  Some may argue that we have one last chance, that this time the people will arise in a massive political tsunami.  I have heard that one more times than I can count, and look where we are.  Some argue this time the people will wake from their sloth and slumber and all will be well.  I have been waiting since Reagan, we’ve had H.W.Bush, the tainted Clinton Presidency and 9/11 and G.W.Bush, and look where we are today.  We had a good run, the world has gone toxic and now we have reached our point of no return…our republic is gone in all but name.  Abuses and usurpations are the new reality, the new SOP for America, and still America sleeps.  Sure, some are stirred, shocked at was has become of our nation, but many will still willingly stay asleep because they are fearful of accepting reality and realizing our only way out of this fate is too much for them to bear.  Arguments will ensue.  Why did this happen?  Was Chief Justice Roberts reacting badly to his medication as suggested by Michael Savage, or was he a liberal all along?  Was Roberts “gotten to” as the anecdotal evidence suggests (the release of the healthcare opinion indicates that Roberts changed his vote late in the game, too late to correct language indicating the four hardcore liberals on the court were in the “minority” dissent) and my mother believes?  These questions deserve answers but they are immaterial to the issue before us as a people and a nation.  People have to decide which side to take – the side of tyrants and slaves or the side of freedom and liberty.  It is that simple.  I will fight tyranny to the death and I will die before becoming a slave.  I am on the righteous side of God-given rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and I will openly resist these abuses and usurpations to my last breath.  I can only pray that most of my fellow countrymen are of a like belief and are committed to act accordingly.

Libertas, may I repost elsewhere (with a link back here, of course) and send this on to some email friends?

Of course AP!   ::hat-tip::
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #351 on: June 29, 2012, 09:09:12 AM »
Yup, and what is more infuriating is that a lot of people are OK with that.

  Sheep waiting for slaughter.

Yeah.  Oh well, can't say they were not warned.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline warpmine

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #352 on: June 29, 2012, 09:12:51 AM »

Oops! I didn't realize another thread had already been posted
« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 10:44:40 AM by warpmine »
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The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.

Offline IronDioPriest

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #353 on: June 29, 2012, 09:23:11 AM »
...Rick, as a small business owner, I have a slightly different tact which I'll be implementing, at least in the short term. I've always tried to be as truthful and honest as I could in regards to paying my taxes, only using legal means in which to reduce my tax burden. I've always rendered "my fair share" and along with my CPA, we have legally kept my business Taxes low.

 You know, business isn't so good and my sales have been falling. I may find myself several thousand dollars short this year......probably will need to reduce the hours of an employee or two.....I certainly hope they can " live" on less money shown on thier W2. My salary will probably take a hit, but being the compassionate conservative I am, I will give more to charity in the coming years.

I smell whatchyer cookin'.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

- Thomas Jefferson

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #354 on: June 29, 2012, 09:24:36 AM »
Tax compliance only works in this country because we voluntarily submit the forms and write the checks.  If all tax returns were sent back blank, that is filed with name and other info only, the government would be given a clear shot across the bow by We The People.  Of course, it will only work if more than 50% of taxpayers do this, especially the ones with money owed on their returns (you could even put the tax amount into some sort of 'escrow account' under the mattress).  Now doing something like filing blank tax returns would be illegal and subject one to penalties.  But we face a Hobson's Choice of penalties now.  The only way such a protest would work is by word of mouth, to get the idea into people's heads now the game plan for next April 15th.  This would be an 'anonymous' protest that could be epic or epic fail, but in any case no one would or should want to be the Rick Santelli of the 'file blank personal tax returns' movement.

I reduced my W-4 deductions the day the stimulus passed.   The Wage slaves on W-4s can't do much.  A blank form causes the IRS more work, but then they don't  tell you about it  for a  year later and add penalties for late payment that will often be more than the tax itself. After all  - you are a year late.  So fill out your tax form like it should be.  Use paper so a human has to look at it.  Maybe make 3-5  mistakes and then file 3-5  separate amended forms - all on paper.  Do not e-file.  Smudge certain fields so they are legible, but unlikely to be read by OCR.  You want a human looking at every page. And all perfectly legal. After all everyone makes mistakes.

We are third world now. This is a Banana Republic.  In those places people hide money, misreport income, use all cash for transactions, and   bribes to officials to pay lower taxes are common place, and its only a matter time till they become so here. But to benefit from that you must become incorporated. The link explains why. Bonus is doing so will double and maybe quadruple the paperwork.   Predator Don has the right track. You have to become your own small business.  You must look to the IRS like two people. A Cheater - one of them, playing ball. And a poor looter/taker wage slave, cruelly exploited by that cheater.   This trick lets you take a 6 figure income and turn it into two separate five  figure incomes, taxed accordingly, and again its perfectly legal. Many expenses are legally deductible.  Its more paperwork and hassle  for you, but reducing your tax bill will be worth it.    

Finally. Just Reduce your income. They have made it clear you are a slave. They have made it clear that what work you do, you do for them. Your "freedom" is what is left over after they have extracted what they want from you, and the demands will now be increasing every year. But the "poor" always seem to get the "breaks" don't they.  And "Poor" is usually measured  on income.  This little tax/penalty doesn't apply to them, because the government will give them money to buy the insurance.

If possible, pay off or eliminate any loans, and reduce what you need.  Move to a smaller house. (The American dream used to be 1200 sq ft, 3 beds and a bath. IF you were rich you had a dishwasher )  Eat out less. Cancel the cable (watch Netflix or Hulu if you need it) Grow some of your own food. Become as independent and self-sufficient as possible - so that when you become a dependent slave  of the government, you are not actually so. When Peter Schiff went to OWS a woman told him that he couldn't quit - he was a go-getter- he could not help himself but to earn great piles of cash. That he was too greedy to do otherwise. We need to show them that is BS.

 Find and get on as many govt programs as you can legally qualify for.  We need to not just starve this beast, but Cloward-Piven it to death. After all, they have made it clear this is not your country. That people like you are not welcome here except as slaves.  Its time to use the lefts own tools to bring it down ( but even if we don't, its going to happen. Lets make it happen on our schedule.) Empty the bank accounts. Cash out the IRAs ( and pay the  damned 10% penalty)  - its only a matter of time before they just seize and invest that money - socializing our retirement funds. Use cash whenever possible.  Use prepaid credit cards like Greenbank to pay the bills where cash won't be accepted.

If you can and feel comfortable living and working abroad, go and go NOW.  They have a really hard time tracking  your income then. There  may even be freer and better places to live now if you can fit in.  And fitting in will be key.. when the dollar goes Americans are going to universally despised ( right now we are tolerated because we bring money)  The "ugly American" refugees will be everywhere and unlike America - Racism is an accepted and long standing practice everywhere else in the world.  In other words, if you can pass for the right color or have family, this is an option. Otherwise, make friends in a small place and prove in advance you "aren't one of THOSE  Americans"

I don't know if the government or the liberals  realize what they have released. That the final line in the sand was crossed. That any goodwill or tolerance we had for the liberals is gone. That in order to actually pay for this, they will have to get out the whips and chains and drop the facade that they are well meaning and generous and act like the slavers they are, and then its on.


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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #355 on: June 29, 2012, 09:36:53 AM »
Roberts did not destroy the ideas captured in our founding documents.  On the 4th I will be reminding my children of that.  These are ideas to be carried within them no matter where the family may end up.  As long as even one person walks this earth and believes those ideas which are the culmunation of centuries of Western thought then Evil will not win.
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

Offline Libertas

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #356 on: June 29, 2012, 09:53:15 AM »
I agree LV, the sentiments of our Founders live on, even if the nation they created no longer exists.  If we remember Founding Principles perhaps one day they can be reconstituted in a new America.

And Weisshaupt, the "Empty the bank accounts. Cash out the IRAs ( and pay the  damned 10% penalty)  - its only a matter of time before they just seize and invest that money - socializing our retirement funds" plan is being implemented.  I think it is a matter of when not if, and before tax rates can go any higher I am pulling out now.

My Galtification plans have to be accelerated.  Again!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline AmericanPatriot

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #357 on: June 29, 2012, 10:55:57 AM »
Empty the bank accounts. Cash out the IRAs ( and pay the  damned 10% penalty) 

At least until we go all cashless.
Brush up on bartering skills

Offline IronDioPriest

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #358 on: June 29, 2012, 11:01:16 AM »
Krauthammer, for what it's worth:

...That’s not how I would have ruled. I think the “mandate is merely a tax” argument is a dodge, and a flimsy one at that. (The “tax” is obviously punitive, intended to compel.) Perhaps that’s not how Roberts would have ruled had he been just an associate justice, and not the chief. But that’s how he did rule.

Obamacare is now essentially upheld. There’s only one way it can be overturned. The same way it was passed — elect a new President and a new Congress. That’s undoubtedly what Roberts is saying: Your job, not mine. I won’t make it easy for you.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

- Thomas Jefferson


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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #359 on: June 29, 2012, 11:23:28 AM »
So the Republic ends not with the bang of a gun but with the bang of a gavel.  Wonderful.

I have felt ill since yesterday and I really can't afford the stress.

Oh well, I guess I'll imbibe those sea breezes I didn't consume yesterday.